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Leadership Principle: Taking Responsibility for Your Organization, Nation & Generation

Inside every nation are generations; and the relevance of men or women is usually ( but not always) tied to their generation. The implication of that truth is that, there is usually a window of relevance for every man or woman within his or her generation. If such a person misses the window; he or she has missed his or her generation. 

Generations come and generation pass; but the earth remains forever – Ecclesiastes 1:4; and that implies very strongly that generations are times and seasons – that is, every generation is a time or season. Hence, every man or woman has his or her time or season of relevance; once missed, disregarded, ignored or abused or misused; it will take God's help for such a fellow to find another chance.

accepting responsibilityThe matter of generation is therefore not an issue that can be avoided or ignored; for every man or woman is born for such a TIME as THIS in every dispensation. In the time (generation) of Apostle Peter in the Bible; after the Lord Jesus Christ had sent His Holy Spirit into each disciple at the upper room; Peter arose to the demands of the season or time (generation); he saw the need to act for the restoration of dominion (honour, riches, power, blessing, strength, wisdom and glory) to the people of Israel. As far as Peter was concerned, the people of Israel needed to turn to their God for a time of refreshment to come from God to them (Acts 3:19); and he worked with God to ensure that His purpose was established in his own nation and generation. 

Friend, in your own nation, there are times and seasons. There was a time you were not born; many things happened that God never held you responsible for; but now that you are in that nation – not by your choice, but divine arrangement; are you still going to remain an onlooker in the affairs of your nation in your own generation? Or are you going to take responsibility for the enforcement of justice, righteousness, excellence and integrity in your nation?

ResponsibilityI am a Nigerian by biological birth for instance; and there were many election held in my nation before my birth; whether they were free and fair was not my responsibility. Whether the people understood their responsibility and authority as citizens of the country was not my responsibility. Do you know why? That was not my generation! But now that I am here, I must be responsible for the the transformation of the thoughts and lifestyle of my fellow citizens. I may not be appointed into positions of responsibility by men or government; but the LORD God of heaven and earth sent me here for a purpose at such a time as this; if you share in my vision (understanding of divine plan); then, you must arise for the sake of your generation and nation. You must speak up when necessary; you must be a model of value, excellence, transparency, integrity, honour and peace. The people around you in your neighbourhood must see you as a Model citizen and an exemplary character that worths following. 

That is the secret of men an women that changed or influenced their generation and nation – they do not wait to be employed for a work to be done by them; they accept responsibility from the Lord for their nation and generation and they enjoy God's authority and power for their efficiency and effectiveness as God's co-workers on the earth- wherever they find themselves. You too can join that train of celebrities and honourables; whom the Lord is raising for special works on the earth.


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