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Why GOD Speaks: Discover How To Create Your Future Like God

On this subject matter, we are going to be meditating together. This word that I've brought is not my word; it doesn't originate from me; it comes from the Lord. So, we want to reason together about our God. So, tonight, we are considering Why God Speaks three words, but it carries a lot of weight depending on how hungry we are. I want us to go straight to the Book of Genesis chapter 1, we will read from verse 1. The Bible says, In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.


Sir and Ma, should this portion of the Bible stop at this point, what do we think would have been the reality of our earth, the planet that is called earth, what would have been the reality today? The Bible says, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, how? We don't know! Now, in verse two, the Bible says, the earth was without form.” Perhaps, if this was not written, we wouldn't know why God must speak. He says, the earth, which was one of the things that God created. We understand that God is not just God, is the Creator of the ends of the earth. When we talk about the ends of the earth, what do we mean? Now, if you look at a rectangular pulpit for instance, it has four corners, and you will see the end of each edge. You will find out that even though the pulpit begins at a particular edge, it doesn’t end there, it spans to other edges. So, when you hear the ends of the earth, like the extreme parts of the earth, God is the Creator of all.


Now, the Bible says, “the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Bible also says, the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said!”. Actually, the right word is then God said! You know our focus is on why God speaks. The Bible says, “then God said, let there be light. Let there be light, does it show somebody who was in doubt of the expectation, or the reality in view? Was He confused about what He wanted to see? Was He apologetic, was He begging, was He apologizing? Then God said! So, until God spoke nothing happened. The condition of the earth was the same: darkness was everywhere; there was no form; there was voidness, but the moment God spoke, something happened.


So, we can even conclude from here that nothing happens until God speaks. And so, that becomes a background for us. Then God said, let there be light. And then the Bible says, “and there was light”. As soon as God was done speaking, God saw what is spoke. So, God is not one who speaks into the air, and then sees nothing. When God speaks, God sees what he speaks. One of the questions I will be asking ourselves today is when I speak, do I see what I speak? Are my words like vapour that disappears into space, or my words are tangible, can I see them? The reason why that question came so early is because of what we will see in verse 26. Let's jump to verse 26. Again, the Bible says, then God said, meaning that until this point, what we are going to see afterwards was not in existence until the Word came from God.


So, should God be like some of us who love to be quiet; we think a lot but we say nothing. No matter what goes wrong around us, we only wish them to be better, we speak nothing. Even when we are in a situation, we say we are not the only ones going through it, why should we be the only one talking­­­? There are other people around me, if somebody must speak, it should be them, not me. The best that can happen here is that I should be seen, I should not be heard. And so, the last thing we want to do especially productively is to talk. We are so good at talking destructively, talking uselessly, but we are less good, less skilful in talking productively, creatively.


When the Bible talks about somebody being a busybody, and apostle Paul was strongly against any believer doing busybody around. Now, Apostle Paul did not say stop talking, stop connecting, stop encouraging one another. He only said, don’t be a busybody. The difference is that, don't be a useless talker. Don't talk wastefully; don't talk uselessly. Let your talks be useful. We will soon realize that nothing happens on earth until God speaks. Since you must speak, you must therefore be careful that you don't speak just anything. Do we settle with that? All right.


The Bible says in Genesis chapter 1 verses 26: Then God said, let us make man in our image, according to our likeness.” If God didn't add the second side, we could say, we only share similitude with God on the basis of image or appearance. But the Bible says, according to our likeness, that is, let them function like us; let them behave like us; Let them not only share in our appearance, let them share in our attitude. Let them share in our character: the way we do things; let them do it like that.


See, it's a waste of everything if you share in the appearance of a thing, yet you lack the nature of that thing. Now, when you look at a typical vehicle; any vehicle, we will say the vehicle is a four-cylinder vehicle, a small car; they will say maybe it has above 90 horse power, or 126 horsepower. When you start getting more such as 6 cylinders, 8 cylinder you start hearing in 200 horsepower and above. So, they liking the power of the vehicle to the power of the horse. And so, please, it will be useless for a vehicle to be built after the order of an animal, yet lack the power, the potency of that animal.


So, they expect a vehicle that is built whose engine is 156 horsepower to do the same work that 156 horses tied together, what they can pull, the speed they can attain, the vehicle must match it. If the vehicle lacks that ability, then the vehicle is a shame. Or we can say is a sham.  Do we get that? When you are built in the image of a thing, you must behave like it. When an aeroplane is built to look like a bird, it must fly, do we understand? When a submarine, a submarine is a ship that goes underwater; an average ship floats on water but submarine goes underwater. And so, submarines are built after some animals like whales, whatever a whale can do, or should do; they expect the submarine to copy the same, why? It is built in the image, and it should function like, it moves like, do we understand that? And so, when God said, let us make man”; this was also made known to us because God said it.


