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2022: The Year of the Will of God

Hi everyone. It’s Lara Gboyega Adedeji and in this piece, I will be sharing with us on the subject of the Will of God. I believe strongly by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit that this year is the year of the Lord. It is the year where the will of God would be done, established and made known amongst the people of God, where nothing else will take the center stage outside the will of God, where everything will gravitate towards the achievement and the accomplishment of God’s will. And in this piece, we will be looking at this will of God in three areas as the Holy Spirit will be leading us. Number one; we want to understand what God’s will is.


Number two, we are going to understand how to live in the year of God’s will. There is a way to live this year and the Lord will be opening our eyes to that. Number three, we will be looking at our heart cry in the year of God’s will. There should be a burning desire this year. This year is not the year to be given to frivolities, this is the year that all day, all month we must carry a burden, a passion, a burning desire to see that the will of God is done. So, what is the posture that we must take? What should be our heart cry towards making sure that the will of God is done in and around us? We are going to observe that by the help of the Holy Spirit. And lastly, I said they were three but there is an icing on the cake. We will also be looking at what to expect in the year of God’s will? What is that thing that must always wet our appetite as we wake up each day with that burning desire for the will of God?


What should we expect? The Bible says that the expectation of the righteous will not be cut short, meaning God wants us to always be with an expectation. This year is not the year to just carry out our business without expectation, there should be an expectation. Sure there is an end and the expectation of the God concerning us God said it will come to pass. So, there is this expectation God wants us to have specifically. We are going to look at that as we go along. We are going to start our observation from Isaiah 61, I will read from verse 1-11, that’s going to be our text.


The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, Because the Lord has anointed Me To preach good tidings to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives, And the opening of the prison to those who are bound” please I want us to pay attention to God intently, the Bible says the letter kills but the Spirit gives life. I want us to concentrate and focus on Jesus, I want us to draw in the Spirit what God is speaking to us this year. It’s going to appear. The word is not going to appear generally, the word of God will appear to us individually, and as this word is going on we should make sure that we are focused on what God has for us. Some of the things that we would be reading would be confirmations to some of us that this is it, this what God is speaking to me about.


For some of us it will be direct spelt out instructions of how God wants you to posture this year, and for some of us it will come as reminders of things that God has said concerning our lives and destiny and it will appear as though this is the time of activation, this is the time of manifestation, this is the time that God has prepared for us to walk into all the things that God has for us. Isaiah 61:2 says: “To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all who mourn,3 To console those who mourn in Zion, to give them beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness; That they may be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.”


We are going to pause a little bit there; this Isaiah 61 is a prophecy concerning what God will do. The Bible says the subject of the prophecy was the one speaking here, and He was saying the Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed me. He has anointed me to do something. Then He started listing the things that the Lord has anointed Him to do. And one of the things that He said was; from that place you would realize that from that place He started using ‘to proclaim, to comfort, to console, to give’. He started mentioning ‘to’; the things that He started mentioning are pictures of what the will of God concerning Him was. The Spirit of the Lord is upon you this year to do something. The Spirit of the Lord is upon you this year to do His will. And the list went on and on, to comfort, to console.


These are the things that He is supposed to do. So, if Jesus was going to ask, what is the will of God concerning me? This is it. The same way in our individual lives, if we would ask ourselves, the first definition of the will of God, we are considering, what is God’s will? The will of God concerning you are the things that God has called you to do. If there is anything that God has told you to do, it is God’s will. God will not ask you to do anything outside His will. When God tells you to do something, it is His will. So, whatever God wills, it is His will. That’s the definition that the Holy Spirit gave me. Whatever God wills it is His will. What does that mean? I want us to go with me to Micah 6:8. It says: “He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you; we are looking at what is God’s will? He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you; But to do-every time you see ‘to do’, it is Gods will.


Whatever God requires of you is God’s will. And what does the Lord require of you? But to do justly, to love mercy, And to walk humbly with your God?”  Number One; whatever God wills, it is His will. If God will raise the dead, that is God’s will. If God will multiply five loaves of bread and two fishes, that is His will. Whatever God wills, is His will. Number two; whatever God requires of you is His will. Whatever God would be requiring of you to do, if it is to sweep, clean, preach, to take care of your family, that is His will. The Lord wants us to this year unlearn, relearn His will. The will of God is not in the many things that we are consumed with. Whatever God wills, is His will. Whatever God is requiring of you; if what He is requiring of you is to stand up in the morning and stand by a junction and pray in tongues for thirty minutes, that is His will, that is what He requires of you.


