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The Beauty of His Glory:

In this article, we'll be discussing something very, very interesting. And I believe that we'll be blessed as the Lord opens us up to these concepts. I'm sure we are familiar with it, but there will be more understanding as we go along in Jesus name.


We're looking at ‘The Beauty of His Glory. Every time we talk about God, we can't both speak of His Glory. And that's why our first Scripture is Psalm chapter 19:1-4, “The heavens declare the Glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth and their words to the end of the world. In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun”.  


The heavens declared the Glory of God, what is it about the Glory of God that the heavens are declaring? Why is it important to us that the Glory of God should be seen in our lives? There are certain things we're going to make mention in this Psalm 19 that will help us see that the Glory of God is not just for Him; the Glory of God is for us. As fantastic as the Glory of God is, God does not want to just absorb that Glory for just Himself. He wants to impart that Glory on us. He wants that Glory to be seen in us. But how will the Glory be seen in us? How will the Glory be imparted in us? That is what we will be observing.


The heavens declare the Glory of God. And if we are confused about how they declared it; he said and the firmament shows His handiwork. This is how the Glory of God is been declared. He said day unto day utters speech. The subject is the Glory of God. The chapter started with the Glory of God as a subject, the heavens declare the Glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork: the handiwork of the Glory of God; what the Glory of God has made. And he says day unto day utters speech. When they say day unto day, day unto day means that continuously, day after day, after day, after day, every day is speaking something about the Glory of God. Not just the day. Night unto night reveals the knowledge of the Glory of God. Which means it is also continuous, night unto night, yesterday night, today's night, forever night will always reveal the knowledge of the Glory of God.


There is no speech nor language where the voice of the Glory is not heard; the voice that reveals the Glory, the voice that speaks of the Glory. There is no speech nor language where the voice is not heard. If it is the Glory of God, then there is no language barrier. If it's the Glory of God, then there is no speech barrier. You can see the Glory of God whether you are Chinese, Australia, whether you're Portuguese, or Spanish, whether you are Nigerian or Togolese, the Glory of God cut across language and speech. Verse 4, their line has gone out through all the earth: that's why there is no language or speech where their voice is not heard because their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.


No wonder the Bible says the earth is filled; why? Their line has gone out throughout. I don't care the kind of religion you are practicing; God is not a religion. I don't care what you bow down to; God is not a religion. He cannot be carved into any image made by man. He cannot be molded by anyone. He cannot be painted by any artist. That is why when we were talking about the beauty of His Glory, it's not about religion; it's about Kingdom. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun. Remember the Scripture that said there is a Glory of the sun, there is a Glory of the moon and even stars: they differ in Glory; but all things take reference from the Glory of God. Have we come out in the night and behold the stars? Are they ugly? No! They are radiant in beauty. The sun comes out in its strength; you see the beauty of it. You can’t even look up to it; it is a creation of God, it is not God. You see the moon when it is full and bright and you see the intensity of how it’s able to cast and dispel darkness; that is not God, it is a creation of God. Then imagine the beauty of the Glory of God.


I want us to see 1 Chronicles chapter 29:11, “Yours, O LORD, is the greatness, the power and the Glory, the victory and the majesty: for all that is in heaven and in the earth is Yours: Yours is the kingdom, O LORD, and You are exalted as head over all”. When we see the Glory of the creation of God, everything is His; but see the clause in 1 Chronicles chapter 29:11, “And You are exalted.” What does it mean to be exalted? To be exalted means to be highly placed. You are highly placed than the sun, You are exalted above the stars, You are exalted above the moon, none of the creation of God can come close to the beauty of the Creator.


Yours, O LORD, is the greatness, the power, and the Glory. The heavens declare the Glory of God, and the firmament. Do we remember our creation steps, when God created the firmaments, what did He place in the firmaments? The lights; and He placed them in the firmament. The firmament shows forth Your handiwork: the Glory of God. When we look through all Scriptures, from Genesis to Revelation, they declare the Glory of God. From Genesis, the creation, to where man was made, and God put man in the Garden of Eden, and God sent man out of the Garden of Eden, and all that happened from Abraham, to Isaac, to Jacob, down to when Jesus came on the scene, everything from Genesis to Revelation declare the Glory of God; the magnificence of His Person.


