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The Danger of Admiration: Know It, Avoid It

I believe that the things that keep the universe bond together are more invisible than visible – spiritual than physical; and I have come to realize that the biggest bond among the people of all races, cultures or tongues, is not much of things that can be handled or seen.

We are so many in the world today that without the right bonding mechanisms, we would all scatter in thoughts, direction and focus. However, our diversity is mixed with a form of bonding that keep us together and keep us united. In fact, we are guarded by most of these unseen forces of life. 

Love is the greatest of these forces, but many people believe that other things also suggest love, which has resulted in pseudo-love relationships among us.

Top on the list of what many people consider to be love is admiration. However, I have come to discover the quiet danger of admiration. It is not bad to admire a person or an entity; neither is it bad to be admired as a person or an entity. However, we must have a right perspective to overcome the possible danger of admiration. 

Admiration more often focuses more on seeking a bridge; while love focuses on keeping and building a bridge. Over 2000 years ago, many people were drawn to a Man called Jesus of Nazareth in Israel. He was such an amiable, admirable personality that cities, regions and nations came looking for Him. But at certain moments of His time among the people, He was left with only a few men and women, who were not just willing to be known by Him, but to also know Him. In short, while His admirals went for their own business pursuits; these few people abandoned all else and followed and stayed with Him.

At another instance, His faithful followers came to Him and told Him about His popularity among the multitudes of the people in the country. He responded that they are only looking for Him because He gave them bread – the previous day! You see, if you build your life on the possible crowd of admirals – fans, you might end up in disappointment. People will admire your good works, but how many people will be willing to die for you – or your cause!

I have come to realize that the greatest heartache of politicians isn't just failures at the polls; but a sudden change of songs by their teeming admirals. Bible says that Jesus did not commit Himself to men, because He knew all men. Disappointments will come, if you think that your life is a sum total of your admirals – because they are like the wind that moves here and there.

One critical thing about your admirals is that, they are scarcely committed to you. While those who truly love you wants to help you succeed, your admirals will be eager to celebrate your success. The question then is, who do you really need now – lovers or admirals? In the case of Jesus, He went for lovers. Before He departed to heaven, He asked Peter (one of His trusted followers), "Do you love Me more than these (cars, houses, wife, children, father, mother, bread, water, oxygen, employment, promotion, ambitions, etc.)?". If Jesus needed to ask that crucial question three times, maybe you and I might ask the question over and over again until we leave this earth.


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