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Impartation Series: What is Impartation?

Hi everyone. In this beautiful month, we would be starting an impartation series and I will be introducing to us in this first layer of the series what impartation is. What is impartation? We are going to start our observation with the words of Jesus in John 20:22-23. The Bible says: And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. 23 If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.” From these two verses, we would be extracting a working definition for what the word ‘impartation’ really connotes. Impartation is a granting or communication of something held in store. Impartation is the granting; like I grant you something, I release something to you, or the communication of something that has been held in store.


Now, this definition will help us to understand the spiritual connotation of what impartation is in the kingdom. Impartation is not just the laying-on of hands, impartation is not the pouring on of oil, impartation is not laying on of legs or hands or belly or any part of the human body, impartation actually is the granting or communication of something that has been held in store. Now, Jesus in John 20 verse 21 to 23 that we read when He spoke to His disciples, He said peace to you, as the Father has sent Me, sent I also you, and when He has said it, He breathed on them. What is the meaning of the breath that He gave to them? Meaning that Jesus granted them something, Jesus communicated something to them.


You can’t receive what you already have. For you to have it, you must receive it. Meaning that before this time they did not have the Holy Spirit. So, Jesus said; receive the Holy Spirit. Before this time if you have read through the book of John, you will see that these disciples have been walking with Jesus, He called them, separated them to Himself and He had been teaching them. You will think that the teaching should cumulate into receiving of the Holy Spirit. You will think that the encounters they have had with Jesus should be enough to grant them access to the Holy Spirit. But that’s not the case. Because if they had received the Holy Spirit, Jesus would not say again in John 20 verse 22, receive the Holy Spirit.


Meaning that they did not have Him, they had not received Him. The Holy Spirit had not been communicated. The Holy Spirit had not been granted to them. So, impartation is about the granting or communication of something that has been held in store. Meaning that the giver has it in His possession. You don’t give what you don’t have. For Jesus to say receive the Holy Spirit it means Jesus had the Holy Spirit. For Him to say to the receiver, receive the Holy Spirit, meaning they lacked Him. So, impartation is about the granting or the communication of something that has been held in store. And in verse 23, Jesus began to say to them the importance of what they have received. Now, this is like doing an executive summary of this series before we go into it. Impartation is about granting or communicating something that have been held in store. Jesus had the Holy Spirit and He said to His disciples receive the Holy Spirit. And in verse 23 He started talking to them about what will happen after they had received Him. He said if you forgive the sins of any, after you have been granted this access, they are forgiven. After this personality have been communicated to you, if you will retain the sin of any, it is retained.


Now, let’s go to the heart of what I am about to share with us exactly still dwelling on what impartation really is. See what the Bible says in Acts 4:31. It says: And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness.”  What is impartation? Now it looks as if we are going into bits and pieces, then we now come and tie all these together. Now, something happened to the disciples of Jesus, remember what happened in Acts 2, Jesus said don’t depart, tarry here in Jerusalem until you are endued with power. And the Holy Spirit filled them and they began to speak in other tongues.


It came to them like a cloven tongue of fire, and they all in that room, the upper room where filled, true or false? True! Now in Acts 4:31, the same set of disciples, some of them were also in this account. But see what we are reading again, because this is like to unsettle us, because there are some dogmas that we have been accustomed to in religion, and some of it is that once you have received the Holy Spirit, you have received Him once and for all. Now, the same set of Apostles in Acts chapter 2 encountered a situation and they needed an empowerment, and Jesus did not come down physically to attend to them. It said; and when they had prayed, what were they praying about? Lord this challenge that is in front of us, how do we surmount it? Lord this present predicament that we find ourselves in Lord help us. Was that not their prayer or some of it? And when they had prayed; the place where they assembled, they were about to receive the answer to their prayer. They had prayed, so they were waiting for the answer, now let us read the answer to their prayer, “and the place where they were all assembled together was shaken and they were all filled.”


Was it some of them? Or those that didn’t receive it before? The Bible said; “they were all” including Peter, James. They were in the Upper room in Acts 2 and they are still in this place in Acts chapter 4. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit. So, the Holy Spirit is the answer. They prayed, the church was faced with a situation and they prayed, and when they prayed, “they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke.” What was the product, what was the answer to their prayer? They were asking God; God how do we deal with this? And God said if you are praying for my will to be done in this situation this is the answer. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. What did the Holy Spirit help them to do? Is it to heal the sick? Is it to raise the dead? What did we see in that verse?


It said and they spoke. The presence of the Holy Spirit at that time, the impartation, the person that was granted to them, the dimension of the Holy Spirit that was granted to them that have been held in store now is the dimension of speaking with boldness. And they began to speak, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. What is impartation? Impartation is the granting of something held in store. God is big, He is bigger than something we have even talked about, bigger than what our heart cannot even fathom. God is bigger, but the vehicle, the medium through which the deposit of the Lord God almighty comes to us is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the vehicle, He is the medium, the personality that coveys the almighty God to men.


