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Life Treatment: COMPROMISE (Episode 24): How To Deal With Compromise

Good day and welcome to life treatment; today we will be looking at another life issue that you will be seeing the treatment for it, and how we can walk into our prophetic destiny. Today we are looking at COMPROMISE. When we talk about being in the state of compromise or living in compromise, what does it mean? Compromise on CentreNDL”>Compromise means expediently accepting standards that are lower than what is desirable. Anytime you accept a standard that is lower than desirable, what is acceptable, then you have compromised.


So, compromise is said to being in a state or living in a position where you extremely or expediently accept standards that are lower than what is desirable. And what is the treatment for that? We will look at two Scriptures quickly, first what Jesus said in Matthew 6:24 and we will also look at another Scripture. But first let us see what Jesus said about compromise. Matthew 6:24. “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”  That’s the emphatic statement of Jesus about compromise. You cannot share loyalty. You will only be loyal to one master. So, you can’t accept a standard that is lower than what is desirable. Jesus made it emphatic when He was ending that statement, in that verse 24 that you cannot serve God and mammon. You can’t compromise.


You can’t afford to serve two masters, you would either love one and hate the other, you would either be loyal to one and be disloyal to the other. You can’t have shared loyalty. The way the human energy is, it is finite in nature. When you dispense your energy in a direction, you let it out in that direction and you pour it into that direction. So, it will be grossly impossible for you to sit on the fence. That you are doing this and doing that at the same time. And that’s why compromise is dangerous, it robs us of the glory and the beauty of our lives. And that’s why it is important that you stop this compromise, stick to where you want to stand. Stand on one side and stick to it. You cannot serve God and serve mammon.


You can’t have two masters, you can’t be here and there at the same time, you can’t be hot at the same time you are cold. Compromise on CentreNDL”>Compromise is a dangerous place to stand. And that’s why it is important that we treat it today. And I want us to see another Scripture that also gives us a beautiful picture of compromise and that is 2 Corinthians 6 verse 14-15. It says: Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. (that is compromise) For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness?


You can’t marry light and darkness; you can’t marry righteousness and lawlessness. Compromise on CentreNDL”>Compromise is a dangerous position. You can’t be unequally yoked together. Yoking means that you are putting two things or animals together to bear a burden. You can’t be unequally yoked. Yokes are always equal. So, for you to compromise, its unequally yoked. And it says again in verse 15; And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever?” all these statement talks about the state of compromise. 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people.”


So, compromise is unacceptable. You can’t afford to live in compromise and still expect to walk in the glory and the beauty of your future in God. Stop the compromise. It is spelt out already in these Scriptures I read to you, “don’t be unequally yoked together with unbelievers”, there is no fellowship between righteousness with lawlessness, there is no communion between light and darkness, there is no accord with Christ and Belial. And an unbeliever does not have a part with a believer. And there is no agreement between the temple of God and that of idols.


So, you must be careful, you must stop the compromise. You can’t be here and there at the same time, its compromise. You can’t have a double identity. Compromise on CentreNDL”>Compromise is God creating you as a woman and you desire to be a man, that’s compromise, you are becoming unequally yoked. Compromise on CentreNDL”>Compromise is transgender, compromise is going into things that God has not given you the right and the privilege to walk into, compromise is seeking any knowledge outside God.


Compromise on CentreNDL”>Compromise is tying to be a good person and, in your closet, you are doing bad things. Compromise on CentreNDL”>Compromise is having a form of godliness and denying the power in it. Compromise on CentreNDL”>Compromise is bearing false on the outside and deep down inside, you know this is not a true picture of who you are. That is compromise, and you have to treat it. You will remain stalled and stagnated in bondage until you stop the compromise. Don’t be unequally yoked, don’t allow yourself to be serving two masters. You can’t.  You can’t serve God and money. You have to choose where you want to pitch your tent.

Compromise on CentreNDL”>Compromise for instance is like two countries are engaging in a battle, one in the east, and the other in the west. And a soldier is fighting for the east and fighting for the west, that’s compromise. Double loyalty. The person becomes a double agent. You are here and there at the same time. You become a mole, you become a spy, it’s not the kind of life you want to live. Because whether you get caught by the east or the by the west, it’s a death sentence. So, let’s stop the compromise, choose where you want to pitch your tent and stay there. And I will enjoin you today to pitch your tent with God. Stop compromising, serve God, love Him, let your body be His temple. And I pray as you do so, you walk into the beautiful and the glorious future that God has planned for you.


Thank you for staying tuned with me on this episode of Life Treatment™; God bless you.


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