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Depression: Discover How Millions Die Annually Across the World

From another angle, we could conclude that depression is a state of being pressured by the devil. Pressure could produce patience, toughness, and focus from anyone who handles it well; however, when a man is being pressured by the devil, over any matter, thought or decision; such a person is being de-pressed!

A man is not a failure when he fails – for failure is a personality or character or attitude; while fail is an event or instance, occurrence or momentary experience. A man becomes a failure; however, when he thinks he is afailure because he failed. That is, experiencing shame, defeat, lack or misfortune is an occurrence; however,dwelling on your shame, defeat, failed attempts (on projects, plans, pursuits, relationships), lack and misfortune, makes you to become one with them.

The truth is, when you fail, or experience any discomfort – it is all a matter of time! However, when you become pressured or pressed (by the devil) by any failed experience or discomfort; your life becomes synonymous with such failed experience.

Judas, the son of Simon from Iscariot, denied his faith (in Jesus Christ) and sold Him to His enemies. After he was convicted of sin (which did not lead him to repentance, but to depression); he decided to commit suicide. In the same instance, Peter also denied Jesus (his faith); however, because Jesus had weakened the power (pressure or pressing) of satan over his life; he repented of his sin and grew to become a great apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.




And the Lord said, Simon, Simon! Indeed, satan has asked for you, that he may sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren.

Luke 22:31-32

God does not throw you away because you sinned; and that you sinned does not make you a sinner. You become a sinner whenever you choose to dwell on the thought and experience of your sin. And each time youdwell on your sin; you make yourself a judge over your own matter; and oftentimes, you receive double judgment (without mercy)– one from you and one from God!

You see, many people have divorced, committed suicide, resigned from there lucrative jobs, abandoned their dreams, and became emotionally (and oftentimes physically) abused because of depression.

Therefore, if you perceive that you are becoming depressed; do not rush to the hospital for Medical prescriptions or treatment. Instead, go to God through Jesus Christ by the leadership of the Holy Spirit for His strength and power to remove the hand of the devil on your life.

Please note: Your recovery will not be overnight, but in an instant! Give it a trial now!


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