So, when you look through Scriptures, you will see that God is powerful, God is wise, He is the Almighty, there is no impossibility with Him, there is nothing He cannot do, there is nothing He cannot change, and there is nothing He cannot turn around. You will see all that from the pages of the Scripture, because everything from Genesis to Revelation speaks about God. And the same way in our lives, if we're going to look through it; and that is why we have been created in the image and the likeness of God, to show forth the Glory, to show forth the praises of Him that called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. So, what are we supposed to do to display the beauty of His Glory? Just like the sun, just like the moon, just like the stars, in the firmament; how they display the Glory of God, how they declare the Glory of God, you and I have also been called to display the Glory of God; but how?


How can we display the Glory of God? Hebrews chapter 1:3, this is talking about Jesus; “Who being the brightness of His Glory and the express image of His person and upholding all things by the Word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high”. Who is the brightness of His Glory? Jesus Christ is the brightness of His Glory.


So, the Glory of the LORD is seen expressly in Jesus. No wonder, when Jesus was on earth, when the disciples say, show us the Father, and we will be satisfied. He said, have I been with you and you asked Me to show you the Father? For whoever has seen the Father has seen Me, and whoever have seen Me, have seen the Father. And when He was speaking about Him been the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, He said, no one can come to the Father, except through Me. In Exodus, what did Moses ask for? Moses asked for the Glory of God. He said show me Your Glory. What is it about the Glory of God that it was acknowledged in Scripture that Jesus is the express image; the brightness of His Glory? His Glory is not a joke. He's the brightness of His Glory. Moses said, show me Your Glory, and God said, no one sees Me and live. He said, but I will do something for you, I will hide you in the cleft of the rock, and I will cause My Glory to pass before you.  

Exodus chapter 33:17-23, “So the Lord said to Moses, I will also do this thing that you have spoken; for you have found grace in My sight, and I know you by name. And he said, please show me Your Glory, then He said, I will make all My goodness (Do you think God did not know what He was saying? All the goodness of God is His Glory, all the goodness of God is woven into His Glory). He said; I will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the LORD before you. I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. But He said, You cannot see My face: for no man shall see Me, and live. And the LORD said, here is a place by Me, and you shall stand on the rock. So it shall be, while My Glory passes by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock, and will cover you with My hand while I pass by. Then I will take away My hand, and you shall see My back; but My face shall not be seen”.


So, God that says you cannot see My Glory and live; created a way for us to partake of His Glory. How can we see His Glory that cannot be seen? How can we partake of His Glory that we cannot behold? It is through the brightness of His Glory, the One that has become the brightness of His Glory that we can see. That's why there's no Scripture that says looking unto God, because when you look at Him, you can live; but, it is looking unto Jesus the One you can look unto and live. Looking unto Jesus; the brightness of His Glory. When we talk about the beauty of His Glory, we're talking about a life we must start living, and a kingdom enjoyment we must tap into. John chapter 1:14, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His Glory…. which Glory is His Glory? The Glory of God. He became the brightness of His Glory. He can be seen but His Glory is the Glory of God. And we beheld His Glory, the Glory of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth. The Glory of Jesus can be seen.


How can you see the Glory? You see the Glory by beholding. Jesus’ Glory is not an inferior Glory; it is the same Glory as of the Glory of God. The Glory that the heavens declared, that the firmament shows forth; that day unto day utters, that night unto night reveals: that is the same Glory. That's why Jesus said, Father, glorify Me with the same Glory. Why is this Glory matter important? As a believer, if you are not enjoying the beauty of His Glory, you are not living; because if it was a cheap matter, Jesus will not pray, Father glorify Me with the same Glory that I had with You in the beginning. He could as well forget about it; but without the Glory, He could not ascend back to the Father, because what makes Him to be declared in heaven is His Glory: because the heavens declare the Glory of God. Anything that does not have the Glory of God, the heavens don’t declare. So, because He has come, God has given Him the same Glory that He had with Him in the beginning, which is the Glory of the Father. When He came to heaven, in Revelation, the heavens declared Him, saying, worthy is the Lamb: it is a declaration by the heavens. So, as a believer, a child of God, for heavens to declare you; you are covered with the Glory.


