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Identity And Origin of Every Man: Discover Your Real DNA

Lara Gboyega Adedeji: We are so excited to have you join us on another episode of Bible In Focus. Today, we're paying attention to Identity and Origin of Every Man. You want to find out who you are. You want to find out where you are coming from, and why have you been sent to the earth. Welcome!


Gboyega Adedeji: So very quickly, we'll be reading the book of Ephesians chapter three. And we'll start our reading for verse 14 to verse 15. Ephesians 3:14-15, the Bible says: For this reason, I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom whole family in heaven, and earth is named.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Amazing. Did we hear that? The Bible makes us to understand the origin. It said: the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ from whom the whole family…” please pay attention to the Scripture. It says: that from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named.” Are you on earth? Are you named? Then your origin is from the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. That is the origin of all on earth, and in heaven. He is the origin for all of us. So, you want to find out who you are, you want to find out where you are coming from, you want to find out your true identity, then your true identity is in the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Many scientists and people all over the world have been asking the question and doing research over the years trying to find our identity. Are we a product of evolution? Does man just drop off? You know, you see that many people go to different planets on the earth, trying to find out the identity and the origin of life.


But the Bible makes it clear, focusing on the Word of God the Bible, it's clear that the whole family in heaven and on earth have their origin in the one, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. So, there's no ambiguity to this. Now, many people have contested this over and over and over again. And if you will look back at researches that have been carried out, how scientists have gone through different archaeological history to find out who was the first man, how did they evolve, they all come back to say that there is a force that cannot be explained. There is a person, there's a presence that brought about everything, they sometimes call the mother nature, because they can't actually wrap their hands around, taking God out of the scene. God remains the one and only origin of whole of earth and heaven. And that's why apostle Paul said “for this reason…” there's something that makes me come to this realization.


There's a revelation I caught, that makes me bow my knees to the Father. I bow my knees. I acknowledge, I agree. I come to terms with this truth. That He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and it's from Him, not from anything else, not from particles, from Him alone the whole. So, no one is exempted. You are not exempted. I am not exempted. All of us have our origins sourced in God. That's why Genesis chapter one cannot be erased from the history of mankind. God created man in His image and according to His likeness, your origin is in Him. So, to find out about yourself, you must find out about your father. For a son to understand the DNA, the makeup of his person, he must find out his roots, his origin. So, for you to discover who you are, your identity; you must know who your father is.


Gboyega Adedeji: You know, another thing is once you know who your father is, then you have a picture of who you must grow into who you must become because your father is a picture of your future. He is who he is, and you must become who he is. So, the Bible says, as He is, so are we in this world.” So, we have a responsibility as children, because we are in the family of the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we have a responsibility as children to grow on to sonship, to grow in sonship or to grow as children on to the state, the status of our Father because He is who He is, and we must become like Him. He is the model of our growth. So, as I am, I must not tell myself, I'm done until I become like God. So as God is, I must be. You know, the Bible made the whole picture easy for us. It says, for this reason, I bow my knee to the Father of our Lord. The question is, who is the Lord Jesus? Jesus is the Son of God, and is the son of man. In fact, the Bible calls Him the firstborn among many brethren. So, Jesus is God becoming a man. And so, God becoming a man, God, the Bible now says I bow my knees to God, the Father of the man who was God, that modelled God to man.


So, every time I want to know who God is, so that I can become like Him, who is also my own father, I should model after Jesus, God who had become man because it gives me a picture of the perfect man. The Bible says in Ephesians, chapter four, verse 11, it says: and He Himself gave some to the apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints, for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all irrespective of gender, irrespective of our country of origin, whether you are British, or you are a Kenyan, or you are a South African, or you're Canadian, or you're an Australian, till we all call to the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, who is also the Son of Man to a perfect man to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. So, coming to the stature, coming to the fullness of Christ. So, becoming like Christ is you and I becoming like God our Father. So, every time we want to know God, then we know Christ. Knowing Christ is us, knowing God, and knowing Christ is also becoming like Christ becoming like God, our Father.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Yes. So, knowing Christ is connecting to our origins, connecting to our true identity. It is like we’re coming back home. So, when you are in Christ, you are at home, you are at home in God. You are at home in your true self. Your identity is not the superficial nature of your physical appearance, but your true identity is your spiritual origin in God, the Bible says God is Spirit. So, your true identity is your origin in God which is spiritual. So, for you to know who you are truly, it is to connect to the spiritual origin of your person, which is found nowhere else, but in God.


Gboyega Adedeji: You know, you could do a good job to go by, let's say, let me look at my father, let me see my mother. Let me see why I have the stature that I have. Why am I slim, why am I fat? Okay, my mother is fat, my mother slim, that is why I am slim. My father is fat. That's why in fat. You see, you could know why your physical frame is what it is, by simply going back immediately to your immediate father, but your immediate father, mother, were giving birth to by someone. That someone was given birth to by someone. But the one who gave birth to everyone is God. A Bible passage says: “every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things God is God. So, the father of all men, whether Chinese or Japanese or Nigeria, is God.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Yes. So, it's important that we know this, and that's why in God there is no racial difference, there's no ethnic bias. We are all one. Don’t get carried away by your physical appearance. You see, the person you are is fearfully and wonderfully crafted and made spiritually, after God.


Gboyega Adedeji: So, when you are trying to think about who you must be and what you must do, don't restrict yourself to your parents. That doesn't give you the full picture. They might not have even discovered themselves yet. So, don't restrict yourself. Find God. If you can find God, then you have in your hands the fullness of who you can be. See that Scripture, it says: it has not yet been revealed what we shall be. However, when he that is God is revealed. We shall be like Him because like father, like the children.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Yes. Alright. I believe that you have learned something. You now understand that your origin is in God. And to connect to your origin you need to connect to the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. Once you grow up into the fullness of the stature of Christ, you have discovered yourself, you have actually connected to your origin. I believe that as this word has blessed you, it will also bless somebody.


Please, reach out to your friends and your loved ones with this video. Let them know their true identity and their origin which is in God. Please like, comment, let us know how you have evolved in your discovery of your true identity in the comments section. And please also subscribe and click the notification bell so that every time new contents are uploaded on this channel, you will get a notification. We are so excited to share this time with you on Bible in Focus. Thank you for the gift of your time. God bless you.


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