If God had not opened His mouth, we wouldn't have it. So, God said, let us make man in our image, according to our likeness” let them not be useless copies of Us, let them be useful copies, let them be able to do the things we do, the way we do it, the result we get let them get it also. Let their lives follow the pattern that we live. Do we understand the intention of God? As God lives, He wants you to live; If you live inconsistently with the way God has wired you to live, you will never find fulfilment. You see, anybody can form to be humble, or form to be quiet, or form to be lacking ideas only for a season; anybody, that forming does not last forever. At a point in time, a man will wake up and say, “come of it!” Even the servants in my father's house are living better than this.” That's to show us how God has ordained us. We cannot perpetually function below our design and still be fulfilled. It's only a matter of time. So, you can oppress a people for a while, you can quiet a people for a while, at a time in their seasons, they will come out and begin to function as they were ordained.


So, what the Lord is showing us today is that He is a speaking God, and coincidentally, we are made in His image. W must speak, but make sure you are not a talkative, or a useless talker. Let's do research, and this might take us perhaps like 10, 20, or 15 years; or if possible 50 years to get the answer because it will take the whole of our lives. Now, from this day henceforth let's begin to gather the list of busybodies that we know in our lives. Let's begin to gather the list of those people that talk anyhow, talk rubbish, talk anytime, talk every time, talk on every matter, say nothing, say everything. Gathered their names, make your list, meet them in the future, describe the kind of future they have, and compare it to your own. Busybodies, people that talk useless talks; they have a future that is completely different from the ordained plan of God for their lives. I don’t want to begin to describe how pathetic it will be. Do you know what will happen to those people towards their journey? They will be speaking, they will be seeing what they speak, they will be speaking they will be seeing it, they will be ascribing the blame to their enemies.


You know, my village people, they have caught up with me. They must be made to sit down and reflect. What have you said; some years ago, what did you say? When you were frustrated? Look at it, Jabez, the story of Jabez only changed because somebody said something. Go and check people that have had bad experiences in life, people spoke certain things to their lives. It could have been the experience of Benjamin, but the Father refused it. Don't name my son, according to your current predicament, don't describe his future by now, with a wrong word. Let me speak the right word into his destiny. Names are words, you can wish a name, you have to speak it out. And every word has a meaning, every name has a meaning. Do we understand what we're saying? Even names, they are words that are spoken.


So, it's just a matter of time, whatever words that are spoken by you, you will see it. It is not because it's a magic; it's not because you were lucky, it is because you are designed as such. Sir, when you begin to see what you are saying, it is not because you are lucky. Ma, when you say a thing and you see it, it is not because you were right or you were fortunate, you were designed as such. Remember that Genesis chapter 1 verse 3, that God said, let there be light. Okay, did God fortunately see light? Did God accidentally see light? No, God saw light because He said it. So, in case you're asking, why does God speak? God speaks because He wants to see things. He wants to see things in our lives. He speaks to us, and wants to see things happening around us; He speaks to the situations.


So, when you speak and you see what you have spoken, you were not lucky, you were just function. Okay, because sometimes we think the evil word is more powerful than the good word. It can’t be. When you speak bad thing, people will say you're not supposed to say that; there are demons around, once they hear that, they will just say amen to it. Okay, if there are demos around, and the Bible shows us that a third (one-third) of them came from heaven, if a third came, can a third be so widespread that they are more than two-third? In every democracy, it is majority carries the vote. So, if there are demons around to say amen to your bad words, how many angels are around to say amen to your good words?


So literally, whether you say good angels, or bad angels; your words are agreed on. So, you don't say what you don't mean. In fact, if you don't have the right words in you, say the Word of God. And I will show you an example. Now, I am whatever age I am now, I'm older than my first daughter. As she is, she believes she knows so much; she can speak anything, but do you know she's limited on her vocabularies? In any language I'm more knowledgeable than my 8 years daughter. Alright!  There are times she wants to express some things, she's short of words; she could stammer in such instances. But I have words where she's lacking in words. So, Sir/Ma, in life where we are lacking in the right word for every situation, there is a Word of God for it. Whether it is the word of your father or it is your own word, as long as it came through your mouth, it will impact your life. Whatever word comes from your mouth will impact your life. So, whether you pick it from the Word of God, or it came from your inside as much as possible, make sure you speak the right word. Because what you see in life, it is a product of what you have spoken about.


Sometimes when we are alone, we say different things; the way I am feeling now, we use feeling. The way I am feeling, I'm sure before I reach


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