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Carrying the Image of Christ Jesus: Understanding the Relationship Between the Image of Christ and Dominion

In this article, I want us to meditate on what has been titled ‘Carrying the Image of Christ Jesus.’ And we will start from Genesis 1 and will look at verse 26, before we go to Genesis 4.


Let us look at Genesis 1 verse 26. The bible says; Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”


God said, “let us make man”. I am a man; you are either a man or a woman. God said, His intention for that man is that he should be in the image of the Father, He should be in the image of God. And not just in the image of God, it is important for man to also be in the likeness of God.


But our emphasis will not only be on the likeness of God, we want to also look at the image of God. The man that God said let them have dominion, or the men, the people that God commissioned for dominion were people, were men who were in the image of God. The image of God was a condition that produced dominion for them.


So, if they needed to keep the dominion both over the earth and the things within the earth, over their own circumstances, they needed also to keep the image of God. Now, let’s look at it, when we see a man who is a slave, even though we have never met Him before but we see somebody that is a slave, is it easy for us to identify the person by seeing the person?


Alright! When you meet the king of Zulu kingdom, and you have never been to Zulu kingdom, and you meet their king somewhere and the king is alone, by looking at the king can you know he is a king without knowing his kingdom? Okay! That slave by looking at him without knowing his master, can you know he is a slave? 


So, one thing that is clear is that there is the image of royalty, there is the image of dominion. There is a way kings look, there is the image they bear. There is an image they express or they exude. Toward the end of the tenure of the former president of Nigeria, President Buhari, even though many of us may not like him very well, but there is a way he used to walk. He used to carry himself with so much dignity as if he is Nigeria.


So, anybody could walk anyhow, he doesn’t walk anyhow, he doesn’t move his hands anyhow, he doesn’t talk anyhow. So, there is an appearance. Some people were responsible in packaging him to the point that even him, he has become the package or the packaging. Even though he didn’t start like that, he will end like that. Look at the current president, even though he is not poor, just give him time if only he can remain on that seat for some years, you will start seeing the glory of the president all around him. Beyond being a rich man, why? Some people will be responsible for packaging him making him to look just like the position he carries. So, it’s just a matter of time. Even though he was not a president or born a president, if he can remain on that seat for a while, he will start looking like it. So, sister Joy who has never met the president of Kenya before, when you see him or you hear him, something will tell you this man is talking like a president. Why? He is exuding an image. There is an image he is presenting to the people.


There is a man he believes he is and he wants you to see that man when you see him. Remember we are looking at carrying the image of Christ Jesus. And we on Genesis chapter 1, we began looking at verse 26, when God said let us make man in our image and according to our likeness. And so, since our goal is to look at man in the image of God, we can therefore see that the ultimate aim of God is that man who is made in His image, will remain in His image if he will remain in dominion.


So, should anything tamper with the image of God in man, that thing has already tampered with the dominion that God has given man. You know, there is something they call self-esteem. They can also say, what is your self-image? How do you see yourself? Do we still remember the story of the spies that were sent by Moses to spy the land of Jericho? Do we remember what they returned with? They said, the people, they are like what? They are like giants and we? We were like grasshoppers before them. Even we ourselves, we saw ourselves like grasshoppers.


So, since they saw themselves as grasshoppers, they could not stand against the giants. The way the saw themselves was the way they presented themselves. You know they say, the way you dress is the way you will be addressed. There is a place we are going but we are building this background. The image or the issue of image is an important matter. We cannot dodge it, it reflects around us daily. When people see us, there is an image they see.


You can’t meet a yahoo man and think he is a lecturer in the university. You can’t see somebody with all manner of things within him, and when you see him, you are confused. There was a place in the Bible when the Bible was talking about Judah and that woman, Tamar. The bible said, she dressed in the dressing of an harlot. She was not a prostitute, she was not an harlot, but she dressed like them. So, the image she wanted her father in-law to see was the image of harlotry.


