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Heart-Led Vs Head-Ruled in Discipleship :

In this piece we are going to be looking at something that is thought provoking. We want to look at two things; Heart-Led Vs Head-Ruled in Discipleship.


We are in disciplers convocation, that implies that we are either disciples or we are disciplers, or we are discipled- disciplers. So, since we are all either disciples or disciplers, it means we are in discipleship. And if we are in discipleship, it is realized that we are either heart-led or we are head -ruled. So, when you evaluate yourself, you must be able to say I think I am head ruled or I am heart led. You must be able to tell yourself the truth, so that you would know what next to do. If you happen to belong to one of the two sides.


So, lets start from Genesis chapter 1 verse 26. I am sure you know by now that there is hardly anything we want to talk about that we cannot start from Genesis. The Bible says; Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have Dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over [g]all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth. So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have Dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that [h]moves on the earth.” May the Lord bless the reading of His word in our hearts in Jesus name. Amen.


The emphasis is on verse 26 where God said let us make man in our image. Part of the things we will be asking is; what is the image of God? It says and let them function according to our likeness. What is the mannerism of God’s functioning? And how does God function? And then it says; when this happens, when this takes place, it says; ‘let them have Dominion over the fish of the sea’. So, Dominion only comes after the image and the likeness has been resolved. So, if you skip the image and the likeness, you may as well skip Dominion.


Everyone around you could be in Dominion, but you may be removed from the list of men and women that can experience or exercise Dominion. Why? Because you are not correctly aligned as an image of God and a man or woman that behaves like God. Every one of us is in need or desires to exercise Dominion. There is nobody that will say I love it when I am been ordered around. Sometimes when we find ourselves in those situations, we do what does people command us to do, but that doesn’t mean that is what we love. Nobody loves to be a servant; nobody loves to be a slave, nobody loves to be rude, nobody loves to be told what to do.


But in reality, how many of us have been able to avoid people either lording things over us or telling us what to do. Have we been able to avoid serving people or responding to instruction or command? We desire not to but we find ourselves in it. What I am summarizing is that we are not all exercising Dominion. Sometimes some of us are exercising Dominion in certain places, but we don’t exercise Dominion in most places that we desire. As husbands we have the privilege of telling our wives this is what I want to eat. And your wife would be like alright is that what you want? This is just by the way; Let me read Genesis 3 verse 16. It says; “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception, in pain you shall bring forth children, your desire shall be for your husband and he shall rule over you.”


Not he shall lord it over you. It says he shall rule. Remember we are looking at Heart-Led Vs Head-Ruled. It said that the husband is the head of the woman, the man is the one ruling, right?  So, before a woman says why do you think that I am the one that should cook for my husband? The Bible says your desire will be for your husband and your husband will rule over you. As a man that is enjoying that kind of rulership, you know that you can tell your wife, give me this and then before you know it, she does what you asked her to do, that’s Dominion. But that is not all the things involved in Dominion.


That’s not all the Dominion God has in stock for you as a man. You shouldn’t just be able to tell your wife what to do and she listens, you should be able to tell the host of heaven and the host of this earth, you should be able to tell circumstances around you what to do and they must respond. Things in your life that happens around your life must be able to respond to your instruction the way your wife listened concerning what you want to eat. Imagine a husband says this is what I want to eat and the wife comes with something else, and she says food is food. How many men will love that? Does that look like Dominion? You don’t want to have a situation where you want to declare something concerning your life by faith, this is what I desire, Lord let this be done in this place. Lord, I submit to your authority I ask that this matter submit to my authority. And you close your eyes and wake up, then the opposite of what you said is what you see.


How many of us will consider that to be Dominion? So, basically, Dominion in the real sense means that you say a thing and it is established. You are able to decree justice. And part of Dominion is also that you able to provide leadership. But the one that needs to provide leadership may also need to be provided leadership. That’s why we are looking at a situation where a man is either heart-led or head-ruled. Is one better or are they the same? Already we have seen that God had defined it. When a man is made in my image, when a man behaves like me, that man will rule in my name, will rule in my place.


