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The Inner Voice of I CAN: Sourcing Possibilities From Unseen Potentials

Life is described to be like onion that is lived in layers and phases. Usually, when we think we have gotten the best of an onion; we surprisingly uncover more and more beautiful and colourful parts. In life, we often feel exhausted and wearied by experiences that we encounter; and we often assume that the experiences of life have gotten the best of us. I however believe that we are the best shockers of ourselves: for when we think it is over with our dreams and plans; we then enter into a new life of multiple or even countless possibilities and achievements.

When life paint a picture misused, misfortune, missed and abused opportunities; we often withdraw in self-pity, self-guilt, and low self-worth – however, when we dig further into our inner reserve of I CAN DO ALL THINGS; I CAN BECOME WHOEVER I DESIRE; I CAN BE GREAT, and the likes of I CANs; we encounter a newness of passion and purpose that propel us on the path of our I CAN picture (vision).

The scientists believe that the air waves are filled with countless signals; and each signal is specific, distinct and directed. Even so, life is full of pictures, some painted by our experiences; and some others are painted by our inner voice of I CAN! When our lives are guided and influenced by the pictures of our experiences, which usually bring the worst out of us, we usually reel and or stagnate in life. But when our lives are influenced and led by the pictures of our inner voice of I CAN, which I call – POTENTIAL; we usually progress and prosper in peace (rest) in the path of our pursuits or passion or purpose.

Therefore, whenever life experiences tell you that you are such an unfortunate being, that nothing good or great can come out of your life, lineage and land; respond by standing to see from the angle of your personal POTENTIAL, all that you CAN DO, SAY, BECOME, OWN, ENJOY, LEARN, GIVE, TEACH, SHARE and ADD! Truly, there is a treasure in you, you can live it out – only trust the LORD of your life – who sent His only begotten Son – Jesus Christ, to renew your mind, to take you out of the dungeon of depression and oppression of doubts, impossibility, sickness and weakness. Jesus CAN help you to TAP into the wealth of an unending supply of POSSIBILITIES, PURPOSE, PASSION and POWER for your greatness and fulfillment in life, business, ministry and even your career! For time sake, I REST my case!!! Enjoy the life of I CAN DO ALL THINGS through Christ Jesus that STRENGTHENS ME!


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