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The Cause of Church Rivalry & Church Competition in Nigeria (Exposed): Can The Church Ever Become One?

In the book of Matthew 16:18-19, Jesus said, "…..I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven." If you meditate on the those words, you will appreciate the inevitability of opposition against the church of Christ. In fact, God said, surely they shall gather, but their gathering shall be in vain (lack results). The matter is, since God had foreteold the inevitability of rivalry of the kingdom of darkness against the church; why should we be eager again to know the cause of church rivalry – isn't the gates of Hades the sure culprit?


Why I understand your thoughts and impressions, I must also draw your attention to the enemies within the camp. You know, it is often difficult for an outsider to invade kingdoms without betrayals within the fold. When Jesus was arrested at the  Gethsemane, it was an insider who betrayed Him for 30 pieces of silver.


Today, betrayals and counter-betrayals are taking place across the church – from Asia to Europe and to Africa. We are so much into pull-him-down as we are into fall-down-and-die ministries. If the devil can't attack us because of the blood of Christ, it appears as if he is succeeding in making us use the blood of Jesus to destroy our fellow workers and soldiers.


Just few days ago, while observing the seemingly competitive tendencies of my children for my attention and favour in the house; and I understood how important each one is to me, and how ready and able I am to meet them at their individual points of needs without their struggles. It then became clear to me, the cause of rivalry in the body of Christ. We struggle in stiff competition for God's blessing, provision, support, anointing and even attendance. We assume that God is like Jacob who only had "a blessing" on his lips for a child. God is limitless and deep. He owns the cattle a upon a thousand hills. He is the Creator of the ends of the earth. Nothing is impossible for Him to think or do. He is able!


Since the devil doesn't always allow us to remember that, be compete with ourselves daily and even weekly. When one of us start a programme, we quickly setup planning committee to begin ours. We run as if there is a single path for all – yet, we all have our specific paths or lanes or columns in Christ.


My children compete for my attention because they believe that I love one more than the other. When I show one love, the other is already jealous – thinking, how can I win back Dad's favour, the very thing that was never lost. That is it! Our immaturity and low level information make us to compete instead of complete or complement ourselves. Jesus Christ is the Lord of the church (harvest); His affection for one denomination of the church is never at the expense of the others. In due season, we will always enjoy the goodness and blessings of God. However, we must put away every bitterness, jealousy and rivalry- lest we ignorantly enthrone satan in our synagogues.


May the Lord keep His church pure and united in love in Jesus name. Shalom!


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