Let’s take for instance bro John has been following me for a long time, he has been learning from me, he has been trying to see the way that I do my things; then I say bro John I am actually going to town I want you to do this. Then I announced to everyone around, he is going to stand in for me. When he takes charge, and he begins to do things differently from the way I used to do them, and then somebody that knows me, knows him, and knows the matter, now decides to call me and say sir, the man you handed over to has done every thing opposite of the way you used to do it. What will I do from wherever I am? I will call him and say bro John I am so proud of you, go in this thy strength, continue to do this thing. Why will I say that? Myself and my wife where listening to a message on the pattern. That God has ordained a pattern for each one of us to follow. The message was preached by sister Shade Akanni.


Now, in reality, there is a pattern that a man is expected to follow, if that man is going to remain wherever God has put him. There is a place in Psalms that says; a man who is in honor and does not understand, he is like the beast that perish. So, it is one thing to be in honor, it is another thing to understand where you are. What is expected of me where I am? How am I expected to conduct my life? How am I expected to do things in this place, in this season of my life? When a man knows this and behaves accordingly, that man will remain in honor. But if you are in honor and you don’t understand what you must do in honor, you do something different, you will lose the honor. We have seen that God has established what He wanted in Genesis 1 verse 26 to verse 28.


Now lets go to Genesis 2 verse 15 to verse 17, Then the Lord God took [d]the man and put him in the garden of Eden to [e]tend and keep it. 16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you[f] shall surely die.”


It is said in Romans 10 verse 17, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. How do we explain faith? Can faith be explained? Can faith be reasoned? Can faith be analyzed? Is faith given to logic? God said I have put you in the garden, and the assignment is clear, tend and keep it. However so that you don’t do it in hunger, all the trees in the garden, eat, enjoy yourself. However, this particular tree, whose fruits makes a man to have a knowledge of good and evil, don’t eat it. What’s that? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. So, the word of God was simple. Don’t eat it. That was it. God dint have to continue.


If a person in authority asks you to sit and say don’t stand up, and you stand up when he goes. Do you love him, do you respect him? If somebody that you respect and cherish says don’t go there, go here, and the person goes, and then you decide to go to the place where the person says don’t go. Do you honor the person? God didn’t need to go beyond that. But God didn’t stop there, if God had stopped there, He would be right, He would be righteous. God has said of all the trees in the garden you may freely eat, then He said for in the day that you eat of it, you will surely die. God didn’t need to put that there.


There is a reason why God says don’t do. If you really have a relationship with God, God does not need to tell you the negative consequence of what He tells you not to do before you don’t do it. It is simply the word of God is enough to make you to move. Pastor Adeboye was preaching several years ago and he was explaining spiritual warfare, how believers struggle. The Holy Spirit says to you, do this and you are trying to reason it, and He gave an example that imagine that the witches are trying to throw an arrow at you and the Holy Spirit says fall down now, quickly bend down, and you are saying God what are you saying why should I bend down.  The arrow has been realized, if the arrow will not hit you, you have to bend down, God didn’t even explain, He just said bend down. You want God to explain the etymology of why he or she to do what God wants him or her to do. But to those who are mature or a maturing, when God says bow down, fall down, bend down, you quickly do it without understanding why.


I usually explain this to my wife, somethings God puts certain things in my heart that I must do, I don’t understand why, but you will think I know why when I am doing it. It is later that I will come to know why God told me what He had told me earlier. So, can be telling me something now and I am excited about it, what you are telling me may not be exciting, it is how the heart is turning. I don’t know why I am excited but I am excited. I have come not to stop it. But somebody would say Lord why should I be excited? What is there for me to be excited about? We want to know why; we want to ask questions. And many of us have been limited in life. Many of us have experienced all manner of things, why? We want God to explain. But for those of us that are growing up, when God speaks, we do what He ask us to do.


When God spoke to Abaraham, go and sacrifice your son, did God say for when you do, you will do so and so, when you don’t sacrifice your son, your life will be so and so. Did God threaten him? The Bible says and Abraham departed. He didn’t even know the exact place that God was sending him to, but he departed. That is why they call Abraham, a man of faith, the father of faith. Not by reasoning it, he departed just by hearing it. When it comes to faith, it is hearing, it is not your brain. When God says it and you hear it, you respond to it.  Some people will say Lord I don’t want to make mistakes in life, let me be sure and then you begin to set questions for God as if He wants to enter university.


