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The Anointed; The Living Wonder: How the Anointing Make Us A Living Wonder

When we talk about wonders what does it mean? Because when we started this month, we have mentioning that word over and over again, that God wants to do with us pleasant wonders, He wants to make us into living wonders. But when we talk about wonder, what does it mean? When something is a wonder, what does it mean?


In Luke 5:26, the Bible says concerning Jesus, it says; “and they were all amazed and they glorified God.” This Scripture is defining to us the wonder that God had in mind.  There could be words that sound as if it’s an English word, it could have an English root meaning or Hebrew root meaning, but there is a meaning of every word in God. And that’s why the Bible says all Scriptures are written for edification, correction, and instruction. So, every Scripture as it were is a definition of terms according to God.


When you get into the word, spiritual terms are defined. So, you could know something in the flesh, and that’s why the Bible says; know no man in the flesh. You can’t define things in the flesh, and still experience the spiritual dimension of it. For us to lay hold on what God is saying, we must define it in the eyes of God. So, what is wonder in the eyes of God? What is God saying about wonder? Luke 5:26; And they were all amazed, and they glorified God and were filled with fear, saying, “We have seen strange things today!” that is wonder, wonder is when this happens. When people are amazed, and they glorify God, and are filled with fear not of torment, but the fear of the awe of God.


The Passion Translation puts it this way; “The people were seized with astonishment and dumbfounded over what they had just witnessed. And they all praised God, remarking over and over, “Incredible! What an unbelievable miracle we’ve seen today!” Did we see that? That is wonder in the class of God. Wonder in the class of God, is when people are filled with amazement, they are astonished. They said what is this? We have never seen this kind of thing before, this is strange, this is extra ordinary. That’s the wonder dimension of God.


The TPT version says they were dumb-founded, they were lost for words. No words to express what they have seen. It has never been seen before, that’s wonder. No wonder God said what eyes have not seen, what ears have not heard, what has not yet entered into the heart of men, are the things that God prepares for those that love Him.

So, when you are sitting back internalizing what God is saying to us this season, the definition is what we got in Luke 5:26. God has not started doing wonders in your life if you have not started to experience this. When people look at you and you share it, and they are left with no words.


How do you start to explain it? How do you start to describe it? How do you give scientific explanation to the awe of what God did? No words. So, as we move into the new year, God is ushering us significantly with this; He said what I want to do with your life will leave people in astonishment, in amazement and they will be lost for words. Extraordinary things that make people stand in the awe of God.


Another definition is in Exodus 15:11. The reason why the Lord is shearing this with us is so that we understand what to expect. And that is why God is always big about expectation. Because when you have expectation and what you are expecting comes, you will know it’s a testimony. The Bible says when a believer has expectation, it will not be cut off. So, when you have it, you know you have received something and you know what you have received. So, you are not ignorant of what you have received, you know it.


Exodus 15:11. “Who is like You, O Lord, among the gods? Who is like You, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders?” This is the God that produces wonders. What He does in your life, will make you sing this song. And God is saying that in this month, and as He is stepping you into the new year, this is what He wants to do; that you will open your mouth and declare, who is like you O LORD among the gods, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises? When you are praising Him you are in fear, not in fear of torment but in fear of awe. There are no words to describe this God, He is bigger than expectations and imaginations. “Doing wonders” not “done wonders”, not “will do wonders.” That’s how God wants to be to you; “doing.”


Doing talks about present continuous tense, He has not stopped. Wonders is a continuous experience in God. So, when God said this month is a month of pleasant wonder and He is doing with us wonderful things, making us into living wonders, this is what He is talking about. That is the songs that will come to your lips; ‘who is like unto thee O LORD’ please write them down, because God is not a man that will lie, nor the son of man that He will repent, will He say a thing and not do it? Will He speak and not make it good? What God boats about is that He declares the end from the beginning. Go through the book of Isaiah when God was introducing Himself, and was making boast; He said go and ask your gods, which of them declares the end from the beginning? None!


