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Life Treatment: LAZINESS (Episode 12): How To Snap Out of Poverty Into Plenty

We are going to look at another life issue that often time, we want to excuse ourselves from but in reality we need treatment for it, we need to treat it so that we can upgrade and move into higher experiences in our lives. And what are we looking at? We are looking at Laziness.




Now before you excuse yourself from saying, "oh, that’s not my own issue", I want you to listen to what laziness means. Now laziness talks about the quality of being unwilling to work.’ This might not be something that is happening in all areas of your life but it might be happening in some areas of your life where you are just unwilling to work. You are unwilling to put effort; you’re unwilling to apply yourself to that area of your life. You are just: qui sera sera, whatever will be will be. Whatever it’s going to happen, let it happen. I am not going to apply myself, I am not going to put work into this area of my life. That’s called laziness.


Now another word for laziness is ‘idleness’, it means that you are not engaging. So you want to ask yourself: "In what area of my life am I not engaging, I’m not applying myself, I’m not using energy, I’m unwilling to work.?" I am not willing to put myself into it and then you will know that in that area of your life. You have become lazy.


Now when we want to look at the treatment for laziness, we are going to look at two dimensions of it, like I always tell you that we don’t go for the fact in life treatment, we go for the truth and we apply the truth not facts. So we are diving into two Scriptures very quickly, Proverbs 10:4 and Proverbs 12:24, now they give us two pictures that help us to see what laziness can do to you and how you can treat it.


Number one, Proverbs 10:4 says, ‘lazy hands makes for poverty.’  So you become poor in the area where you are lazy. So if you are lazy in your finances, you become poor. If you are lazy in your health, you will have a poor health. If you are lazy in your relationship, you will have a poor relationship. If you are lazy in your spiritual life, you will have a poor spiritual life. If you are lazy in your career, you will have a poor career. That’s how it works.


Now ‘lazy hands make for poverty,’ shows us that what makes you poor is because you are lazy. You have refused to work. You have refused to apply yourself, you have refused to use energy. You have decided to be idle in those areas. But it said, this is how you strike it, this is how you strike out laziness, it said ‘diligent hands bring wealth so you must become diligent in the areas where you have been experiencing poverty.


So if you have been having a poor health, you need to be diligent at your health to have a wealthy health. Is that not nice? Yes! If you have been having a poor relationship, you need to be diligent at your relationship. What does that mean? You need to apply yourself, you need to be willing to work out your relationship, you need to be able to give your time and your attention and your resources in diligence to your relationship. Then you will be able to experience a wealthy relationship. If it’s in your finances, it’s the same thing. If you are poor in your finances, you need to start working. Start using your energy. Start applying yourself. Stop being idle and you will have a wealthy finance. That’s how it works.


The second part of it that I said we are going to look at is Proverbs 12:24, which says, ‘diligent hands will rule.’ So you want to rule your health, you want to rule your finances, you don’t want it to be the other way round. Then you need to be diligent. You need to apply yourself. You don’t have to be idle.  Don’t be idle when it comes to issues in your life. Don’t sit down and look. Apply yourself. Use that energy that God has given you, be willing to work and you will see changes and you will be able to rule because all of us want to rule. You don’t rule in laziness. You rule when you step up and you step out. When you step up and you step out, you are able to rule, that’s’ what diligence is all about.


Diligence is your ability to work, willingness to work, use energy and avoid idleness. ‘But laziness ends in forced labour,’ What does it mean? People will use you. So if you are lazy in any area of your life, you will be used. You will not rule. So if you are lazy in your career, lazy in your business, your business will be used. You will not rule. So to snap out of laziness is to snap out of idleness, it’s to snap out of that unwillingness to work, that laid back attitude that you have towards those areas of your life. And as you do that, as you embrace diligence, as we have seen in the word. You will start ruling; you will start having wealth in those areas of your life.


I believe you have gleaned a lot from what we’ve shared about this and I know that as you start applying them in your life. You will increase in wealth and you will also rule in Jesus name.



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