Many of us can do like that and we can choose to be on it for months. What God said to you since 2016, you are still marking the reply of God. So, at what point will you start doing it? Yet that is not faith. You could be a man of God, you could be a pastor, God spoke to you and you are still reasoning it, for as longs as three years. That’s not faith. God said for in the day that you do it, you will die, that is God trying to appeal to his sense of reasoning. God was like, do you want to die? And the man says no. then He would say then don’t eat it. It’s like God was helping him to reason. God was speaking to a generation. He said I lay before you life and death, but choose life.


Faith comes by hearing, in whatever form, hearing from God.  Faith does not mean you are confused, faith does not mean you are not informed, faith does not mean you don’t know, faith just means you had it. Somebody would be like who spoke to you? And you say God, they can’t see God so they can’t verify it, they can’t substantiate it. They can’t think and reason it, they can’t analyze it. They can’t subject it to empirical research. When you are dealing with faith, you are dealing with a man who is dealing with His God. Who is hearing God and is moving as He is hearing.


God spoke to Jonah, rise up go to Nineveh that great city, incase it gets confusing, incase there are two Nineveh’s, that great city, go and cry against it. The agenda was clear, the location was clear. But the Bible says the man of God rose up and went opposite of where God asked Him to go. Do we still remember the reason why he did that eventually? Because God is merciful and that the people will repent. He is trying to reason the instruction. Imagine God speaking to Nathan, go to David, go and declare my judgement. He begins to say Lord your servant David, he easily gets angry when you talk to him about women, God it won’t work. Let us look for any other means. We have read in the Bible how people drag matters with God. Eventually they still have their way.


But the men of faith in the Bible, it wasn’t about them dragging it, they had it and they did it. Jonah was thinking why waste my time? He was almost going to say God, I know you. So, don’t waste my time. Let’s talk about this; do you really think you will punish them? If you know you are not going to punish them, then there is no need for me to go. And maybe God still wants you to go and you say Lord I can’t go; can’t you see the reason why I can’t go? Before I get there, you would have changed your mind.


We would soon realize a prophet that is heart-led and head ruled. Head-ruled leads to stubbornness. Stubbornness talks about a head that doesn’t yield and does not move. So, as a teacher, as prophet, as an apostle, are you heart-led or you are head ruled. Are you a man that respond to the word of God or are you a man that reason with God? And you don’t reason with God, you reason against God. Because ultimately, when you are done reasoning, you always win.


Growing up as a man my brother used to insult me; I was never interested in loosing arguments, and I did that for many years until I entered the university. And as far as he is concerned, I don’t normally think when I am arguing and I still did not want to lose. So, he was telling the other people in the family, don’t argue with Gboyega, when he starts like that, tell him its okay. Because I know he will come to you the second day and say do you know that thing you were saying yesterday, do you know its true? So, why waste your time arguing when he will still think about it. So, by default in those days and according to my people, I argue. That is why some of them are aware now that sometimes I like to be spontaneous before it enters the other realm. I quickly want to do it. This is just to help us realize things that are at work.


Even though you are a man of God, there are instances that I can engage my head. And usually when I engage my head am trying to resist the will of God. How many of us have read that place when Jesus was about to die? And He got to the garden of gethsemane, and told the disciples that were sleeping couldn’t you tarry with me for an hour? He said pray lest you enter into temptation. He went and prayed; He came back they were sleeping. And the prayer He was praying was that if you will it; Lord could you make this cup will pass over me, what was going on. He knew the will of God. God had told Him. There was a time there was a time the Bible says Jesus was on the mount of transfiguration, the Bible says and there appeared unto Him Moses and Elijah and what were they doing? They were telling Him things that will happen. How He was about to go, they were sharing with Him direct vision from the Lord.



So, He was never in doubt of what God wants Him to do. But at that point He said Lord if you wish, how many of us unlike Jesus that moves and build tabernacles on if you will. And will keep saying Lord if you wish. Imagine a man that God says I want you to marry sister A, this is 2023 and the man goes to God and says Lord if you wish let me marry sister K, Lord if you wish it could also be sister T, Lord if you wish it could be any of those sisters but not sister A. and you are on it until 2027.  And brethren will meet you on the road and ask you brother how is it, have you gotten married and he says we are still trusting God. Are you trusting God or you are doubting God? This is possible for us because we also have our wishes and desires.