II Corinthians chapter 3:18, “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the Glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from Glory to Glory, just as by the spirit of the Lord”. As we behold His Glory, we are been changed because what makes heaven recognize you; is His Glory. Anything that is not covered in His Glory, is chased out of the garden. What Adam lost in Genesis was the covering of the Glory. In the garden of Eden, God was not visiting the garden; His presence was in the garden: that’s the Glory. He told Moses, I will cause My Glory to pass by. So, what lifted from Adam and Eve was the Glory and when the Glory is lifted, the beings that God has created can no longer recognize Adam and Eve because the Glory is lifted.


Why did Jesus cry on the cross; My Father, My Father, why have You forsaken Me? It is because the Glory was lifted. The Glory is synonymous with light because when He cried, there suddenly became darkness, light was withdrawn. And when Jesus cried, He knew the kind of pain He was going through at that hour spiritual; because the Glory has departed. Every man will struggle outside the Glory of God. If you go back to Genesis and see what happened to Adam and Eve; they were chased out of the garden; the Glory departed, and the same land and God said the ground is cursed for your sake. Before on its own, it will bring forth, but now, you will till it. Why? No Glory. So, the matter of God's Glory is an important matter. If your life is not covered in His Glory, you are not sponsored by Him.


The Bible says and this is the sign, as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. He said He has put a seal upon us until the day we are redeemed; the Holy Spirit: the Spirit of Glory. Now, when Mary was to give birth to Jesus, the angel brought a salutation and said, blessed are you among women, you will give birth to a Child, His name will be called Jesus, and Mary asked “how will these things be?”. He said, the Spirit of the Lord will overshadow you, and the One that you will give birth to will be called the Son of the Most-High. Why? You are covered in His Glory. Whatever you produce in His Glory carries His DNA. When you are overshadowed by the Glory of God, whatever you produce is recognized in heaven. Why? It is clothed with God.


So, I want us to go back to II Corinthians chapter 3:8; but we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the Glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from Glory to Glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. Just as we are covered by the Spirit of God; just as the Spirit of God is the Spirit of Glory: we are transformed; we are changed from Glory to Glory. That's why the Bible says the path of the just is as of a shining light; it shines brighter, and brighter, unto a perfect day because there is a covering; over all there is a covering. If you are in Christ, there is a covering: that covering is the covering of Eden. The covering you have in Christ, is the covering of Eden; but if you don't know, you will be like mere men, and perish like them. There is a Glory on us in Christ; as we behold in a mirror the Glory of God, we are being transformed. But if we don't know that what we are beholding is a Glory or we are not beholding it, we cannot be transformed.  


Colossians chapter 1:27, “To them, God willed to make known, what are the riches of the Glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, (Christ in me,) the hope of Glory. Christ in me! Christ in you! So, without Christ in me, without Christ in you; there is no hope of Glory. Hope of Glory is tied to Christ in you. The beauty of the Glory radiates when there is Christ in you. Without Christ in you, there is no hope of Glory.


Why is this Glory important? Hebrews chapter 13:8, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever”. What does that mean? He is the brightness of His Glory today, He is the brightness of His Glory yesterday, and forever; He remains the brightness of His Glory. So, when He is in you: whether two years ago, or He's going to be in you today, or He is in you yesterday; it is the same Glory, the same Christ.


What would this Glory do for you? Isaiah chapter 60:1-3, “Arise, shine; for your light has come! That statement came with an exclamation mark. Arise, and shine; for your light has come! And the Glory of the Lord is risen upon you”. The Glory of the Lord is risen upon you; therefore, arise and shine. What brought your light? The Glory of the Lord. There is a light to shine in each of us, but what brings and activates that light is the Glory of the Lord, and what happens is that the Glory of the Lord is risen. The Glory of the Lord has been there, it is eternal: because everything about God is eternal in nature. His Glory is eternal, His wisdom is eternal, His strength is eternal, and His might is eternal. Everything about Him is eternal. The Glory of God is eternal, but the Glory rises upon you when there is Christ in you. Christ in you, the hope of Glory. When Christ is in you, the Glory rises upon you; then you can arise and shine and your light has come. What brings the light of every man, is the Glory risen upon the person.


