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Self-Awareness: How Do You See Yourself?

The matter of awareness is a very important one, as it concerns individuals, corporations and countries. It is obvious that the more a person becomes aware of things, self and other people; the better positioned he or she will be in relation to such people, things, himself or herself. To be aware is to be conscious of something or somebody. I have discovered that it is one thing to have a thing, and it is another thing to be aware of it. I have found out that ignorance is not usually an evidence of absence: for a thing could be existing without anyone's consciousness of it.

While speaking with someone special to my Wife and I; the Lord opened our eyes to the matter of self-awareness. We discovered that every man's exploits in life will only be to the degree of the confidence that comes from his awareness of self. We discovered that there is an inherent or better still, apparent gap between what or who we think we are, and what we really are. Talking about thinking, I believe we know that we think what we see; when we see little, we think little; and we see multiples, we think multiples – and as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. Therefore, we see to think, while we think to become. That is, what you see is what you think, and what you think about most of the time is what you become.

It is therefore important that we all see well in order to think we'll and become well. The question then is, "How can we see well – perfectly?". While meditating over this matter of self-awareness yesterday with my Wife; we came to conclusion that we often do not see ourselves as others see us – usually, when we see ourselves, we see our weaknesses or shortcomings; when we take further step to see ourselves, we see mistakes, errors and fears. The truth is, the eyes of any man cannot easily see well of self on its own! We then discovered that people usually perceive us better than we perceive ourselves! It is not difficult to accept that reality! Come to think of it, where is your own eyes located? Is your eyes located in such a way that you can view your entire personality from many angles? I believe the answer is NO! However, people around us can see us from many angles, the see everything on the surface of our lives; hence, while we are complaining about the weaknesses within; they are thanking God for our lives for the strengths without!

The food for thought is therefore that, if other people can see us so clearly than we see ourselves; how much more the LORD God – the One Who created and formed us in the wombs of our mothers. God spoke to Jeremiah in the book of Jeremiah 1:5 that before he was in his mother's womb, He knew him, and He ordained (appointed) him a Prophet unto nations! At a point, Jeremiah saw himself as an incompetent young man; but the LORD told him not to call himself a child. He saw himself as a young child, but God saw him as a powerful Prophet of the LORD to nations.

May I quickly submit that the best of your life hasn't emerged yet; and your weaknesses are not summaries of your personality, with help from the LORD, you will become strong and dependable in the hands of the God on the earth for the fulfillment of His counsel and purpose in your generation and nation. How you see yourself now may not necessarily be right; and what you see and think of yourself may not necessarily be correct; and instead of even depending on what other people are seeing and saying about your life, you will be better asking for the vision of the LORD for your life.

You see, when you see yourself, you see weaknesses and inabilities; but when God sees you, He see His vision for your life, He sees His strength in your life, He sees His investments in your life, and He sees His potentials in you. Therefore, quit this unprofitable critical analysis of your life that has never helped you, and receive God's vision for your life (marriage & ministry). Till we see each other again on article directory (WitArticles.Com), keep your steady gaze on God's vision for your life! God bless you!


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