Anyone can get to the top of a ladder (be it career, leadership, business or ministry); however, to remain on top – an attitude is required.
The law of gravity compels every object that is thrown up in the air to come down in time; however, to remain at the top, a different attitude (force) is required.
Anyone can suddenly have millions of his or her nations currency on him or her; however, for a man or woman to become a millionaire, a different attitude is required.
“Nevertheless, man though in honor, does not remain; he is like the beasts that perish”.
Psalms 49:12
It is not enough to have or experience something good or great; the question is, “Does the things experienced remain”. Anything one has or commands, which does not remain, is not a blessing anymore; but a curse. So, our joy in life shouldn’t be about mere experiences that fades with time; but the ones that grows or deepens with time.
“A man who is in honor yet does not understand is like the beasts that perish”.
Psalms 49:20
If you consider these words very well, you would discover that the greatest undoing of many people isn’t their enemies, but their lack of understanding. The question is “Understanding of what?”. I will say “Understanding of who they are; whom they are; and the understanding of why they are!”.
“God stands in the congregation of the mighty; He judge among the gods. I have said, you are gods; and all of you are children of the Most High. But you shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes”.
Psalms 82:1, 6-7
God is the God of gods – He reigns over the gods – in fact, his children are gods. However, because of lack of understanding, a child of God who is a god could die or perish or fade out as men. The lifestyle or strengths and weakness of gods aren’t like men; in fact, the gods rule over men. However, when a child of God looses touch with his true identity as a god and begins to live as men; then he will die like men, fall like men, be oppressed like men, become bankrupt like men, fall sick like men, and even lie like men.
“Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.”
Genesis 1:26
From that Scripture, we know that man’s gift (responsibility) of dominion over the earth and the inhabitants of the earth was premised on the Spirit (life – image & likeness) of God of all dominion that was in him. The point is, as man was made in the image and likeness of God; he became a god – a son of God. And as a god, he had the responsibility to reign on earth.
Man (who was the god over the earth) was expected to remain in authority over the earth, as long as he had the Spirit of dominion (the image & likeness) in him. If he loses the Spirit of dominion, he will cease being the god of the earth, and will die like a mortal.
Man’s influence over the earth was premised on his Spirit of dominion. As long as he had the Spirit, he will enjoy (bear) the gifts (responsibility or burden) of dominion on earth.
This is a food for thought for us emerging and seasoned leaders in this generation. Are we going to remain on top or fall flat – it is all our choice to make. Thank you!