Verse 2, “For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the LORD will arise over you, and His Glory will be seen upon you”. So, the Glory can be seen. If you have the Glory, the Glory can be seen. If Glory will be seen upon you, ‘the Gentiles shall come to your light, that your light that has come and kings to the brightness of your rising’. You don't rise until Christ comes. It is Christ that comes that causes you to rise. Arise and shine; for your light has come! And the Glory of the Lord is risen upon you.


So, this is what happens to us when the Glory comes upon us. You will look at a man struggling, and oftentimes when the Lord opens your eyes; you will see the potentials in the life of the man. You will see the light in that man; but why is it that no one else is seeing it? That person has been struck down by darkness. Why is it difficult for many people to receive Christ, because sometimes I look at it that what's the big deal? I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. Come and be my Lord from today. How difficult is it? The Bible says the king of this world has blinded their eyes; bond them down. He said those that sit in darkness were conditioned. So, I realized that many people are conditioned, because you will look at it as a believer from the side of light, how difficult is it to cross? But they have been conditioned; their minds have been darkened. Why? The devil does not want them to arise. And that's why the Bible says that the responsibility for those of us in the light is to declare restore. In the beginning, it was not so; man was not born into darkness. Man was not created into darkness; man enjoyed the light of God.


In Revelation, the Bible says and there will be no sun. The sun will no longer give them light by day, nor will the moon give them brightness by night; for the Lord will be their everlasting life. He said there will be no sun there because the Lord will be the light of the city. So, I realized from the Scripture, that it is possible to live in the light of Life and not experience darkness in your life because you are in Christ. What brings darkness; according to the life of Jesus is when the Father has forsaking you. If the Father has not forsaking you, there is light in your life. And that is why we must pray; until you see the Glory of the Lord rising upon you; don't stop praying because your life is bigger than where you are. The devil wants you to believe that this is all about you, no! God has great plans for you. Gentiles must come to your light and kings to the brightness of your rising, if that has not start happening to you yet; there is still prayer to render to God. Lord! Let Your Glory rise upon me. Let the beauty of Your Glory be seen in me. He said and His Glory will be seen upon you. In fact, that is like my passion: His Glory will be seen. As the world seen the Glory of God in you yet? Then don’t give up, there's more to come. There's more in God for you until His Glory is seen.


How do we actively partake all year long, all life-long in the Glory of God? First Corinthians chapter 10:31, “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the Glory of God”. There is something you must do to the Glory of God; your life must be lived for His Glory. How do you partake of the Glory of God, all year long, all life-long? You partake by living your life for His Glory. Whether you eat or you drink, whatever you do, do all; not some. Don't select some things you will do to the Glory of God and some things you won't do; do all to the Glory of God.  


Romans chapter 2:23, “You who make your boast in the law, do you dishonor God through breaking the law?”  Don't make your boasts in the law. Don't make your boast in what you do. I don't covet my neighbor's property, I do this, and I do that. No! Live your life as led by the Spirit of God. Live your life on the platform of grace, not on the law. You who make your boast in the law, do you dishonor God through breaking the law? For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you, as it is written. Now, there are things that you do, you can't live a holier than thou lifestyle and think you are living to the Glory of God. And that's why Jesus was not concerned about all those things. When He was eating with the tax collectors, they said He was a glutton; that He was eating with sinners. Did He care? No! And He said to them, He said, it is not those that are healthy that needs a physician; it is those that are sick. Live your life touching others with God’s Glory. Don't cluster light in a small space, spread it; shine! Let your life be a testimony to another person. Don't live a legalistic life like a Pharisee; and live in a triangle. Let people see Christ in you. Christ in me, the hope of Glory. Christ in you, the hope of Glory. Let them see Christ in you.


II Corinthians chapter 6:20, “For you were bought at a price: therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s”. Some people can say, but my spirit glorifies God, don't worry; don't look at my body, just focus on my spirit. No! God is interested in your body and your spirit; because they belong to Him. Glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God's. They belong to Him. Glorify Him, and as you glorify Him, He glorifies you. Jesus said, I have glorified You on the earth. That's the precursor. I have glorified You on the earth, glorify Me with the same Glory.