It is only God that will do something in the future and declare it now. And He will tell you to write it down and see as I do it. So, God is always doing wonders, and He said this is the song that will proceed out of your mouth. Psalm 33:8. Don’t miss out on what God is doing in this season, because He is building faith in our heart, don’t miss out on it, you will be robbing yourself.


Psalm 33:8 “let all the earth fear the Lord, let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him; for He spoke and it was done, He commanded and it stood fast” That’s God and that is what He said He is doing. As many as are listening to this word of the Lord at this particular time and season, stand in awe of God, why because He spoke and it was done. There was no two ways about it, He commanded and it stood fast. That’s the wonder of God and that’s what God is doing. And I pray that non-of-us will miss out on what God is doing in this season in the name of Jesus.    


How the Anointing Makes You A Living Wonder!


We are going to start by looking at 2 Corinthians 1:21-22. “Now He who establishes us with you in Christ and has anointed us is God. Who also has sealed us and has given us, the Spirit in our heart as a guarantee!” He who establishes us, in case some us are confused about where the anointing comes from, incase people have forgotten, or the devil has given them falsehood, the Bible states it clearly that He who establishes us with you; we are first established in Christ, the person that established us in Christ also anointed us and that person is God and no other. So, the anointing comes from God, the anointing does not come from men, the anointing comes from God. God has the prerogative of the anointing. No man anoints another man without the Lords authorization. Go back through the times He was sending prophets to anoint; anointing is based on the instruction of God.


Anointing is not done haphazardly. The anointing does not come because somebody likes your face, I am sure many of us remember the story of Samuel when David was to be anointed. And God told Samuel, “take the horn of oil and go to the house of a man called Jesse, I have found for myself one after my heart in his house, that you will anoint king.” And Samuel rose up carrying the horn of oil and He went to the house of Jesse. And behold Samuel got there at the instruction of God, he was about to make an error, the moment he saw the eldest brother Eliab, his stature, his looks, and he said “O surely this is the Lords anointed.” And he was about to make an error. And that’s why in the anointing there is no error. And God said Samuel, “don’t make a mistake.” Why did God not allow Samuel to anoint Eliab? Because the anointing of God on the life of a man sets him apart automatically. And when the anointing was going to land, God said no, I have rejected him. 


So that tells us that the anointing is an acceptance of God. God does not anoint the one that is rejected, God anoints one to be accepted. And God said “men look at the outward appearance, but I God look at the heart.” This is the wrong choice. And you will see that the anointing was preserved and stayed until David came. So, the anointing is name specific. And it said He has anointed us is God, who also He did not just anoint us like that. These two verses are like the background of the message. Other things will be tied to it, but this is the heart of it. “But who also has sealed us” He has anointed us and He has sealed us. What does it mean to seal? He established us in Christ, then He anointed us, then He sealed us. The difference between the anointing of the old testament, and that of the new is this: when the anointing comes on the life of anyone in the old testament, it could leave. Because the Spirit comes and stay for a while is not sealed, it doesn’t remain. And that is why Jesus said something; when Jesus was to be baptized by John the Baptist, He came and John did not know who Jesus was even though Jesus was his cousin.


But He said “the One that sent me said to me, that whoever I see the Spirit come upon and remains”, because before the time of Jesus, the Spirit does not come and remain. It is not a normal experience. The anointing comes for a season, for a function and leaves. But He said whoever you see the Spirit come upon and remains, that is the one. And he said and I saw it in this man, so He is the One. Jesus now gave us a demarcation between the time of John the Baptist and the dispensation Jesus was ushering us into. He said the least in the kingdom of God is greater than John. Why? Is it because John was a lesser prophet? Or because he was not anointed? The difference is that the Spirit of God came upon John in like the old order, but Jesus ushered us into a new experience where the Spirit comes upon and remain. And it says; “He also has sealed us” so when the Scripture is talking about ‘the sealing’, it is talking about remaining. When you put a seal on something, do you remove it? No! its sealed, it remains. It says; “He has sealed us and has given us the Spirit in our heart as a guarantee-as a stamp, that we belong to Him


