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The Righteous Vs The Religious: How Men Differ Among Men

I have come to realize over time as guided by the Lord that there is an inherent desire in the heart of all men to do the right things and to live pleasing lives. However, whom we choose to please often separate people even if they are very similar.


A religious man is one who desires to be right with most men – do what most people believe is right and abstain from what most people believe to be wrong. The religious man would never want to appear wrong or bad before most men – in fact, he or she would SACRIFICE almost anything at anytime to APPEAR right and to be rightly perceived by most people.


A righteous man is one who desires to be right primarily with God (his Lord and King) and secondarily with some men. To a righteous man, the revealed heart, will and purpose of God, supersedes any form of socially and politically accepted norm or tradition. He would not be careful about "wronging" or displeasing men, as long as his God is well pleased.


The doctrine is the guide and guard of the religious man; but the Holy Spirit is the guide and guard of the righteous. The religious loves to be with other people (high and mighty), the righteous loves to be with the LORD God – the Creator and King over all!


To understand more about RELIGION and how Religious Leaders differ from Kingdom Leaders, follow this link to read this inspired article on Witicles – "How Religious Leaders Differ From Kingdom Leaders."



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