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Life Treatment: DISTRACTION (Episode 15): How To Conserve Your Energy For The Accomplishment of Your Life Goals

Good day and welcome to another episode of Life Treatment, I am Lara Gboyega Adedeji. I am so excited to have you join me on the life treatment series, and today we are looking at another important issue, commonplace for many people. And we believe that by the time we look at the treatment today, many of us will step out of that weak zone into strength. And what are we looking at today, we are looking at DISTRACTION!






When we talk about distraction, what are we talking about? We are talking about the state where you as a person cannot concentrate on something. When you as a person is prevented from concentrating on something, so, that’s when you get distracted. For example, you were supposed to read a book. Instead of concentrating on reading of the book, you are distracted, you are prevented by the beeping of your phone or by the clacking sound around you, you are prevented. Anything that prevents you from concentrating on something else is a distraction.


And what is the treatment for distraction, FOCUS! And I will love to read two interesting passages for us so that we are able to see from these two verses how important it is for us to focus and avoid distraction. Proverbs 4:25, it said, “let your eyes look directly ahead and let your gaze be fixed straight in front of you.” So, focus is the treatment for distraction. Whatever you have made up your mind to do, focus on it, let your eyes look directly to that that thing and give attention to that thing. That’s how you can avoid distraction. If you told yourself for example that in a week, you are going to finish reading a book, then you should let your eyes look in the direction of that book every day of the week. Yes, every day of the week. Your eyes must look in the direction of that book and your gaze must be fixed on finishing that book in one week.


Another interesting verse is Matthew 6:22, and it says that, “the lamp of the body is the eye, if therefore your eye.” because when we talk about the eye, we are talking about vision.  When you have vision, your eye symbolizes vision. And this verse says “that the lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye, your vision is good”, what you want to do, what you are looking at achieving is good, “then your whole body will be full of light.” Another translation said, “if your eye is single,” if your vision is locked down on one particular thing, then you will be able to focus. Then you will be healthy enough to put your entire body in the light of that thing.


What does that mean? It means that you will be able to gain knowledge in that area, you will be able to perform that thing, you will be able to put all your energy. Because when it talks of your whole body, it talks about your entire arsenal, your entire resources. When you have a vision to achieve, when you focus on it which means that you are looking intently and straight at that thing, you will be able to pull all your resources into it.


Because one of the things that we have come to realize is that our energy as individuals is not infinite. Our energy as individuals is finite in nature, meaning that your energy is limited. So whatever you make up your mind to do, if you don’t focus on it, you will find yourself dissipating your energy because you were distracted by other things and you will not be able to channel and focus that limited and finite energy into achieving and accomplishing that thing.


So, my counsel to you today is that you should focus. Whatever you have made up your mind which is your vision, whatever that goal is, whatever your vision is, focus on it, let your eyes look directly at it. Fix your gaze on it and push all your energy in that direction. Then you will find yourself achieving much more than what you’ve been able to achieve with distractions.


I believe you have been able to gain wisdom from these tips that we have shared on distraction and how to treat it.


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