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The Kingdom Of The Called: How To Find Your Placement In Christ Jesus

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Genesis 1:1

Without doubt, the first thing that comes to mind as regards to the portion of the Scriptures above is that God is a Creator! However, with a closer and careful look, we could see much more. Among other things, God did not begin at the beginning; but His wisdom and power began all things. Also, at the foundation of His creation is the heavens and the earth. And I am sure that we are so clear about the truth that the heavens and the earth are not objects, animals, persons; rather, they are territories or spheres or realms.

Putting it differently, the heavens and the earth are the two strategic spheres or territories that God created from the beginning to exercise His influence upon.

The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD’s; but the earth He has given to the children of men.
Psalms 115:16

Clearly, the LORD is never confused about the purpose and the relevance of the two realms He had created: For He chose from the beginning to dwell and reign in the heaven; while the earth would be reigned over by the children of men.

In Isaiah 66:1, we are informed that God is the King of heaven; and in His fullness, we reign over the earth as His children. I therefore believe very strongly that the most pressing thing in the heart of God is not what some people cling unto today; rather, it is the Kingdom. And Jesus Christ confirmed that when He instructed us to seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness. Really, you could see God as the LORD or God or Father or Friend or Helper or Judge or as many things as He reveals Himself to you; but you must never miss the truth that God is primarily the King of heaven, and the ruler of the kings of the earth.

According to Genesis 1:1-27, God created the heavens and the earth; eventually, the earth went off divine plan, and God restored it. However, God decided to rule over the earth through His creatures that would share in His divine nature and power. And so, God gave the dominion over the earth, which He had created to His children – men (spirits with soul that possesses bodies (flesh and blood)).

He did that, not because He was weak; but that the children of men would show forth His praises – For He loves to see His works doing wondrous things everywhere. Therefore, man got the dominion over the territory of the earth; while God remained the Ruler of the heavens and the Ruler over the kings of the earth.

As we now, every kingdom is made up of the greater king, lesser kings, territories and subjects; even so, the Kingdom of God is made up of the King, His sons, His citizens and His territories. And as we have seen, the territories within the Kingdom of God is the heavens and the earth; thus, God rules in heaven and reigns over the kings of the earth.

God has spoken once, twice I have heard this: that power belongs to God.
Psalms 61:11

Among others, God is never a talkative; hence, irrespective of how many times you hear Him, He speaks once. Thus, when it appears as if God is repeating Himself; then, you must double-check yourself and make amends to your life.

In Matthew 20;1-16, Jesus likened the Kingdom of heaven (the perfect representation of God’s glory, power, wisdom, strength, blessing, honour and riches) to a landowner and his vineyard; and He concluded it with this phrase: “For many are called, but few are chosen.” And in Matthew 22:1-14, He also likened the Kingdom of heaven to a king and his son’s marriage; and He said again: “For many are called, but few are chosen.”

Really, I perceive strongly that the Kingdom of God (covering the heavens and the earth) is necessarily the Kingdom of the called. If you would like to know what I meant? Then, let me be more explicit here: Usually, kingdoms are not open to all and sundry – but to the people of the kingdom; as no one can just wake up in a morning, and desire to become a citizen or a leader in another kingdom overnight. Rather, kingdom citizenship is by royal proclamation; and kingdom responsibilities are at the king’s discretion. Hence, kingdoms grow in population by the king’s acts of graciousness in calling people unto citizenship and becomes efficient and effective by the same royal act of graciousness in calling people unto higher responsibilities in the kingdoms. No wonder, Apostle Paul as inspired by the Holy Spirit wrote that it is not of works lest anyone should boast, but we are save by grace through faith.

Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God, who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was given to us in Christ Jesus before time began, 

2 Tim 1:8-10


Of a truth, no man is saved from the destructions of this world because of his works; nor is anyone called because of works. Instead, everyone is saved (registered as citizens) and called (assigned a unique identity through responsibility) because of his works (exploits, intelligence, reputation, connections, influence, etc.); but by grace because of God’s good purpose.

The truth is, God (the King of heaven) initially gave dominion to man (hence, to all the children of men) at the beginning, but he (Adam) lost the gift of God to the devil. But in due time, Jesus (the Son of Man) came from God to recover the dominion back unto men. However, unlike before when man got dominion by birth at the Garden of Eden; everyone that desires dominion now, must be born again (reborn) through Jesus Christ and be saved – not by the person’s works, but by the grace of God to the whole world – Christ Jesus. And each one must not only accept the first call unto salvation; but must accept the second call unto servant-hood – For dominion is not for fun; but for function.

For David, after he had served his own generation by the will of God, fell asleep, was buried with his fathers,… 

Acts 13:36


Really, every man is called in Christ Jesus, first for salvation and secondly, for service. That is, everyman is given dominion by God on the earth through Jesus Christ to become a king again. Hence, in Christ Jesus, each man is entitle to a throne, through which his impact or relevance could be felt on the earth.

As we know, kings decrees justice within their jurisdictions from their thrones; hence, every man called by God unto salvation and service through Christ Jesus, must necessarily know the name of his or her throne and discharge his or her kingly responsibilities from there!

Perhaps, you would like to know the essence of salvation on your way unto the throne; then, let me say, “no stranger is entitled to any kingdom’s throne – as kingship is only the privilege of sons and citizens”. And so, what Christ Jesus does is to bring people out of their former kingdoms (of addictions, idolatry, fornication, lies, hatred, anger, masturbation, pride, bitterness, envy, sickness, poverty, afflictions, oppressions, etc.) and translate them into the Kingdom of God; by putting the Spirit of God inside them. And so, each one translated out of darkness, is put in a surer position to serve his or her generation by the will of God from his or her throne – with Christ!

Hence, Christ Jesus saves men to enthrone them on the earth as servant kings and queens; called for relevance and influence through service. So, never again struggle with God on His calling upon your life: For He actually called you to save and enthrone you for relevance on the earth.

And clearly as you know the names that men call you at home, office, school, church, etc.; you must know the name (unique identity by responsibility) that God called (assigned unto) you before He released you into your mother’s womb on the earth. 

  • For Jesus, it was “to save His people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21);
  • For Paul, it was “to bear the name of Jesus Christ before Gentiles, kings and the children of Israel.” (Acts 9:15);
  • For Moses, it was “to draw God’s people out of the land of bondage and oppression.” (Exodus 3:10);
  • For Joshua, it was “to take God’s people to their promise land” (Joshua 1:2);
  • And for John, it was “to herald the coming of Christ Jesus” (Matthew 3:3).

Honestly, I cannot tell what name (specific task) God has assigned unto (called) you; but I can confidently affirm that no man gives birth and refuse to name his child – your own Father in heaven also named you for relevance and influence on the earth. Your name might be to redefine the educational system of your nation/generation; or to restore dignity to corporate and national governance; but surely, you were called by God and your occupation or vocation must necessarily be your Kingdom calling!


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