While the two words may begin with the same letter; they have two different meanings and implications. We
Idleness In The Marketplace: How To Find The Perfect Job
The marketplace is really the place of activity, exchange and distribution. A place of movements (progress) and purpose:
Your Most Important Gift From God: Find Out What Makes You Special
Almost intuitively, your thought would have began scanning through your experiences and personal information archives; in order to
The Most Important Assignment of Man:
Sometime ago, I watched a movie titled, "The Ultimate Gift". The movie portrayed the picture of a man

Self-Awareness: How Do You See Yourself?
The matter of awareness is a very important one, as it concerns individuals, corporations and countries. It is obvious that

The Principles for Effective Living:
Life is described as the state of being, which involves everything from breathing, to growing, to reproducing and to dying. Living

Leadership Principle: Taking Responsibility for Your Organization, Nation & Generation
Inside every nation are generations; and the relevance of men or women is usually ( but not always)

Your Purpose: Why You Are So Important
Everybody wants to be important; everybody craves for opportunities and everybody desires to be known. However, not everyone

Dare To Be Different: How Genuine Leaders Develop In Time
The drive to make a difference is an inherent drive in every human; no matter how rich or

Rediscovering Man: Understanding the Body of Man
Man is the spirit creature of God, created and formed in the image and likeness of God and put into an earthen vessel to