When you see me, don’t see the woman, the girl that you married for your son, see a prostitute. So, when you come to me, don’t come to me seeking for your daughter in-law, come to me seeking for harlotry. Why? She has packaged herself to be seen as such. So, every day we present an image. Whether we are conscious of it, whether we are deliberate about it, there is an image people see about us.  And it tells about the man, the woman that we really are inside of us. Sometimes we misrepresent ourselves, sometimes because we are the only one packaging ourselves.


You know, for Mr. President for instance, it is a whole lot of people, a whole team working to make sure he doesn’t misrepresent himself. But for you and I, the best opportunities that we have is that we are helped by our husbands, our wives and sometimes for those who have grown up children, by the sons and the daughters. “Daddy, don’t forget you said you want to always look like this, you want to look something else. This thing is making you look something else.”


If you don’t have that privilege, then you are the only one at the mercy of your own self-understanding, and you are representing your image. Presenting yourself as if you are something that you may not be or as if you are who you are. So, it is our responsibility. But the original image that God ordained for us was the image of God. So, each time you and I present ourselves to men, we were originally intended to be presenting the image of God. So that when people see us very well, when they turn to one angle or to another angle, the more they turn, the more they see God.


But what do you think happened in Genesis 3? Something happened that man became something else. Man, that God intended that he needed to continually be in His image, became something else. But let’s jump the process of the self-transformation of the man. Let us look at what happened in Genesis 4 from verse 1. The Bible says; Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, “I have acquired a man from the Lord.” But that is actually not the main focus.


Let’s still read chapter 4 verse 25. It says; And Adam knew his wife again, and she bore a son and named him Seth, “For God has appointed another seed for me instead of Abel, whom Cain killed.”


Let’s jump to Chapter 5 verse 1; “This is the book of the genealogy of Adam. In the day that God created man, He made him in the likeness of God. 2 He created them male and female, and blessed them and called them Mankind in the day they were created. 3 And Adam lived one hundred and thirty years, and begot a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth.”


Now, it could have been like this; And Adam lived one hundred and thirty years and begot a son after his own likeness, after his own image. But maybe the Bible doesn’t want tautology; the Bible had already said in his own likeness, instead of saying his own image, the Bible just put in his image. But whether we say ‘his own image’ or ‘in his image’ it is the image of Adam. Originally God made man in his own image. Of course, we should assume that if A is equal to B, and B is equal to C, we can assume that A should be equal to C.


But assuming the B was compromised at a point that we don’t know about, then A will no more be equal to C. and that is what happened here. even though we could all conclude that we are all in the image of God from birth, we must not be ignorant of what took place in Genesis chapter 3, to Adam and his wife. Do you remember the time I said when you see a slave, even though you have never met that slave before anywhere, can you recognize a slave by the appearance of that man or that woman? And we agreed yes! You can know that a man is a slave or woman is a slave from the way he/she dresses, looks, talks or behave. And when a king appears, there is a way we will know that this man must be a king of one kingdom even though it is not written on the head.


So, there is an image of royalty, and there is an image of slavery. So, when Adam obeyed the serpent, Adam was no more in royalty. Adam had become a slave to whomsoever he obeyed. And as a slave, he began to reflect the image of his master because that is just the truth. Anybody that struggles with that, just give birth to a child, allow the child to just be growing on his or her own, you will hardly find anything that looks like God around that child as the child is growing.


The child will be exhibiting behavior, even though the father of the child is not even with the child. The father is far away, the mother is far away, the child will be displaying some attributes after the order of his own father. So, children are off shoots of their fathers. And so, when we said you are a servant to whomsoever you obey, that means the master has taken both the position of the father and the master over the slave.


Do we still remember that place when Jesus was speaking to the people? He said, you are all children of your father, and his desires you will do. They said, “Oh we have one father; God is our father.” And Jesus said, if God is your father, then you will not be trying to kill me. You are of the devil, and the desires of your father you will do. He is a murderer; he is the father of all liars. So, we can see, how did he become a father? He became a father the moment he began to give instruction to Adam and his wife and they began to follow it.


So, from that time, instead of Adam and his wife to start looking like God, they began to look like the serpent. They began to talk like the serpent. They began to say, this is our own tradition, this is our culture, this is who I am oh! Adam and his wife thought that as long as they were growing in that image, that new image that they got from their new father, the serpent, the devil, they thought all was well.


