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Success Strategy: How to Achieve Personal and Business Success

Personal and business success is the delight of everyone; yet, not everyone in pursuit of success achieves or reaches it. If I may ask then, "What is Success?" if we can grasp the right knowledge of success; then, applying it to your life and business will not be difficult.

Success is seen by many as fat bank balance, promotion at work or popularity among people. Hence, an every person in search of success, usually eyes the possibility of attaining such heights; therefore, doing whatever appears possible to become "successful".

While success can imply attainment of some heights: either in life or in business; it is not limited to that understanding! Success, I believe is a matter of the description of the author or originator or pioneer or leader. If an author or architect describes a thing to be a success; everybody believe it to be true; if a leader of an organization describes a thing or a person as a success, everyone accepts it as success. Therefore, beyond the popular expectations; success is really a personal matter in the heart of the author or designer of a thing.

Personal success may be seen as achieving personal goals and satisfying personal needs; however, that will only be true to the degree of its alignment to the goals and the needs of the author of lives (God). No man build or makes himself or herself; and no man truly understand the full description of his or her life and the works of his or her life, which we call business. Please get this, everything about everyone is actually about life and the works if the life. It is all about YOU and what you DO; and what you do will only become a success to the degree of your own alignment with the desire and the purpose of the author (manufacturer) of your life.

Whenever am given an opportunity to discuss on Success; an example usually comes to mind – about Phones! the question is, "Is a Blackberry Bold 5 successful because of the financial status of its user in the marketplace?" or "Is an iPhone S5 successful in the marketplace because the buyer decides to put it inside a very colourful case?" Definitely not! Instead, the success of the phones are measured by the degree to which the performance (e.g. business activities) of the phones align with the intended designs of their producers. The truth is, if any phone performs in the marketplace as intended by the producers; such phones will satisfy the desires of the buyers of the phones. Implying that, if only our lives can reflect the exact expectations of God for our creation and formation on the earth; what many people chase after like "success" will restlessly chase after us. 

Therefore, success is not to be pursued; rather, everyone and every business must seek to know the intended design expectations of God for us and do them daily. Take for instance, a lady is praying and striving daily to be married in a given year; yet, the same lady does not understand what is really means to be a wife. The truth is many people know what is means to be a woman or man; but very few people understand their roles and functions (the reason for their relevance) in marriage. So, instead of struggling to get married; the lady will be better of, seeking to become a wife. Success is not about changing outward appearances of your business or your marriage or ministry; but the full alignment of your life and life endeavours to the perfect master plan of your Maker and Creator. About that, let me recommend the book of Genesis chapter 1 to chapter 3. Read it again and again. It will help you become a successful living being; living successfully for the fulfillment of the intent of his or her Maker! Enjoy your new experience of Success!


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