I want us to see Genesis, because when we are speaking about God, men lost touch with God after Adam fell. And that’s why we started with the words of Jesus. Jesus is the singular person that connects us back to God. That’s why when Jesus was going and He said My peace I give to you He said to His disciples, receive the Holy Spirit. If it was not important, He wouldn’t have said it. If they did not need it, He wouldn’t have said it. I want us to go to Genesis 1 verse 26 to verse 27, and then we will read chapter 2. We are just going back to the beginning to see how man was originally made by God. “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.” So, we could see that God created man in His image, according to His likeness.


Genesis chapter 2 verse 7. And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground; Because we are about to see; what is impartation? The first point of impartation, we want to see it where it was recorded in the Bible, so that we will understand that it does not come by laying on of hands. The first time impartation was done in the Bible, it was done by God Himself. “And God formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathed into His nostrils” Do we remember John 20:22? And when He has said this, He breathed on them, and He said receive the Holy Ghost. Is it not the same thing in Genesis 2 verse 7? And breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being.” Before this time, man could not function in the God realm, before this time man could not function in the image and the likeness of God until God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. And when man received the breath of life from who? God! He became!


So, when Jesus was speaking in John 20 verse 22-23, He was repeating the same experience, He was taking man back to the beginning. Death came from the first Adam, life came, and grace came through the last. Everything that was lost in the beginning was restored in Christ. And this is the order in which He restored it. He breathed on them and said; receive the Holy Spirit. God breathed the breath of life into man and man became a living being. What is the importance of man becoming a living being? Man became a living being to function in the image and the likeness of God. And that’s why in verse 23 of John 20. Jesus said to them after He said receive the Holy Spirit, He said whatever sin that you retain, is retained. Who can retain sin but God. Whatever sin you forgive is forgiven. Who can forgive sins but God. Meaning that; after you have received this breath you function as God. That’s impartation.


So, Jesus granted access to man again what He lost in the garden of Eden. What man lost in the garden of Eden was restored on the cross in Christ. That is why Jesus said it is to your advantage that I go, because if I do not go the comforter, the Spirit of truth would not come and you need Him. Because He is the one that will take you back to the garden of Eden, He is the one that will bring you back to paradise. So, impartation is the granting. What is impartation in the kingdom? Anyone that is born into the kingdom must be imparted. The disciples were just followers of Jesus until they were impacted. They could not do the work of Jesus until they were impacted. They could not do the things that God had originally preplanned and preordained for them to do until they were impacted. So, impartation is receiving that which has been held in store. When God sent Adam and His wife out of the garden, Bible says God placed cherubim with flaming sword. In Genesis chapter 3 and verse 24. So, He drove out the man; and He placed cherubim at the east of the garden of Eden, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.” So, the tree of life was taken away from man, it was held in store. So, impartation is what grants man again the access to the tree of life. Impartation is what grants man access again do that which have been held back from man because of sin.


So, when Jesus said to His disciples, receive the Holy Spirit, God was communicated back to their Spirit. Genesis 2:7 was communicated back to their Spirit. When God formed man from the dust of the ground everything was formed. That’s why you have your eyes and all the physical features of a human being.  But the breath of life is what distinguish ordinary men from gods on the earth. impartation is what makes you God on the earth. Impartation is actually what gives you dominion on the earth. What is impartation? Impartation is receiving the life of God again, receiving the image of God again, receiving the likeness of God again. So, every time you are filled with the Holy Spirit you are impacted. Don’t wait for anointing oil, don’t wait for mantle. This is the seal, this is the confidence that we have, He has placed His seal. What is that seal? The Holy Spirit. The seal that is upon you, the seal that is upon me that we belong to God, that we are the image and likeness of God is the Holy Spirit. Don’t look for another.


Don’t say I am looking for one powerful man of God to lay hands on me. The powerful God is inside of you, it’s enough. Yes, there are graces that men carry that can be impacted, but they can never be impacted until the real grace is in you. Peter didn’t have to lay hands on Cornelius. As He was speaking the Holy Spirit fell. We must wake up to the reality of what we have in God, we must stop looking and seeking men and start seeking God. We must stop being religious and start seeking the kingdom. Jesus said seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and every other thing will be added. They are addendums, seek first the kingdom. The kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ. It is the kingdom of His Father, seek Him, long for Him, pant for Him, that’s when you will be impacted.


When God appeared to Moses, He said to him; Moses I am sending you to deliver my people, and Moses said Lord I am not eloquent, I ran away from the same place. But what did God say? He said I will be with your mouth. It was impartation. Do you know for the rest of the life of Moses, he was talking? He spoke so much. Do you know the revelation in Genesis was actually shown to Moses?  He spoke so much that he was able to write the Torah; the man that said he not eloquent. He was leading a nation of thousands and he was speaking daily. So, when you come to Pharaoh you will be as a God to him.


The Bible says as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. You cannot be led if you are not filled. Meaning that you are filled and you are led. As sons of God, if your father is a king who are you? Don’t say prince or princess I don’t want to hear it; you are a king in waiting. Gods kingdom is not like the kingdoms of the world that only the first son that is the crown prince. The Bible says Jesus is the first born among many brethren. Meaning is not the only one born, we are all born after Him in God. The Bible says as He is, so are you. Who is He? He is a king. And He is seated with the Father in heavenly places far above principalities and powers. As He is, not as He was. So, whatever you see in the glorified Christ is a possibility in your life. As He is, so are you. If He is seated above principalities and powers, you are seated with Him.