John 14:15-17. “If you love me, keep My commandment, and I will pray the Father, and He will give you another helper. That He may abide with you forever” That He may abide’ is it not the same word as remain? “The Spirit of truth whom the world cannot receive”, because the anointing is name specific, it’s not for everyone. The world cannot receive Him because they have not been given a name that can receive Him. So, don’t take light what the Lord is saying about His anointing. Because the anointing is not common place, it is name specific. When the Lord anoints you, it because the Lord has accepted you, it because He has accepted us into the beloved. You can’t be rejected and anointed, no! you are anointed and accepted.


So, the anointing brings you into acceptance and we are going to that more detailed in the Scripture. “Because it neither sees Him, nor know Him. But you know Him, for He dwell with you, and will be in you.” “He dwells in you and will be in you” The same thing the Scripture is saying in 2 Corinthians chapter 1 verse 21 and 22. “He has sealed us and has given us the Spirit in our heart as a guarantee” John 14:26; “but the helper, the Holy Spirit” describing Him further, the helper the Holy Spirit, “whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things” Do we understand the description of His person and His assignment? He will teach you all things, “and bring to your remembrance, all things that I say to you”  


1 John 2:20 and verse 27. “but you have an anointing” hear the description of the anointing; “from the Holy One and you know all things” and you know some things? All things. It says; He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance everything that I have told you. And now He is saying this concerning the anointing; “I have not written to you because you do not know the truth, and because you know it, and that no lie is of the truth.”  Verse 27; “but the anointing, which you have received from Him, abides in you, and you do not need that anyone teach you, but as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things.” The same anointing, not another anointing. Verse 20 introduced us that you have an anointing, and it says that anointing you have received from the Holy One, Jesus said I pray to the Father, that He will send a helper, the Holy Spirit. Because sometimes we have gotten so religious and we have embraced the letter that kills, not the Spirit that gives life. And we hold onto certain things that the Lord has made clear in the Scriptures that speaks for our wonders but we have made light of them.


The things that speak for our transformation, and our realities and possibilities of God, we have trivialized them in the name of holding onto doctrines and letters. Jesus was speaking in that John 14, He said I will pray to the Father, He will send to you another helper-the Holy Spirit. And what will He be doing when He comes? He said He will teach you all things, He will take of what is mine, He will share with you. He will remind you of everything I have said to you. That’s the Holy Spirit, right? Then in 1 John 2:20, it says you have an anointing. Was John talking to unbelievers? He was talking to sons of God, believers. He said you have. When he said you have, don’t think and say I am sure what he was saying in this place; he was referring to the prophets, and the apostles of the Lamb. No! it’s you and me. You have an anointing. Why because of what we read in 2 Corinthians 1:21-22. We have been established in Christ. He has anointed and sealed us and has given us the Spirit as a guarantee. And it says you have an anointing from the Holy One. Where does the Holy Spirit proceed from? From God the Holy One.


You have an anointing; the Holy Spirit is the anointing. When God was speaking in Exodus 10:22 down to verse 33, everything in the old testament is a type and shadow of the real. The substance of Exodus 30, in the anointing oil is the Holy Spirit. The anointing oil in Exodus 30, what it was to do, what it was produced for is what the Holy Spirit is doing as a person in our lives today. In Exodus 30, there was a list, God said take these five ingredients and He mentioned them; myrrh, cinnamon, Acacia, calamus, and olive oil, take these five together, mix them up excellently into an oil, it shall be called anointing oil. And if you read after that 25 down to 33, you will see what God said the anointing oil should do.