1 Peter 2:15. What is God’s will? For this is the will of God, that by doing.” [You cannot do Gods will without doing, Gods will require action.]  “For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men” This is God’s will; that you are doing… You can never exhaust God’s will. You can’t come to a point in your life as a man that you say I have done all of the will of God. God’s will is in the doing, you must be doing, you must be found doing. And what did it say there? For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men. Meaning that doing good is God’s will, and that is why any news of God is good news.


Any work that God ask you to do is good works. When God wants to show Himself to people, it’s in goodness. So, if you do the will of God, it’s in doing good. So, you are declaring and proclaiming good tidings, good news, you are doing good works, you are displaying and manifesting the goodness of God. This is how to understand God’s will. The Bible says if you know a good to do and you don’t do it, it is a sin. Meaning the will of God is doing good. Number Three; what is God’s will? God’s will is doing good. Let’s not forget this. This is a year of doing good. This is a year of doing the things that are required of us by God. This is a year of doing the will of God, doing what God wills. Not arm twisting God, doing what He wills. The Bible says it is God at work in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure. That’s His will.


How do we then live in the year of God’s will? Ephesians 5, we will read verse 15-20. See then that you walk circumspectly” We are reading all these five verses intentionally. How to live in the year of Gods will, is encapsulated in all these verses. See that you work circumspectly not as fools but as wise, 16 redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” Let us pause on that verse 15 and verse 16. See then that you walk circumspectly, you walk carefully, you walk with the consciousness of God, not as fools; it is fools that say in their heart there is no God. So, how do you walk as wise? Carrying with you daily the consciousness of God.


Every day as you live in the year 2022, you carry with you the consciousness of God. The Bible says because they could not retain God in their consciousness God gave them over to a reprobate mind, doing the things that are not convenient, the things that are not fitting, the things that are anti God’s will. So, to be a man and a woman of God’s will this year, we must walk circumspectly as wise not as fools, redeeming the time. How do we redeem the time? Making sure that we invest the time that God has given to us in knowing and doing His will, that’s how to redeem it.


The time this year is not be invested in pleasure or frivolities. No! Redeem the time because the days are evil. The Bible says if you sow to the flesh, you will of the flesh reap corruption. But if you sow to the Spirit, you will reap life everlasting. How do you sow? What do you sow? These are the things that are critical that we must sow this year is time. Sow time in knowing God. Sow time in knowing His will, His requirement, the good He wants you to do and what He wills, sow time in discovering it and doing it. Verse 17 says;Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.” Meaning that you have passed the realm of knowledge that puffs up to the place of understanding. You are sure, you have a strong conviction, that this is the will of God. You are not tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine.


They are not saying Jesus is here today and you go, they are saying tomorrow this is the way to go, and you follow, you are standing, unmovable. You are standing, firmly rooted, that’s understanding. Understanding makes you stand firmly. You are standing firmly in the understanding, in the conviction of what you know the will of God is. They are not saying its crypto currency this year in fact if you are not doing crypto currency this year you are not doing anything and you are in a rush, you join, you don’t understand what the will of God is. This year is not the year for band wagon effect, that the crowd is going this way, this is the popular way to go and you follow, no! you must understand what the will of God is. Nobody is waking up in the morning and saying to you, see the way you are living your life now, this is what I think you should start doing and you jump at it, no! understand what the will of God is.


The will of God for you is His requirement for you not for everyone. It might not be popular, it is not something that can be bought in the market, it is something that is revealed to you and you must understand it, don’t just know it. “Understand what the will of God is, 18 And do not be drunk with wine.” How do we achieve this this year? How do we live in the year of God’s will? It is that we are not drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled; be consumed, be immersed in the Spirit. This is the year of unbroken fellowship with the Holy Spirit. You are not in and out of God’s presence, you dwell there. Those that dwell in the secret place of the most-high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty. And I will say of the Lord, with understanding and conviction; He is my refuge, my God, in Him will I put my trust.


That’s conviction. Why? You are filled with the Spirit. Who knows the heart of God save the Spirit of God? How do you know the will of God? Save the Spirit of God. Because it is the Spirit that searches and reveals deep things. Jesus speaking concerning the Holy Spirit, He said; He will come and teach you, He will take of what is mine and declare it to you. The Bible says there is a Spirit in man and the inspiration of the almighty God gives Him understanding. How do you understand the will of God? By the filling of the Holy Spirit. You are not filled yesterday and dry tomorrow; you are perpetually there drunk in the Spirit. A man does not get drunk with one bottle, a man does not get drunk visiting occasionally, you get drunk because you abide, because you dwell there. And you continue to take up the substance.