How do we make sure that we enjoy the Glory of the Lord, all lifelong? Isaiah chapter 6:3, “And one cried to another and said: Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His Glory!” His Glory is tied to His holiness. In fact, you can say His Glory is His holiness. Holy, holy, holy is the LORD of hosts; the whole earth is full of His Glory. Be holy as Your Father is holy, and as He is full of Glory; you will be full of Glory. Be holy! What does holiness mean, because we need to define it? Holiness is being without stain or wrinkle. The Bible says Jesus is coming to rapture a church; He is coming to take a church as His bride: that is without spot, or wrinkle; that's holiness.


What separates you from God is your sin. Un-holiness is what can separate you from God that God can forsake you. Why did God forsake Jesus on the cross when He carried the sins of the world? Remember, God came with a loud voice; this is My beloved Son, in whom I'm well pleased. And suddenly on the cross, He forsook Him. It was not because He was dying, that God turned His back. No! It was because He was carrying on the sins of the world and His eyes will not behold iniquity, even on His son. That's why God turned His back, not because He hated Jesus, or because He was not happy that He was dying. He carried the sins of world, and His eyes will not behold iniquity. So, be holy as your Father is holy.


Habakkuk chapter 2:14, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea”. How will this happen? It will happen through my life and your life. Who are the people that God is asking to fill the earth? You and I. He said go into the world and preach the gospel to all creation; discipling them. That is how the knowledge of the Glory of the LORD, will cover the earth as waters the sea. So, for you to enjoy that Glory that will cover the earth; you must be instrumental as one that disciples nations. To enjoy the Glory of the Lord all lifelong, you must be a discipler of nations. And we're not talking about countries here, that okay we are going to disciple Portuguese or Kenya, or South Africa, human beings are nations: disciple people. That’s how this Scripture is going to be fulfilled, and that's how we will be a partaker of His Glory.


Disciple! Be an active discipler, commit your life to discipleship. You, be a disciple of the Lord Jesus, and let others be discipled by Jesus through you. Apostle Paul says imitate me, as I imitate Christ. Don't live your life without adding value to the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God will not add value to you, if you are not adding value to the kingdom: it is a two-way thing.

In conclusion, Psalm 102:15, “So the nation shall fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth Your Glory”. Fear the Glory of God. So, the nation shall fear the name of the Lord, and all the kings of the earth Your Glory. Don't commonize the Glory of God. You can't attract what you don't revere. You cannot attract what you don't appreciate; you don't value. If you don't value His Glory, you cannot attract it. Why did Moses say show me Your Glory? Was it something he was going to treat with triviality, no! He valued the Glory. He said please show me Your Glory. Don't treat in common place the Glory of God. As we behold, how do we behold? We must behold in fear, in reverence. As we behold His Glory, in reverence; we are being transformed. We are being changed into the same Glory. Why? We revere the Glory, we fear the Glory, we value the Glory, we appreciate the Glory; we are not treating the Glory with levity. Even the 24 elders that are before His throne, that beholds His Glory every day, they don't treat it with levity. He says and when they look upon the One who sits on the throne, they cast their crown, and they worship; they revere Him.


No wonder when John saw the angels and the living creatures and the elders before the throne of God, he wanted to worship them because they're full of His Glory. Why? They revere His Glory. His Glory is seen on them, because they revere His Glory. Jesus showed us the example while He was living on the earth. Every time Jesus wanted to glorify God on the earth, He will thank Him. He says, Father, I thank You because You always hear Me. And He will do as He is shown. Why? He did not take the Glory of God for granted. How much more we?


The hallmark of revering God is in obedience. If you fear Him, you will obey Him. Whatever He asks you to do, do it! That’s having holy reverence for Him. Obey Him! Wherever He asks you to go, go! Whatever He ask you to do, do! That’s how His Glory will rise upon you. That's how His Glory will be seen and our passion should be that the Glory of God is seen in us. It is an empty life in Christ, if the Glory of God is not seen in us. It does worth it be in Christ, if there is no hope of Glory. The beauty that we have in Him, is that His Glory can be seen in us.


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