Let’s go there, Exodus 30:22-33. “Moreover, the Lord spoke to Moses saying, also take for yourself quality species; five hundred shekels of liquid myrrh, have as much sweet-smelling cinnamon; two hundred and fifty shekels” Verse 25; “and you shall make from these a holy anointing oil” Did you see that? It says you shall make from these ingredients a holy anointing oil; you have an anointing from the holy One. Is that not holy anointing? The place where we get confused is the oil. Let’s continue.  “An ointment compounded according to the art of the perfumer; it shall be a holy anointing oil. With it you shall anoint the tabernacle of meeting.”


Now did you see it? With it, with the holy anointing oil, this is what you will do with it, this is the work, this is the assignment of the holy anointing oil. With it you shall anoint the tabernacle of meeting and the ark of the testimony. What is the tabernacle of testimony? The presence of God. What is the ark of testimony? Everything in the old testament is a type and a shadow of the experience we are going to walk to in the kingdom of God. but people have to see it in forms; things they can relate with. Because their spirit cannot yet understand what God is doing so, they must see it in physical terms, to be able to connect. And that is why Jesus was speaking when He was telling that woman in John 4, He said a time is coming were you will not be worshipping on this mountain or that mountain, for those that will worship the Father, will worship Him in Spirit, they will be in the tabernacle of meeting in the Spirit.


Do we have a tabernacle of meeting now? No! why is that our tabernacle of meeting is mobile? Because of the Holy Spirit, the anointing. It says; “With it you shall anoint the tabernacle of meeting and the ark of the Testimony” The ark of the testimony is a carrier of God’s presence. When the children of Israel were going around, to know that God is with them, the carry about the ark of the testimony. We remember about the ark of the testimony, the Bible says the ark of testimony got into the house of Obed-Edom, and God blessed and prospered him, there was a particular person as they were carrying the ark and he wanted to help “Uzzah” and he was struck why? The ark of the testimony represented the presence of God. And He said; “you shall anoint the tabernacle of meeting and the ark of the Testimony; 27 the table and all its utensils, the lampstand and its utensils, and the altar of incense; 28 the altar of burnt offering with all its utensils, and the laver and its base.


Then see what He said in verse 29 You shall consecrate them” What do you use in consecrating them? The Holy anointing oil. What does God use to consecrate us today? Do you think it’s the same oil? No! It’s the Holy Spirit. Hope we did not forget 2 Corinthians 1:21-22? He has put in our heart, the Spirit as a guarantee. Because anytime the anointing oil comes upon a person, or a thing, it is a guarantee that that thing cannot be put into any other use but God. it said; You shall consecrate them, that they may be most holy” what can be most Holy to God if not the Holy Spirit? “Whatever touches them must be Holy. And you shall anoint Aaron and his sons, and consecrate them, that they may minister to Me as priests.” Jesus said that it will no longer matter on which mountain you worship but those that worship the Father must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. So, you minister to Him in Spirit and in the anointing.


The anointing is present continuous tense. Because what the anointing does is a continuous purification process. That’s why it says you have an anointing. Not you are anointed, you have an anointing. And until you understand that we have an anointing. Why is it anointing, and not anoint, or anointed? It is because it does not stop working. If you think you receive the Holy Spirit once and for all, and that’s all, the Holy Spirit has worked in your life its not true. The Holy Spirit keeps working and that’s why He is the anointing. What makes for Jesus difference, what makes for the difference in Christ, the anointing. Why? He was given the Spirit without measure.  He said the priest will minister because they are anointed. And it says; “And you shall speak to the children of Israel, saying: ‘This shall be a holy anointing oil to Me throughout your generations. 32 It shall not be poured on man’s flesh; nor shall you make any other like it, according to its composition. It is holy, and it shall be holy to you.”