After all, there was food on the table, they were even giving birth to children. See, they started with Cain, then they gave birth to Abel. What happened? The Bible calls the devil the murderer, so that means since he was the grand father of Cain, Cain was quick, efficient and good at killing. Somebody would have asked; who taught him? It wasn’t his father. It was his grandfather. So, the grandfather was not there when he was killing his brother, but he had taken the image of the father. And as it was for the father or the grandfather, it was for him.


We want to start from basic things before we go; there is a place we are still going in the Bible. Before we all conclude that the man that you see is the perfect man, from the head to the toe, the man that was born in that village several years ago, he was born perfect. In fact, as long as that man was going to school; primary school, secondary school, going to university, the man was growing. You could ask, was he growing in the image of God, or he was growing in the image of Satan his great grandfather?


Because, it doesn’t matter how many degrees we have, it doesn’t matter the number of trainings we have received, we have all just become trained children of our father, and the desires of our father we will do. If our father is a killer, we will kill. If our father is a thief, we will steal. Whatever our father does, even though our father is not physically with us, since we bear his image, we will do his works. You know sometimes in our generation, we have come to a point that everything bad that people do, they will say it is the work of the devil.


And we have got to a point, jokers and comedians began to say, don’t be saying it is the work of the devil. You know some people will even pity the devil and say is the devil that is doing everything? Stop saying the devil. This one is not the devil, this is you.  So, even when the devil did not actually do anything directly, he has done everything indirectly by giving the image.


Microsoft company doesn’t have to be in Bwari, they don’t have to be in Abuja. As long as their software runs on your computer system, Microsoft is influencing your decisions. If you give an instruction to the computer to print, it is because Microsoft has told it so. Not you! You are only doing what Microsoft has told you to do.


So, when you find us doing certain things, before you conclude and say this is me, or this is just a man’s behavior, or this is how a woman should behave. Ask yourself, is this the image of God? Is this an offshoot of the image of God or the offshoot I got from my great grandfather the devil? It looks like many of us have never seen the devil as a great grandfather. But many of us agree that Adam and Eve represent our greatest great, great, great grandfather. So, if at any point in time our great great great grandfather got a father, then that person became a father.


Some of us, we look like our great grand fathers that are dead or like our great grandmothers. So, the man may not be around, or those people are even dead but you are alive! And guess what? You share their temperament. The man is an easy-going person, they say that your uncle in Lagos, that man that you look like, very easy going, that man is this and that. The only thing is that he has many wives. Then, he drinks a lot. So, now, necessity has been laid upon you who have been fashioned in the image of that same man to follow his footstep. You will be very quiet, you will be drinking a lot and you will be womanizing. Do we understand what is going on? Even though you have PhD. and perhaps you were trained, anywhere! You will just be a trained version of that man.


Let’s just use two examples so that we don’t look too narrow. When you see an Igbo man anywhere in the world, does he stops behaving like an Igbo man because he is in a different place? When you see a Chinese man, even though he is very far away from China, does he behave different from the Chinese behavior? These people are entrepreneurial people; they just want to trade; they just want to make money and you can’t cheat them and dwell in peace.


So, it doesn’t matter the PhD that the person has, it doesn’t matter if the person was even trained by a denomination of a church. The person is just a trained Igbo man. So, this is where we are going; if something doesn’t drastically change the image we bear, no matter how much training we have, that is why many of us struggle, many of us complain, many of us are frustrated, I have read, in fact I have done everything I could do, the only thing I just noticed is no matter how much I try I still find myself behaving like my uncle, like my father, like my mother. It is the image that you bear. And if something doesn’t drastically address that image, no matter your education, no matter your age, you will just be an older man, an older woman behaving in the manner of your heritage.


Let us see 1 Corinthians chapter 1, we will read from verse 20. We will read a couple of verses in that same place that we will read. See what the Bible says; But now Christ is risen from the dead, and has become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep.”


