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Jesus Dependency Model: “I Can Do Nothing of My Own” – No LASTING SUCCESS Without God!

It's amazing what people can do without GOD. Most of us want to be spiritual giants, unaware that true spiritual greatness is ? synonymous with dependency. Jesus said, "I can do nothing, I will initiate nothing. I will be led-about as GOD see's fit". (Paraphrased)


Accepting Jesus is a declaration of absolute dependence. – Paul Washer.


But if we're going to be honest, we don't really want to be led by the Holy Spirit, we just want the Power of the Holy Spirit, ironically, so that we can control others!


Jesus was the ever dependent man, and this is where we fail. I understand the frustration, when people want you to deliver, and the Holy Spirit is saying wait. You best obey!


I HAVE NO POWER OF MY OWNJohn 5:30. If Jesus could do nothing without the Holy Spirit, you have no business succeeding without Him either, if you have, your success is an indictment that you're serving another Jesus, and listening to another gospel.


I tell you, a lot of people have achieved what is called "success" without GOD; They have money, live luxurious, exquisite, and exotic lifestyles, belong among the elites (creme de la creme) of this world, and they didn't need Jesus to have all that.


Because what Jesus offers is citizenship of another world, and a RICH SOUL, filled with goodness, kindness, faithful, patience, gentleness, self control, Joy, peace, and Love. If you're dependent on GOD, you won't need to take credit for nothing, and like David, wholly dependent, one day you'll face Goliath and remember, "yesterday's victory didn't come by my power"; thus be rest assured that not just today's challenges, but all your life's obstacles are under THE LORD'S Control.


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