No wonder Jesus said, every other sin can be forgiven, but the sin against the Holy Spirit has no forgiveness. Don’t grieve Him. Because He has be holy to you. and it says; Whoever compounds any like it, or whoever puts any of it on an outsider, shall be cut off from his people.” Because the anointing is not for outsiders, the anointing is not for foreigners, it is name specific. The Holy Spirit; Jesus said the world cannot receive Him, was Jesus not repeating the same thing God said here? The world cannot receive Him because they don’t know Him. The anointing, you cannot put on an outsider. It is for sons. As many that are led by the Spirit of God, are the sons of God because it is the anointing that makes you accepted, it sets you apart for God only, not for sale.


Have you seen some books with a stamp; not for sale? That’s a guarantee that you can’t make transaction with that book. Do you know the stamp of the Holy Spirit upon your life? For God only. That is a guarantee; for God only. Because the anointing sets you apart. It was so serious, the men of David were hungry, and they got to a place and the priest said see, there is no bread except the show bread, it’s a normal bread, but the thing is that it has been stamped for God only, it has been presented, consecrated. The priest said it is not that you can’t partake of the break but the only reason you will partake of the break is you people are holy, you have separated yourself from certain things. Then you can partake. And David said these men have been away from their wives, they have been away from woman, I am sure they can partake from it.


When your life has the anointing, you are stamped for God only. God makes you a living wonder. Because that’s when other Scriptures will start making sense to you. God said touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm, why? For God only, you can’t come close. Who should be honored in this life? God! touch not my anointed; preservation by the anointing. (Psalm 105:15). You have an anointing. So, it is not your head dripping of Goya olive oil that makes you anointed. It is the presence of the Holy Spirit that is the anointing. So as long as the Holy Spirit is on you, you are anointed and the anointing is the continuous presence of the Holy Spirit. You are anointed because you have received the Holy Spirit, the anointing is the continuous presence of the Holy Spirit. So, the anointed is the one that has received the anointing. Your life continues to show the wonders of God because you have the anointing. You are not just anointed; you have the anointing. And that’s why that Scripture in 1 John 4 is so critical to the understanding of what God is doing with our lives.


You have an anointing, you need no man teach you, you know all things, the anointing, the Holy Spirit; it teaches you. you look at somebody and you are able to tell certain things about the person just like Jesus and the woman at the well, and Jesus said give Me to drink she began to form, saying you don’t understand; see I have met many guys in my life, you can’t just come and be toasting me with water, saying give me to drink, no please, use another line. And Jesus looked at her; if you know the one that asked you to give Me a drink. In fact, you have finished fetching several buckets because the water I will give to you, you won’t come to this well to fetch again. And Jesus said go and call your husband, and He said you are a truthful person because the one that you are staying with now is not even your husband. And this woman was amazed. Who is this man that knows about me? It is because of the anointing.


What did Jesus do that you cannot do? He said; “the works that I do, you will do and greater works than this you will do, why? I go to the Father.” Jesus didn’t complete that statement, but He needed you to understand it. I go to the Father and the Holy Spirit is here, I go to the Father and the anointing that teaches you all things, that will remind you all that I have told you is here. The anointing that makes you understand mysteries, the anointing that makes you an enigma, that makes you a living wonder is here. The anointing preserves you. it says the Spirit of the Lord is upon Me for He has anointed Me, to preach. Isaiah 61:1 down wards. To preach liberation, to deliver etc. Why? The anointing! The presence of the Holy Spirit.


You have an anointing, that’s the message of God this morning. The continuous presence of the Lord in in your life is not a joke. The anointing is on you. please I want us to go back and meditate on that 1 Corinthians 1:21-22. It’s a loaded Scripture. It says “He has established us in Christ, He has anointed us, the one that has anointed us is God.” Our anointing is not from man, it is from God. And it said “He has given us His Spirit; He has put His Spirit in our heart as a guarantee. The reason why evil cannot come to you is not just because you are handsome, it is because of the anointing. It is not just because you are beautiful, it is because of the anointing. The anointing marks your difference, the anointing separates you, the anointing speaks of your wonders. Because that’s what God is making you, by the anointing. And I pray the Lord will help us in the name of Jesus.


I believe it is a good time to pray!


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