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The Law of Greatness: How To Become & Remain A Leader

To many people, leaders are born; while some believe that leaders are made. Still, some of us think that leaders are born and made – since a man must first be born to be made.

Whether born or made, a leader is expected to have influence over a people or group, and he or she is expected to use the influence to change the experience of the people that follows.

We have discovered that a leader is irrelevant without the people: for it is needs of the people that produce their leaders. If the people have no need of direction, comfort or hope; then, a leader is not required by and for them.

Having gotten a clearer view of the responsibility of a leader, the question then is, "How can one become a leader over other people?" That question is an all time important question in the hearts and minds of countless people across generations and nations. While the question is not new, the answer is equally not new.

Reading through the gospel of Jesus Christ according to Matthew in the Bible, I found an answer to that question. Let us all see what I saw:

"At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who then is greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst of them, and said, “Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me."

Matthew 18:1-5

The leaders-in-training (disciples) under Jesus Christ came to at a point, there desire wasn't vague; they wanted to know the important sphere or rank or opportunity or phase or hierarchy in the government of God. What point can one get to that one can rest in fulfillment of God's purpose. At what point can one be sure he or she is at the center of God's will for his or her life or being?

To answer them, Jesus brought a young child to their midst and told them that the way to become a part of the government of God is by becoming a child – be born again! Nothing only becoming fresh in one's mind, but also becoming soft-hearted. If that happens to anyone, such a person will gain access into the government of God.

To become important however, a man or woman must deliberately humble himself or herself. You see, to become a leader, you must have a different mind and a new (soft) heart; to remain in leadership over a long period of time, you must deliberately become humble. For anyone who humbles himself will be exalted. Exalting oneself does not translate into one's real growth or influence; however, humbling oneself under the hand of God is what compels God to lifting any man or woman up. Since God is in heaven, His decision to raise anyone up will translate into visible growth (greatness or influence) on earth.

I have realized that it is what takes a man up that must keep a man at the top. If a man rises by manipulation, lies and corruption; he must manipulate to remain there. True influence in God's Kingdom is not automatic for the experienced, aged and positioned men and women – who claim to be called by God. True influence is reserved to anyone who humbles himself or herself under God. If you accept God's will for your life and you stick with it, Jesus says that you're in the class of the greatest (most important, influencer & useful) in the Kingdom of God. God can use you for anything at any time; so He tags you – Great!


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