There are things we want God to do for us. But we must understand that when we go to God, you don’t go about telling God what you want God to do for you, you listen. The Bible says when you come to God, don’t be rash, don’t offer sacrifices of fools. Don’t go about just talking, try to be sensitive, what is the will of God for my life? What does God want me to do? If your prayer is in line with the will of God, it gets answered quickly. But God is looking at you, you are the one that is aging, God is not aging. God is looking at you and would be like my son I have answered you on this same prayer. I have told you its sister A, and we do all manner of things in the place of prayer, because we want God to change His mind.


God if you cannot approve this other sister, maybe I should remain unmarried. Then you go about telling people you are still waiting on God. In that sense, you are not waiting on God, God is the one waiting on you. So, when men see you, they will say you are a fervent brother, you are spirit filled, you go to church every time, you pay your tithe, you pay your offering, but you are not getting married, things are not working. And they in their heart will say if somebody that is serving God like this is not progressing, why should I serve God. Not knowing that this man that is serving God is head ruled in the service of God. He doesn’t do what God is asking Him to do. When we look at the way the Holy Spirit talks to us, it is like a still small voice, when we are analyzing, when we are arguing, it is very loud, there so many voices, but the Holy Spirit is not in the argument, He doesn’t go about dragging things with you. If you shout too much, He keeps quiet. It is when you maintain that spirit of calmness and say speak to me Lord, that is when the Lord will speak to your heart. Bit because it comes so softly, so quietly then you say it can’t be. Then you say Lord here are the 16 reasons why it can’t be, Lord from my research, from the last time I asked some people, they said this thing cannot work. So, God why should I do what other people say it can’t work. If the people can think it can’t work, why do you think it can work?


We reason it yet we can move forward and better in life responding to the yearnings and the promptings f the Holy Spirit within us. Remember that God has said it; the day that you do this, you shall surely die. Let’s jump to Genesis 3 and we will read from verse 1 to verse 8. It says; Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made.


What is another word for cunning? Deceitful or smart. So, the serpent was smarter. So, when we say people are deceitful, cunning or smart; are we not trying to say they have sense, they can reason? Whatever God ask them to do, they don’t just do it, they think it. They think so far ahead than God. They see the errors in God’s judgment, so they do something else. God says this is the way you should go and you say no Lord this is the way. Lord this your way I have seen 36 people. Lord if I am not being exaggerating, I have seen 6 people that have followed this your way, they are all poor now at their old age, Lord this is the way, nobody that passes this way becomes poor.


God may be telling you to get married and you are saying Lord all the people that have gotten married in my family actually divorced. So, instead of me getting married, I would rather have a child out of wedlock. I will be a baby father; I will be a baby mama. One man cannot be telling me what to do. I am an independent man.  All my sisters that got married, they all divorced. Lord, I can’t marry. We are smart, we don’t want to make mistakes so, we use our head. How far has our thinking brought us into the will of God. How many of us could say thus far when we look at our lives every time, we have done what God wanted us to do, it was because we thought it well.


Could we attribute all the achievement in our lives to great thinking? Can we say we are where we are today because we thought it so well? Do you think so much that you were speared from the activities of witches and wizard? You were thinking so much that the devil couldn’t trap you? You have become some body that the devil can’t touch because you think so well? In case you think that you are thinking so well, the Bible says; the serpent was the smartest. And sometimes in Revelations the Bible calls him the old serpent. When somebody is smart and old, what do you call the person? A wise sage.


So, our advantage is not in our wisdom, don’t forget whenever the Bible talks about wisdom, the Bible says there is the wisdom of this world. And apostle Paul said have you realized in your calling that not many wise, not many noble were called. Why? God loves to use the foolish things of this world to confound the wise. Before you will attribute your life to belonging to the group of the wise, the smart guys who are called into the ministry in my generation, that is not necessarily where God wants you to be. God does not want you to be a man that goes about bragging that the reason why you have not divorced your wife in 10 years is because of your wisdom. Bible says ‘and He said to the woman’. So, we are looking at the woman having conversation, reasoning with one of the smartest creations of God.


And it says; “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” It’s a loaded question. But the question is; is that what God said? Did God say don’t eat of every? So, the guy is smart, he knows every, he is playing chess with the woman. When I read that Scripture, and we saw where the woman was told, “your desire will be for your husband and you shall rule over him.” This is my revelation or understanding. Lest that situation repeats itself in the future, God set a structure of authority in the family. That’s the only reason. As far as the man and the woman are concerned, in the eyes of God, they are the same. The male man, the female man; but lest authorities are mishandled in the future. Don’t forget it was God that spoke to Adam about what he shouldn’t do, but it was the woman that was speaking with Satan about what God told them not to do.