How do we get drunk in the Spirit? We tarry in the presence of God, we remain there. We are consumed there, the Holy Spirit comes with His measuring line and He is measuring a thousand cubit and you are following, and you get to a point where the water is so deep and so big that you cannot handle it, you are immersed, soaked in it, such that you swim in, that’s the state of drunkenness, the place of overflow. That is where the will of God is revealed and done without stress. So the Bible says but be filled. Verse 19, speaking to one another in psalms- meaning that this is not a year of being in the company of unbelievers. They cannot speak psalms to you, they cannot sing hymns to you. That means you must not forsake the fellowship that activates continually what you carry and put you in a place of reminder of what the will of God is.


Speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord. This is the posture; singing and making melody, for you to continue to sing and make melody, there is joy in your heart. The Bible says with joy you will draw from the wells of salvation. This is the year to remain filled with joy. And that will happen for you because you dwell in the presence of God. The Bible says in the presence of God there is fullness, abundance of joy. And at His right hand are pleasures. The pleasures of God is the will of God. So, when you are at that place of fullness of joy you are able to lock into the fullness of pleasures. Verse 20, “giving thanks always” we mentioned this earlier.


Is it giving thanks sometimes? Always! This is the new weapon of warfare that you must activate this year. Giving thanks always for all things. Even the things that you have not seen, even the things that have not happened yet. Even the things that you are trusting that He would do. Giving thanks to God always to God for all things, that’s the instrument, that’s the way to live in the year of Gods will. When you give thanks for something continually from the place of joy, the devil cannot make you sad and hopeless over the same thing. Because your praise has gone ahead, your joy has gone ahead. Your joy has created an atmosphere around you that the devil cannot penetrate. Give thanks to God always that is how to live in the year of Gods will. Giving thanks to God always in all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is how to live in the year of God’s will.


This is what the Holy Spirit has revealed as to how we must live in this year, fully committed to this life, it is a life of victory, it is a life that would do the will of God without stress. Hebrews 10:36. We are just cementing that point with this. We are adding some touch, something that we must never do without this year. “For you have need of endurance” the reason why we are saying this ahead; yesterday at the evening Bible school, we were told about how we become the man of our destiny, and the number one point that we dwelt on yesterday was through trials. And the man of God explained to us that there are two kinds of trials, that there is a test, where God supervises and administers, and there is temptation that the devil brings our way, and he said to us; temptation we should not run away from it, what should we do? We should endure.


Those trials will come this year, I am not a prophet of doom, why? Because we must become the man or the woman of our destiny. But when they come; the Bible says; you have need. Need is vital, not that you want it, you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God. This year you will do the will of God, but after you have done the will of God, meaning endurance is a needed virtue for the actualization of the will of God. And doing the will of God is not without the promise of reward. No man or woman that will do the will of God this year would be left without a reward. Because, God said He is not unfaithful to forget your labor of love in that you minister and do minister.


You are doing His will, the Bible says after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise. I pray this year that we will not run away, we will not abandon the will of God for our lives in the name of Jesus. With patience and endurance, we receive the promise in the name of Jesus. After that verse, the Holy Spirit brought it to my attention, He said perseverance and endurance is a necessary virtue this year? Why do you need endurance this year? You can’t do without it.  You need to endure; why do you need endurance? Trials will come. When you are doing the will of God, there is no promise that it will be all rosy, trials will come.


There is nothing you just will of your own. It is God that works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure. You cannot hold God in the end and say God after all you promised me that 2022 will be glorious, it will be wonderful, how come it was not. And He will ask you, what did you do with the instructions I gave you? 


When I communicated my will to you, did you do them? He stood up and went ahead to read. Now, He has endured a process, it was a test for him. Will you sleep or will you stand up? How many of us will pass the test of this year? It comes with determination, and perseverance. The Bible says; The Bible says the Spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. Are we going to subject our flesh this year and say this fasting; I will fast, this studying, I will study, this prayer I will pray. Are we going to put our body under and stand up in faith and go for the will of God? My husband usually says something; doing the will of God is usually not rosy. We read the story of Abraham yesterday, God asked him to go to a mountain, there were other mountains close by but God gave him a mountain three days more- stretch, so that as you are going let me see whether you can endure.


Let me see whether you can persevere. For some of us we have been having instructions to fast for longer times than we have ever done, and God will be watching to see, will you endure, will persevere, will you pass the test? The promise and the crown of life like the Scripture we read yesterday is for those that endure. It’s for those that actually pass, that are approved, will we be approved doing the will of God this year? It’s very important.