The Bible says we are seated with Christ Jesus, so you are not just anybody. Jesus said whatever sin you retain is retained, whatever sin you forgive is forgiven, why? You have received the Holy Spirit, a portion of God. You have God in you. You have God in you, so you live Him. You create with Him. When the breath of life entered into Adam, God planted Adam in the garden and guess what? God brought animals, all the animals that you can ever think of, because God is not creating new animals, all the animals that God created during Adam is the same animals. God brought all of them to Adam to see what He will call them. Did he make mistake? No! why? He was functioning in the mind of God. Scripture says let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus. Operate as Christ, operate as God because you have been impacted with His Spirit.


When you carry the spirit of any man you will behave like that man, when you carry the Spirit of God, then you must behave like God. That’s how it works. When you are impacted with the life of God, who do you become? God! So, when you are in a space you are operating as God. So, you ask God what do you want to do in this vicinity? What do you want to do in this space? And when we are faced with challenges just like the Apostles did in Acts 4, you go back to Him and say God this is the present situation that is befallen Nigeria, there is so much insecurity, and He will say I am filling you with the Holy Spirit. How did Daniel and the three Hebrew boys become distinct? Impartation! The Bible says God filled them with wisdom. I want us to see that place in Daniel, because it’s important we understand how God has been operating in time past, the way God has been moving and using people, so that we won’t just limit God to a space.  


Daniel chapter 1 verse 17; “As for these four young men, God gave them; did they have it? Anything God gives you is an impartation. God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature. God gave them; if there is anything you need to operate as His ambassador on the earth, God will give you by impartation. God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom, that was four of them. And Daniel in particular had had understanding in all visions and dreams.” Did it just fall on Him? Daniel positioned Himself to receive from God. These four men positioned themselves to receive from God and God gave them. how did Solomon become the wisest? Was he reading encyclopedia? Solomon positioned Himself, because we are talking about what is impartation. Solomon positioned himself.


He offered to God something that caught God’s attention. And God came to Him in the dream, Solomon; this thing you have done has a consequence, it is a reward, what do you want me to do for you. And Solomon said God look at your people, look at my present predicament. This your people are wonderful people, I have seen how you have been leading them, I saw how my father led them, I can’t lead them in my own wisdom. I can’t lead them in my own strength, if you will give me wisdom, knowledge and understanding to lead this people. Did God say no I won’t give you? No! He said because you have asked these things and did not ask for the neck of your enemies. Seek first the kingdom of God, seeking first the kingdom of God is not just about some of this religious thing that we do, seeking first the kingdom of God is seeking the heart of the king. What is the heart of the king? It is the quickest and cheapest way to be imparted by Him. He said things that eyes have not seen, things that ears have not heard, things that have not yet entered into the heart of men. He said I have prepared. What is prepared is something that have been stored up, something that have been held away in secret. He said I have prepared them; I have stored them up for those who call upon my name. is that what the Bible says?


We must read our Bible and understand what God is saying per time. It says for those who love Me. How do you show your love for God? By seeking His heart. Wont you love somebody that is always seeking your heart? and you know the person genuinely is not doing eye service. You will love the person. So, if there is anything, you will make that thing ready for the person. That’s how God is; that’s why the Bible says God is not a respecter of persons. He is not carried away by your looks, you can look all handsome and all beautiful for all He cares, if your heart does not pant after Him; that was the secret of David. David was a man that understood this; that’s why he could have access to the sure mercies of God, Covenant of generations. If you go back to the book of Kings, you see God saying this king tried but not as David.


David became a bench mark. Why? His heart for God. God said I have found David, a man after my pocket? After my hand? After my heart. David said as the deer pants after the water brooks so my soul longs after you. That’s the quickest way to be impacted. Long after God because your life depends on it, seek Him with all your heart, love Him with all your strength, because your life depends on it. unashamedly; serve Him, pursue Him and He will grant you something that has been held in store, something that have been hidden before generations. He will grant you access to the deep. The deep of God, once it calls to your deep and you respond, you will be impacted. So, impartation is the granting and communication of something that have been held in store, we receive it by the presence of God, the presence of God is the Holy Spirit, once you pant after Him, God will give you a portion of Himself. The Bible says; no good thing will He withhold from those that pant after Him, those that long after Him, those that serve Him with all of their hearts, those that are true worshippers that God was talking about in John chapter 4, that will worship Him in Spirit and in truth.


God will impact, the Bible says He will give grace to the humble, but God resist the proud. When He gives grace to the humble, He is granting the humble access to something that have been held in store. The quickest way to be imparted is let your heart be for God alone. God will not deny you. He said unto this one will I look upon, one that is of a poor and a contrite heart and trembles at my word. I will continue to look; you will always have my attention. These are the people that always has Gods attention. God is not a respecter of persons, whatsoever a man sows, that will he reap. 


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