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Life Treatment: CORRUPTION (Episode 23): Learn How To Fix Corruption In Your Own Society, Community & Life!

Good day, and welcome to another episode of LIFE TREATMENT, I’m Lara Gboyega Adedeji, I’m so excited to have you join me on yet another episode. And today, we will be diving into what we have to treat today, and it’s another issue that I’m so passionate about, and I believe it’s something that we all need to look into, we need to adjust when necessary, we need to treat, we need to let go of, so that we can step into our prophetic destiny. What are looking at today? We are looking at CORRUPTION! What does it mean to be corrupt or to have corruption deep seated in one’s life?


It talks about dishonest or fraudulent conducts by those in power. Maybe you’ve been given power or authority to do something or to be somewhere and you are dishonest with it, or you are fraudulent or you are fraudulently doing it, now, that is corruption to simply put it. So, how does corruption come about, how do you know that you are corrupt?


I want to go to Galatians 6:8. It clearly defines for us how corruption comes about and how we can get out of it. Galatians 6:8. It says: For he who sows to his flesh” Now this is how you can get into corruption; “He who sows to his flesh, will of the flesh reap corruption” So, corruption is a product or a harvest of something we have sown in our lives. Corruption is not something that just comes out of the blues; corruption is a harvest. Corruption is a product of sowing to the flesh. When you are always wanting to please your flesh, you are always wanting to please yourself, you are always wanting to satisfy your pleasures and the pleasures of the flesh, you will reap corruption because you are sowing it.


That is why it defines to us clearly in this Scripture that; “For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption,but he who sows to the Spirit’ that is the treatment. “He who sows to the Spirit” There is a place you can sow in that you will not reap corruption. “He who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life.” So, the replacement for corruption is everlasting life.


We all agreed that corruption is one issue in life that we are all battling with; from the Government, to religion, to family. Corruption has gradually become a harvest that has taken place in all strata of society. And what is the reason why the entire society is reaping corruption? Because the entire society sow to the flesh. You cannot sow to the flesh and not reap corruption. Corruption is a harvest of the flesh. The treatment for corruption is that you change what you are sowing, and where you are sowing. The moment you change the soil and the location where you are sowing in, you will have a different harvest. Once you change from sowing to the flesh and you start sowing to the Spirit, your harvest will change.


If you want a mango tree and what you have is an orange seed, it only makes sense for you to change your seed for you to be able to change your harvest. That’s how it works! If you don’t want an orange tree, then you don’t sew an orange seed. If you want a mango tree, you sow a mango seed. So that’s how it works. If you don’t want to reap corruption don’t sow to the flesh. If you want to reap everlasting life, a beautiful, glorious, joyous, and prosperous life; then sow to the Spirit. You may want to ask; is it that simple? Yes! It is that simple.


You change the body of your seed to change the harvest, you change the location of your soil if you want to a different harvest, if you want your seed to thrive. There is a location where you sow in, and your seed won’t even see the light of the day and you sow in another location and you are seeing your seed burst out beautifully and grows and germinate and grow, and become so strong and tall and has root downwards and bears fruit. So, we must be mindful of how we are sowing, where we are sowing and what we are sowing.  Because corruption is a harvest, the life that you want to live, that beautiful life that you dreamt about, that wonderful life that you have prayed for can only happen for you when you change your seed and you change where you are sowing.


So, I’m just going to read the Scripture again in Galatians 6:8 “For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption. But he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life” I will love you to meditate on this and I will love you to give it serious thought in your life. It applies to everyone; it applies to everything and it applies to every area of your life and I know that as you glean wisdom from this, you will start experiencing change and start reaping everlasting life in your affairs as you go along on your life journey.


Thank you for staying tuned with me on this episode of Life Treatment. I’m Lara Gboyega Adedeji. Keep sowing right and keep reaping right.


God Bless You!


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