So, don’t forget we are looking at carrying the image of Christ Jesus. The Bible says “but now; at this time, that we are talking now, Christ is risen.” There was a time he lived, there was a time he died, and now he is risen from that state that he was. He was there for a season, if you had gone there to meet him in those days; you would have met him in that state. But if you had concluded that that was going to be his state forever, then that conclusion will be inappropriate.


The Bible says at this time, he is no more in that state. He was, but now He has risen. And what is the goal? And He has become the first fruit of those who have fallen asleep. Now, look at it. It says “For since by man came death, by Man also came the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ all shall be made alive.” There was a time we were referring to Adam and Eve to be our grandparents, and many things that we carry about today, we got from them. And the Bible says just like Adam was very influential in dictating the manner of our appearance in the flesh, how we look, our attribute, our temperament; the Bible says “even so” in equal dimension, “even so, in Christ, all shall be made alive.”


So, there is a making that is in Christ that is available for each one of us. So, if you can say your father contributed something to make you this beautiful, the truth is; in the same dimension, Jesus must contribute something to make you also beautiful. So, you cannot be loyal to what you got in Adam and then tell yourself, I don’t need anything in Christ Jesus. As you were patient in resembling your father, then you must be patient to resemble Christ. As you were patient to take the temperament of your uncle, as you were patient to take the things that you received from your blood line, in the same manner, you must be patient to draw from Christ Jesus. And this is important for us.


A lot of issues came around when people die, or things die, do they come back? Are they resurrected in the same manner that they died? Let us jump to verse 35 of 1 Corinthians 15. But someone will say, “How are the dead raised up? And with what body do they come?” 36 Foolish one, what you sow is not made alive unless it dies. 37 And what you sow, you do not sow that body that shall be, but mere grain—perhaps wheat or some other grain. 38 But God gives it a body as He pleases, and to each seed its own body. 39 All flesh is not the same flesh, but there is one kind of flesh of men, another flesh of animals, another of fish, and another of birds. 40 There are also celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.”


Let us also jump to verse 46. We are gradually getting to where we are going. However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual. 47 The first man was of the earth, made of dust; the second Man is the Lord from heaven. 48 As was the man of dust, so also are those who are made of dust; and as is the heavenly Man, so also are those who are heavenly.” Verse 49, where we are actually going; “And as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man.”


When people see us for the last 35, 45 years now, or 55, 75 years now, people have seen us looking like people from Illesa, from Akure, from Oyo, from Jos, we have looked like people from Igala, from Kogi, we have looked like Tiv, and you know, some Nigerians there is a tribal mark there, they bear the mark of their heritage. The Bible says even as you patiently took that burden upon yourself for the last 40 years, the Bible is telling you, so you must take upon yourself now till you die, the new image. And the image is the heavenly man.


That image the Bible called him, the Lord from heaven. And that is Christ. You were bold to tell people, I am just an Igbo man. You were proud of your heritage as an Igbo man, you must be proud of Jesus as Jesus man. So, as you were able to show that our people don’t joke with money, now, you must be able to show people that Christ people don’t do so and so. This is how Christ people do, you were proud of it. You must now be proud of Jesus.


If you fail to do this, even though you think you are increasing in learning, in your academics, even though you think you are increasing in your age, you are getting older, you are just simply an old man coming from that heritage who will also die at the level of that heritage. There is a place the Bible says if only in this world we have hope, then we are of most men pitiable. So, the hope that we have in Christ, even though it begins from here, it is not expected to stop here. The things that God has made available for us in Christ Jesus, it transits this moment, this period, this phase of our lives. We must not become so loyal to the past, to where we came from; to our mothers and fathers and sisters and uncles. “As you see me so, I just look at my elder sister” You are not ordained to die looking like your elder sister, you must also bear the image of Christ.


That is the responsibility that has been placed upon us. Our forefathers, they lost the image of Christ, we are expected to gain it. That is why Apostle Paul got to a point, He said every other thing he count it as loss that he may gain Christ. There was something he realized. And that is why in several instances he will be telling the people; as I imitate Christ, you imitate me. There is a place in this 1 Corinthians chapter 15 that we just read, that Apostle Paul said I die daily. What is he trying to say? I am dropping off that old man, that old nature, the man that I got in Adam, I am dropping it. And I am taking on day by day the man in Christ Jesus.


