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The Ministry Instruments of God: Men That God Uses on Earth

Ministry books, messages and articles are everywhere; yet there is a need for more – more to unravel the hidden mysterious; more demystify the myths of ministry; and more to help any man or woman without any theological education to fulfill his or her ministry on behalf of God among men.

Ministry is not peculiar to churches or Para-churches; and is not peculiar to God; since the devil also has his committed members – some are called demons; while a whole lot more are called Fathers, Mothers, Chairmen, Governors, Honourables, Speakers, Senators, Presidents, and Teachers and so on. What that tells us is that, every man is either ministering to God (serving the LORD God through his or her life, actions, words and associations); or ministering to satan, spreading his influence among men (cheating, fornicating, stealing and oppressing other people).

A minister is a man under commission for the will and interest on his master. Recently, I heard about a Nigerian-born American soldier, who was just decommissioned as a Major; hence, a soldier in an Army is ministering before the government of his or her nation. You do not need a pulpit to minister to God; nor a shrine to minister to satan – all you need is a willing and committed heart to expand or prosper the interest, will and agenda of your master or lord.

For instance, the book of Acts in the Bible chronicled a short account of the greatest King of Israel from historical time to date:

For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers and saw corruption.

Acts 13:36

David was a rare king in Israel, to the extent that his dominion (reign) became the standard of measurement for his successors over generations. The question then is, “how come he was able to do all that?” I must admit that, although we call David king, he was actually a minister – perhaps, a minister-king! Why did I say that? David spent around 40 years of his life as a king; but he spent the whole of his life serving his family, his nation and his generation. He was more of a born servant than a born leader. However, the irony of leadership is that, true servants (ministers) become the best leaders.

Now that you know that God does not need to put collar on your neck or a small cap on your head to make you His minister; instead, He requires your willing and faithful heart to His will for your life, nation and generation. Therefore, true ministry is about serving the will of God in whatever capacity He chooses – and not about noise or uniforms!

From the title, we understand the apparent importance of instruments in every ministry. Before God, any instrument can be of good service – as it is not much about the instrument used; but about effectiveness of the ministry or service.


“Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the LORD!

Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

And some of the Pharisees called to Him from the crowd, Teacher, rebuke Your disciples.”

But He answered and said to them, “I tell you that if these should keep silent, the stone would immediately cry out.”

Luke 19:38-40

May stones, objects and people not take my place in the plans of God in Jesus name. Jesus has been prophesied over generations as the King, who will reign over the throne of David forever. And it was further prophesied that He would enter Jerusalem (the seat of power) as a King – and as King, there must be some heralding. When the people saw His glory, they began to shout and sing; while some men wished that the people remain silent. However, Jesus revealed the omnipotence of God and said that to men, certain things may appear impossible; but to God, all things are possible – including stones praising God.

Apparently, ministry unto God is not and must not be in the power and wisdom of man; but of God. Therefore, if God’s will is that you preach around or teach; then, you must do it continually in the power and the wisdom of God. If God’s will for your life is that you become a trusted Craftsman or Plumber or Carpenter or Engineer; then, according to the book of Exodus 31:1-6; you must do it in the power and wisdom of God – that is ministry!

—- Ministry is doing the will of God in the power and the wisdom of the LORD God! —-

But before we end this discussion, I must not fail to show you what the LORD has shown me by mercy about being an effective ministry instrument in God’s hand.

Now when they drew near Jerusalem, and came to Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples, saying to them, “Go into the village opposite you, and immediately you will find a donkey tied, and a colt with her. Loose them and bring them to Me. And if anyone says anything to you, you shall say, ‘The Lord has need of them’. And immediately he will send them”………

So the disciples went and did as Jesus commanded them. They brought the donkey and the colt, laid their clothes on them, and set Him on them.”

Matthew 21:1-7

From the passages above, it becomes clear that God is not limited and confused by instruments for His service (ministry). According to the Prophecy (the unfailing Word of God), Jesus was going to ride on a donkey and a colt into Jerusalem. If I may ask please, “Were these animals born when that prophecy came?” Was Jesus physically on earth when the prophecy came? The truth is, what we call successful ministries today, are simply the fulfilled prophecies of God. And the same prophecy that founded them, is the reason for their continual growth, expansion and establishment. May I then ask, “What prophecy of God is the basis upon which your life is founded and what word of God is the basis for the pattern of your life and its outflow to others? For no ministry can be when God has not spoken. However, no man or authority can stop or defeat the fulfillment of any word of God for your life.

Because of purpose (as expressed through prophecy), the animals were preserved; but the question is, how come the animals were preserved untouched till then? The wisdom for us is simple, “you may think that your life is for nothing because of your current isolation, seclusion or “confinements”; but the truth is – God is simply preparing and preserving you for the work of your life – ministry!

For the disciples, their own obedience was not a waste; as they met the incidence, just as predicted (better still, prophesied) by the Lord. This implies that ministry is not about the fun-fare; but sacrifice in obedience. As you obey God, He perfects your life and makes you a better instrument in His hand.

Lastly, on that passage, it was concluded that the disciples brought them (the animals) to Him, and He sat on them. The secret of effectiveness in ministry as instruments of God is summarized with those words, “…and He sat on them”. Would you allow God (your Creator and Maker) to sit on your life; or would you allow the devil (your accuser and deceiver) to sit on your life. The truth is, your life, marriage and business – ministry, will always be a shadow (a reflection) of whoever sits on them! The choice is yours; but the determinant of consequences is not yours – therefore, choose very carefully!

When God sits on your life; it may seem too long a process or covering or hiding; however, the imminent glory and virtue is incomparable.

And He went up on the mountain and called to Him those He Himself wanted. And they came to Him. Then He appointed twelve, that they might be with Him and that He might send them out to preach, and to have power to heal sicknesses and to cast out demons.

Mark 3:13-15

May I note in conclusion that your wisdom and power in ministry (as regards marriage, outreaches, businesses and others) would always be to the degree and dimension of your willingness and commitment to be with Jesus – your only link to the Father!

Become an effective instrument in the hand of God, make full prove of your ministry – serve God’s will among men!


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