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Secret of Success In Life & Business: How To Gain Competitive Advantage

Success could be described as the attainment of some heights, or the accomplishment of some set goals. We could also describe success as victory in the face of oppositions. No matter how we choose to describe success however; it is apparent that every sensible or reasonable human being desires success. No man hates success; yet not every man become successful by whatever definition.

I believe that the first step towards success is a firm understanding of it and how to become or get it. Life and business share one particular experience – and it is battle. Whether in life or business; there are countless battles that must be fought and won. Although, so many people want to assume that they are not fighting battles; the best or the success minded people understand that they are in the battlefields and they know their enemies.

Now it happened when Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem the Arab, and the rest o our ENEMIES heard that I HAD REBUILT THE WALL, and that there were no breaks left in it (though at that time I had not hung the doors in the gates), that  Sanballat and Geshem sent to me, saying, "Come, let us meet together among the villages in the plain of Ono." BUT THEY THOUGH TO DO ME HARM.

Nehemiah 6:1-2

In life, each one of us will face and fight battles; however, while many people face and fight their battles unprepared and unaware; the successful people face and fight their battle in knowledge and understanding of their enemies and their battlefields. Many times, what confronts us in life and business are very subtle an deceptive in appearance; but the successful still make efforts to know their environments and their enemies ((competitors).

I therefore believe that the secret for success, or if you may, victory in the battles of life and business is awareness. You must be aware of your threats and the ones that threatens you. Business people understand what is called SWOT analysis – analyzing your business Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats. It is believed that your business success is tied to that analysis. I am of the opinion that the best way to win is to first know that you are in a competition; and to know the competitors.

In the Scriptural reference above, Nehemiah knew that he and his people had enemies….they were only set out to build the broken walls of their nation; yet, some people became envious of them, and became their enemies. It therefore appears to me that irrespective of your motive for attaining great heights in life and in business; some people and some organizations will usually position themselves against you and your cause (vision). It is said that once a man takes a position in life; some people will oppose the position. those who oppose your position in life and business are the oppositions; and you must be aware of their existence and their plan: for your success is usually at the expense of their joy and peace.

Therefore, do not become ignorant of threats or enemies; become aware of them: for in that knowledge lies your secret for success in your life and business pursuits.


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