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Spiritual Growth Indicators: Find The Easy Means Of Measuring Your Own Spiritual Growth Over-Time!

Romans 8:14, 19 (NKJV)

14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing (manifestation) of the sons of God.

(Emphasis added)

The obvious yet quiet heart cry of many people across the world, irrespective of gender, race or religion is MANIFESTATION (what we could also call PERFORMANCE). Great celebrities that we know across the world today are largely PERFORMERS; and for many people, becoming like those “celebs” is the zenith of their dreams and aspirations.


While trying to becoming like the celebrities isn’t the issue of great concern to me right now; I must affirm that for anyone to attain the stage of fame or honour; such a person must have MANIFESTED (perhaps repeatedly) before his or her audience. In this writing, my intention is to show you a few indicators that can help you to know the stages or processes of your own growth; knowing fully well that your MANIFESTATION is linked very strongly with your growth – For only the SONS can truly MANIFEST!


While observing my “son” (betterstill, child) of over 2 years this morning (the first day of January 2020); I learned a few lessons that we “adults” must never toy with, if we really want to become more aware of our Spiritual State in the year 2020 and beyond. The observation showed me at least two questions I must ask you to help you discover where you are on the ladder of the things of the Spirit!


#Question 1: WHAT DO YOU EAT?

While I was busy on something, I heard his Mum saying, "Stop it, why are you eating paper?"; then, someone else around chorused, "Because the paper is sweet in his mouth!" As soon as I heard those words, instantly, my mind began to meditate on them; and I gained a light, which everyone around me must too. As a child, my "son" can not yet choose or determine what is good to be eaten and what someone must not eat. As far as he is concerned, most things are suited for the mouth. Do you remember what the Writer of Hebrews (Apostle Paul) mentioned in Hebrews 5:12-14:

12 For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food13 For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe14 But solid food belongs to those who are of full agethat is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.


If you look carefully at the verses above, you would agree that we EAT as per our level of GROWTH. It is a known fact that a child of less than 3 months cannot be given solid food to eat; what would happen is obvious, the child would die. Solid food is not a luxury to the adults; it is what they NEED to GROW more or at least, REMAIN where they are.


When my young boy takes paper up to eat, he doesn't think he is doing any wrong thing, he is simply TRYING to eat something. That is it! What you choose to EAT is an INDICATOR of your own level of GROWTH. If you find yourself EATING JUNKS lately or even GARBAGE; it could only mean that you're still a Spiritual Babe even though you could be a Natural Adult! Don't allow your Natural Growth deceive you please, God cannot be mocked, whatever we SOW, the same we must REAP. If we sow into our flesh, we will reap going to the toilet and getting fat; but if we sow into our spirit, we will reap power, strength, wisdom, blessing, glory, riches, and honour. That is guaranteed by Revelation 5:12!


#Question 2: WHERE DO YOU GO?


18 Most assuredly, I say to you, when you were younger, you girded yourself and walked where you wished; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird you and carry you where you do not wish.” 

John 21:18


One other thing that can show you how far you have grown in the things of the Spirit is WHERE YOU GO? For children, going anywhere at any time they so wish is the rule. If you want to punish your child, just tell him or her to sit down with you for a while. To many children, it is better you flog them than to ask them to sit down. The point is, while adults know WHERE they must go to and WHERE they must not go to; children don't. Once a child WISHES to go to a place, he or she will simply do it. It is not uncommon for you to find your "son" or your daughter rolling on the floor – whether the floor is neat or not. They simply do not judge as the adults to. The word you must not miss is JUDGE! Do you JUDGE places before you go there; do you JUDGE associations or orgnaizations before you join them or you simply do as you WISH? Whatever answer you give to that question will definitely help you to know if you are still a Spiritual Babe or you have grown up SPIRITUALLY. See how Apostle Paul admonished the people in his epistle:

15 But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.

1 Corinthians 2:15

Friend, the sign of your SPIRITUALITY is not really in your tongues or "knowledge"; but in your ABILITY TO JUDGE ALL THINGS! To a child, anything is okay or correct; but an adult who JUDGES, knows what is correct from what is not correct!


I believe, you have found these two indicators helpful as good means of gauging your SPIRITUAL GROWTH going foward into the year. My prayer to God for you is that He will enlighten your heart and fill you with the Spirit of Wisdom in the knowledge of Christ that is able to quicken your mortal body and edify your spirit man for greater works (manifestation) in your own domain or sphere of responsibility and authority on the earth in Jesus Name. Amen! Happy New Year to you!







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