What should be our heart cry in the year of God’s will? Hebrews 13 verse 20 to 21 shows us. What should be our burning desire? It says: “Now may the God of peace who brought up our Lord Jesus from the dead, that great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the everlasting covenant, 21 make you [f]complete in every good work. It didn’t just say good work, it said every. Meaning that it is not just one, when you are given 20 questions and you pass one out of 20 is it pass mark? 1 over 20; is it a good result? 5 out of 20; is it a good result? That’s what the Bible says; make you complete, make you pass in every good work. This should be our burning desire, that we just don’t have some good works that we are complete in every good work, to do His will.


Meaning that His will is a sum total of every good work. You will not have succeeded in doing the will of God this year if you don’t succeed in every good work. “Working in you what is well pleasing in His sight”-not your sight. This should be our heart cry, that the Lord makes us complete in every good work, to do His will, pleasing in His sight through Christ Jesus to whom be glory for ever and ever. This should be our burning desire; this year dear Lord Jesus I don’t want to fail at any time. This year Lord Jesus every of your instruction every requirement that you have with me, everything you want me to do, I want to be approved in every of them not some of them. The Bible says how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, He went about doing good and healing all those that were oppressed for God was with Him. He didn’t have God in Him sitting down, in every good work, Jesus was approved.


The Bible says though He was God, He learnt obedience through the things that He suffered. He endured, He persevered. That’s how Jesus did the will of God. And the Bible says as He is, so are we. This should be our heart cry; we should be consumed by this. Lord I want to be complete in every good work. I want to do all the things that are pleasing in your sight.


What to Expect in the Year of God’s Will.

Number one; Matthew 6 verse 10. “Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven.” I want to read it in the Passion Translation. “Manifest your kingdom realm, and cause your every purpose to be fulfilled on earth, just as it is in heaven.” So what are we to expect in the year of Gods will? The manifestation of the kingdom of heaven. The manifestation of the kingdom of heaven. And this manifestation is what the Lord described in Isaiah 61 that we read and we are going to go back to it again. Isaiah 61 verse 1 to 11. The kingdom realm is manifested on the earth, when the good news, where the good news, the good tidings is preached to the poor, where the broken hearted are healed, where liberty is proclaimed to the captives, where prisons are opened to those that are bound, where the acceptable year of the Lord is proclaimed, and the day of vengeance for our God.


Where those that mourn are comforted, and those that mourn in Zion are consoled. And giving beauty for ashes, oil of joy for morning, the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness, and they are called trees of righteousness. That is the manifestation of the kingdom of heaven, that He may be glorified. Where they begin to rebuild the old ruins that’s the manifestation of Gods kingdom. Where they raise up former desolations and repair the ruined cities and the desolations of many generations. That is the appearance of the kingdom. When the kingdom appears on the earth, these are the things that we will see.  So, until we start seeing them, we have not seen the kingdom, we have not seen the manifestation of the kingdom on the earth.


So, what do we do? We pray. In Matthew 6, Jesus taught His disciples how to pray, He said in this wise pray; our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. That Matthew 6 verse 10 are all summed up in Isaiah 61 verse 1 to 11. Let your kingdom be made manifest and every of your purpose fulfilled on the earth as it is in heaven. If you go to the book of Revelation the Bible says in heaven, in the kingdom; there is no weeping there is no crying. In the book of Isaiah; Isaiah prophesied the manifestation of the kingdom. He said no longer will the son be your light by day nor the moon give you brightness by night. For the Lord will be your everlasting light.


When the Lord is your everlasting light, He does not set. God is not the sun that set, then He raises again. No! Gods brightness and light is constant, He is always there, the heat is always available. So, when we are talking about the manifestation of the kingdom of God, it is the manifestation of God Himself. When God comes in the midst of a people in His full regalia, He comes with His entire personality. He comes with His full entourage. So, when we are talking about the expectation for the year of Gods will. What should we be expecting in our lives? God! What should we be expecting in our community? God! What should we be expecting in our families, in our homes? God! The presence of Elohim Adonai, where He is seated and enthroned as king in our lives. When He comes the Bible says that when His train filled the temple, the priest could not minister.


When God comes on the scene, no one, nothing can compete with Him. So, our expectation in the year of Gods will is to see God every day. Until you see Him, you don’t rest, until you see Him you are not satisfied. There should be a perpetual hunger for His presence. There should be a perpetual thirst for Him. That’s the year of Gods will, where we see Him daily in glory, down on from that Isaiah 61 to verse 11 is a manifestation of when God comes. When God shows up, every other thing gives way, this is the year of Gods will. And my prayer for every one of us is that the will of God will be done in our lives as it is done in heaven in the name of Jesus.


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