I am sure we know that if it was Adam that was talking with the serpent, the conversation could be a little bit different. The woman didn’t understand the weight of the instruction. But she knows the instruction was don’t go there. See what Joseph said I could not have done this wickedness against my God and my master. That is how Adam could have responded. So, let that happens, the Bible says your desire will be for your husband and he shall rule over you. But when the husband is ruling, he must rule in line with the will of God. The Bible is assuming the husband is a man that is in tune with God. God is handing women to the husband thinking their husbands are with Him. Apostle said imitate me as I imitate Christ. Problem will arise, if you imitate me and I have stopped imitating Christ. A woman could be messed up because that woman’s life is drawing towards a husband and the husband is ruling over her and that husband is disconnected from God. But that’s not where we are going.


Genesis 3 verse 2. “And the woman said to the serpent, “We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; 3 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’ The word of God that came to Adam was now subjected to empirical research. Reasoning what God said and the circumstance around when you received it. This woman was also subjected to the same thing. The serpent that was not there when God was speaking was asking question about what God said. Was trying to help them analyze it. And the woman now said God said we should not even touch it. That’s where the woman messed up everything. Because the one who was talking with the woman, had enough things to work around with.  


Verse 4 says; Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” God said for in the day that you eat it, you will surely die. That’s it. The serpent said the day you eat it, your eyes will be open and you will be like God. Being like God looks attractive but there was something she didn’t hear very well. She said your eyes will be open.


Verse 6:So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was [a]pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise.” Can we see that? The smartest creature was telling the woman. This thing will make you wise. Let me share with you my secret for wisdom. She took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened; is that not what the serpent said? But did God tell them that? But let’s look before we think the serpent had their best interest.


The eyes of both of them were opened and they knew that they were naked; Did the serpent tell them there would be issue of nakedness? He just told them their eyes would be opened. Let me put it this way; if you do that thing, you are going to get a big contract, and then you go there, they now tell you that actually once you have received that big contract, you are expected to start drinking this every week for you to be able to retain the contract. Did they tell you before? Can you go back? Does it not look like the Nollywood we normally watch? When people do ritual, the ritualist don’t normally tell them the nitty gritty. The man could tell them even me I didn’t know, that’s what the Spirit is demanding. And you can’t blame the man, the man that you are asking to make you rich is also poor. He will tell you I knew it won’t be easy that is why I didn’t do it.


But he wouldn’t tell you not to do it when you come. They will just be telling you see my friend poverty is bad, don’t worry I will help you. Just bring me this and this. When you step in, they will now start showing you. Now that you have stepped in that they know you can’t go back, this is the next thing. So, what happened? Their eyes got opened. The serpent told them their eyes will be open so that’s not a shock. But the thing is immediately their eyes got opened, they realized they were naked. So, a problem arose. Did you see the serpent show up to help them? Let’s read our bibles, they saw that they were naked and the serpent started giving them covering? The serpent went away. The did is done.


So, the Bible says; they, the man and his wife sewed fig leaves together and made for themselves covering. If you continue, verse 8 says; And they heard the [c]sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the [d]cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden.


If you go towards the end after God has given judgement to everyone, Bible says in that Genesis 3 from verse 21, after He had judged the serpent, the woman and the man; it says; Also for Adam and his wife the Lord God made tunics of skin, and clothed them. It’s like a short blouse, Bible says God made it of skin. Some of our clothes are made from cotton and from different things. But made the one for them from skin. God was not the one that created the problem, but God provided a means for their cover. The man that was reasoning with them, reasoned them out of covering. He didn’t even tell them when it gets opened you will be naked, I will tell you how to fix that one. But God came around to fix that one.


Whereas if they had been where God asked them to be, doing what God has them to do, they wouldn’t be in that state. Let’s conclude with verse 15, there is something I saw there and I want us to see it. It says; And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head; Who is the He? The seed of the woman. And you—the serpent shall bruise His heel.”  


So, this is the heel, and we know the head. So, the Bible says the son of the woman, the seed of the woman will target the head of the serpent. And then the serpent will target the heel of the son. So, basically the heel is our basis for standing. So, when I was meditating about it, I realized there is so much link to it and conviction. Your conviction, your faith. So, when the devil sees you, he wants to target your faith, the basis for your actions. Why do you do what you do? He wants to target it. Why do you follow God? Why do you obey God? The devil is always fighting it. No matter what the devil is doing against anybody, no matter the name you call it, it is towards getting the persons faith. When the devil launched an attack against Job, it is so that Job will get to a point He will curse God and die. You can’t curse God in faith, you have to be faithless to curse God.