This is what most of us don’t like hearing. And let’s hear it. Even though our outward man perishes, we know that our inward man is renewed. How many of us can find joy in that daily renewal? How many of us will not be frustrated that, why is my outward man perishing? Why am I not looking handsome each day? Why am I not spending all manner of money trying to look good and package myself? I am not going about trying to look handsome, trying to look glorious. My joy is that even though my outward man perishes; I don’t know any outward man that is renewed day by day.


In Yoruba land, some kings that refuse to die because they have laid hands on wealth, they begin to renew their years.  And no matter how long they do it, they will still be getting older. That’s the law of life. The Bible calls these things, the things that fade away. It is fading with time. Now that you know that these issues that you received in Adam is fading with time, why should you cherish it more than what you can get in Christ Jesus? Even though our outward man perishes, we know our inward man, the one that we are getting in the new man, in the heavenly man, is renewed, it is getting better, it is getting matured, is learning, is developing, is getting expressed. It is finding expression. Every time people see me, they are seeing it more and more, they didn’t see it very well last year but they are seeing it more and more.


That should be our commitment and joy. The fear that we have is that because we still see ourselves like the old man carrying the nature that we took from our fathers, we still think that is all. Apostle Paul said the way we took that one, in the same measure, none of us got to this point over night. Bro. Gboyega did not become like this in one day or one year, it has taken him many years and many decades to get to this point. But he never stopped. You know some people usually say no matter what keep moving forward, keep going.  Former president Buhari said his progress is slow and steady. Now, even though you want to make your own very slow and steady, keep progressing.


Let it be of you that yesterday, people could not see this aspect of Christ in you, but today they are seeing it. That is why the Bible says the path of the just is as of a shining light, it shines brighter and brighter every day. Sometimes you still notice that there is something about your grand father that you still sometimes see around you, don’t get discouraged, commit yourself to laying hold of Christ, to gaining Christ. Apostle Paul was not an unbeliever when he was saying; that I may know you. I want to know Him. There is something that I believe will get out of me if only I can lay hold of Him.


He was writing the book of Romans and he was like there are certain things I want to do and I don’t find myself doing it, the things I don’t want to do, I find myself doing. That was a phase in His life, but he didn’t die there. There was a time in his life that he could suffer and he could be feeling hard, feeling pity for himself. But there was a time that he was suffering and he was telling people, rejoice! There was growth taking place in his life. The same apostle Peter that could not talk about Jesus in front of a young girl, could now talk about Jesus even when he knew that he was going to be killed. There is a growth taking place. When the people saw the boldness, that boldness was not there when he denied Jesus, but the boldness had come. When the people saw the boldness of the disciples, they said these ones have been with Jesus. That is the will of God for us.


So, today we are feeling weak, we don’t feel like we represent or reflect Christ, they way people understand and recognize kings when they see them, when people see us, they don’t still understand or sense the apostolic grace, the prophetic grace, the pastoral grace. They don’t still see it. Don’t fidget yet, don’t be afraid, don’t loose hope, you need to keep moving forward. Apostle Paul said, I die daily! We must daily continue to renew that new man. That man that you have from Christ, you must keep renewing it.


Let us conclude with Galatians 6 from verse 11 to verse 15. See with what large letters I have written to you with my own hand! 12 As many as desire to make a good showing in the flesh, these, that is, this people, would compel you to be circumcised, only that they may not suffer persecution for the cross of Christ. 13 For not even those who are circumcised keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may boast in your flesh.”  If there must be a boast, which is better? Boasting in your flesh and boasting in your spirit? But they want to boast in the flesh.


And this could represent many things. 14“But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. 15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails-another translation says ‘matters’ anything, but a new creation.” Another version says but a new person, being a new person, taking on a new image. We have carried this image for the last 60 years, we need to start putting off, we need to start dropping off the old image.


