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Life Treatment: SELFISHNESS (Episode 29): How to Inspire Growth and Influence Other People Positively Through Love

Hello friends and welcome to Life Treatment. I'm Lara Gboyega Adedeji. I'm so excited to have you join me on another inspiring episode of Life Treatment. Today we'll be sharing together from the Scripture treatment for life issues. And our focus today is on SELFISHNESS. What does it mean? Selfishness is a state of lacking consideration for other people. It's often been said that people don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care. So, it's important to actually care for people. And you cannot care for people if you're selfish about it. So, we need to step out of selfishness into love for us to be able to fulfill our leadership destiny.


There are many of us that would have stepped into greater dimensions of our destiny. Many of us would have stepped into greater dimensions and realities of what God has for us. But because this issue has not been dealt with, we are often held back by this issue. We need to start showing love. Show consideration for other people because this is so important and it is so vital. There is no man that gets to the top alone. You need to show consideration for other people, love them. Love people around you, be selfless. Don't be me, myself and I. Let people love you, be visible and approachable. You should not be in the world of your own shutting everybody out. You need to be able to consider other people in your plans and in your aspirations.


You know, consider the people around you, carry them along, grow with people. Make sure that other people are involved, and you're also helping them in your own journey. Don't be so fixated on your own journey and you lock everybody out. As you are going on your own journey, carry people along help other people achieve their own dreams and aspirations also. Don’t be so fixated on yours. That's how we actually grow and fulfill our destiny. So, selfishness is not it. And the treatment for selfishness is love. There's an interesting Scripture where Jesus speaks to this in Luke 10:27. It says: And he answered, you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind and your neighbour as yourself.


So, this tells us the instruction of God for us is: don't live a selfish life. For you to be able to fulfill your destiny, don’t live a selfish life. As you help other people attain greatness, you would also attain greatness. As you help other people receive strength, you will not be weak, it takes a strong person to make another person strong. It takes a great person to make another person Great. So, it's important that we are not selfish in our lives. Allow the love of God flow from your heart to the people around you. Allow the love of God flow from your heart to the people in your space and in your influence. And as you do that, you will see yourself grow from nothingness to significance. And that's how you actually grow from mediocrity and obscurity to significance by being selfless, by allowing consideration in your heart for other people. And as you do this, you realize that you are building a large heart and accommodating heart, you are able to handle more, you are able to do more, you're able to stretch yourself beyond the frontiers of your own space, and you're able to achieve that destiny that God has for you.


I believe that you have gleaned wisdom on this episode of Life Treatment, and you know that to achieve your destiny, you need to give consideration to other people. Don't be selfish, but be selfless. And as you do this, you will see that your heart will be enlarge and you will be able to accommodate more for the fulfilment of your own destiny. God bless you. I'm Lara Gboyega Adedeji.


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