He said I know my redeemer lives. Even though he could break me, maim me, I know in the long run my life will be better. And that’s what happens to us. But when we are in difficult situations, the devil wants to lose our basis for faith. If we don’t have any basis for our positions, for our standings, we cannot remain standing. But what does the son of God target? The head of the serpent. The place from where the devil commands. From where the devil controls. Jesus targets there. So, Jesus is targeting the control of Satan, Satan is targeting the faith of the church. This is the basis. And I concluded at a point, I wrote down that without Christ in any one’s life, Satan will control, the faith and the conviction of that life.


Satan will choose the thing that you believe and the things that you don’t believe. You think you are a free moral agent but the devil is shaping you by the social media, by education, go through school and the school makes you to think in a certain way, and you think its your thinking? No! you were given the thoughts. I can imagine the people that refuse to retain God in their knowledge, imagine a people. How can a people refuse together, that means there was a group think, a group talk.


Its easy for one man to say in my heart I don’t want God again. But when a people say they don’t want God, that means there is somebody that spoke to them as a group. So, it means they all went through the same baptism. Maybe it was the same philosopher that spoke to all of them of them. They refused to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over. God gave a whole generation over. They were subjected to the same media, the same training, same education, they had the same taste and preference, so they began to the things together that were not right, that were not convenient. So, if you don’t allow Jesus to rule your life, the things you do and the things you believe, they will not be shaped by you, they will be shaped from darkness. The devil will tell how to think and how not to think.


So, the question is from where are your decisions coordinated from? Are they coming from your head or from your heart. When they come from your head there many entries; the nose, the mouth, the eyes and ears. But when you are dealing with your heart there is only one entry. So, the things that you do, is it that you gather information from everywhere and say based on these facts, this is what I want to do? Or you say Lord what do you want me to do? In your room you could kneel or sit down. You could even lie-down. God doesn’t mind your posture on the bed. Any posture; but you must ask God, Lord what would you want me to do? And God tells you what to do and you do it, you are heart led.


That is why every time God is looking for a man after His heart. Another thing that I wrote as a question is Jesus Christ your king, or are you controlled by the pit of hell by the things you see and the things you touch. In front of the things you see, I wrote effects. When you see a celebrity, a man that was nothing in 2017, and is now a billionaire and he begins to show off, will he show off his good character? Do you see people show off good charter on social media? Like guys I want to just tell you guys to be patient. They don’t say that. They show what they have accumulated, the things they have achieved, the people they have shaken hands with, the places they are going. When they are going for vacation they show us all these things.


And you being to say to yourself, where will all this lead me to? and maybe you listened to the testimony of Pastor Paul Eneche, you realize how things were so difficult starting out in ministry, maybe it took him 10, 15 years to stabilize. And then you hear someone else that started out in ministry and in one or two years he has made it. And you are like should I choose pastor Eneche’s pattern that is very slow or certain, will I be lucky like him, or this guy’s own. One year I am done. People that do ritual and they die two years after the ritual, do you not know that they don’t mind the shortness of the time?


So, who are we going to be led by? The world will show us things and in the front of it I wrote the things that we see and touch. There is nobody that they will give a new apple phone 14 and he will be sad and say take your apple phone I don’t want it. Is that what we will do? We will receive it and be like wow thank you so much. That’s somebody giving you. But that you see your friends at work using it and they told you the price and you consider your salary, knowing fully well that you still have to pay your house rent, school fees etc. How long will you save money to do these? So, you can see the slow process you can ever follow to get to that point. But somebody shows you a short path would you choose the short or you will choose the slow.


That is why it is the will of God that we are not governed or guided by those toys. I put it in my bracket; the toys of Satan. They are plenty, including vehicles. Every celebrity shows off by buying a new car; Ferrari, Lamborghini, Mercedes Benz. No matter the name, they want to show you. When you see those things on social media, they can take our hearts away from loving God. It creates restlessness within us, we want to look for every means to catch up with them. And yet what this leads us to is to make us to be head ruled. We begin to reason out everything.


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