That is why 2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 17 says, if any man be in Christ Jesus, he is a new creation, the old things have passed away, that is the expectation. Behold all things have become new! This is where our challenge happens because many of us struggle with that Scripture. But why do I still have these funny tendencies of my fore fathers even though all things are expected to become new? This is it. When we decided to become new, when we decided to go into Christ, we still remain with our people. There are some people today, no matter how many years they see me, they still see me like that Gboyega. If it was that Gboyega that was wearing pant in the street and used to play with tyre, they don’t respect me, they don’t believe in me, and they don’t regard me. As far as they are concerned, it doesn’t matter whether he is grown up, He is still a boy.


You will see your elder sisters talk to you anyhow. In fact, you will see them lay demand on you like they used to lay demand on you. They will talk to you, they will be showing you the things they used to show you, they will be teaching you the things they used to teach you. And yet you are a new man. So, there is always this contradiction for many people. And not everyone has the ability to chat a clear course, out of that environment. Because of respect, we respect maybe a leader or we respect an elder. Whatever they tell us to do, we do. Yet we have become new. So, even though we were supposed to be learning Christ, we continue to learn the world.


And let us take it outside the circles of our families. In our working places, we still keep the old friends, we still have the same old desires. So, even though there is a new man in us, we don’t give the new man the opportunity to see a new thing. So, we feed the new man with the old stuff. Imagine somebody that is born again, but still thinking carnally. And you are wondering what is going on? The Bible says; if you sow in the flesh, you will of the flesh reap corruption. That Scripture is a great deliverance. It doesn’t matter our spirituality or titles, let’s just ask ourselves, what have I been sowing into? Because that is what will determine what I will be harvesting.


Imagine you are a man of God and lately you have been listening to Mohbad and Naira Marley. As you are going to office, Mohbad, and you are like what is even about that guy that people are talking about him, a small boy. And before you know it you are loving it. But you are still speaking in tongues, but you are still loving Mohbad. Before you know it,you start adding other people to it. Before you know it whatever their songs tell you to do, you will be finding an issue, a struggle. You will now be wondering, why am I lately struggling over this little matter? Why can’t I think straight and make the correct decision? You have been feeding into your flesh and from that flesh you will be reaping corruption. You will be having strange desires. If they are singing about sex, that will be the only thing you want to do, you will be surprised that you are a man of God. Why? You have been feeding it.


We must not get carried away, we are living in the world. You are a man of God and then from morning till evening as you are browsing or you are watching TV, you are just seeing all manner of girls, and you are speaking in tongues. If you don’t stop seeing that, what will happen is that there would be a desire. You have not been sowing into the Spirit, you have been sowing into the flesh, your flesh is becoming strong in desires. And then, the desires of the flesh you will do. And then you will be crying and saying but I thought I am anointed, I thought I am a man of God? You have simply sown somewhere else. Even though you belong to a family, you are looking at what they eat in other families and you were doing long throat, before you know it, they put it into your mouth. 


The Bible says, who comes back with redness of the eyes, is it somebody that stays behind where they are drinking palm wine or alcohol? So, you didn’t go there, you cannot come up with red wine. But you tarry there with them, then whatever is on them, is with them and in them comes upon you.


So, as we desire to have the image of Christ, knowing fully well that in Christ Jesus it doesn’t matter circumcision or uncircumcision; whatever we can group under it, what matters is you becoming a new man, you doing a new thing, you going to new places, having a new discipline, new taste bud, and new lifestyle. That is what mattes in Christ. And until we calmly and patiently take on that new man, until we patiently do that, we will be surprised that we are just getting older, getting ranks, getting positions without maturing. We will still be acting like children, we will still be acting like the people of the world. We will be telling ourselves, but I was born in church, I have always been a church choir master, I have always been this. Why am I doing this? The matter is that you refuse to bear the image of Christ even as you have borne the image of Adam and your grandfathers.


I pray that the Lord will help us, will work upon our hearts more and more. These are words that we should meditate on in our houses and we should pray about.


Jesus is not for fun. Jesus is for a function. Christ was given that we may become like Him. That we may take on his image. As we behold Him with an unveiled face, as in a mirror we are changed into the same image from glory to glory. That’s the will of God for us. And the more we behold Him, the more we are changed into Him. Christ is where Christ is, if you don’t go to Him to behold Him, even though you are tarrying in the church, you may never become like Him.


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