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Secret of Growth: How To Take Your Life & Organization To The Next Level

The secret things belong to God, but the things that are revealed belongs to us and our children forever is the Scriptural injunction. The life we live in is full of mysteries, and the once that know the secrets of these mysteries are the once that literally rule or reign over others. We all claim to live in this same world, but we do not all have same experiences in life. In some places, life is better, while in some places, life is bitter. If you gather friends together, you will even see variations in the quality of life of the individuals. Some might choose to call these variations luck or fate or destiny; but I call it Secret!

Jesus said sometime ago to a group of people listening passionately to His words, "You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." Many people are in bondage today, not by chains or walls; but their own ignorance. I have come to realize that we are the ones that set limits to our own heights or achievements in life. All things are possible to those who believe was the word of Jesus in another instance; and if you flip that statement, you will realize that every man's possibility is his or her believe. Things are possible for you to the degree of your believe.

Therefore, your greatest limitation in life is not your friends and foes or your national economy; buy your ignorance of relevant secrets for your life, business and or your ministry. In this article, we will be discovering a fundamental secret that can shift the frontiers of our possibilities and capabilities.

Let me start here with a question, "Have you ever passed beside a large mountain or rock before?" If yes, did you observe the presence of various vegetation even on the mountain? While observing a large collection of rocks on the highway on my way in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja; I found something that God intends to share with you now. As you know, the surface of the rock is smooth and hard; hence, no vegetation can grow on it; however, due to the settlement of sand particles on the rock over the years, decades and centuries; many segments of the rock could now grow different kinds of vegetation.

I found out that different plants grow in different areas; and the heights of the vegetation vary from one area to another. While meditating on the findings, the Lord opened my eyes to the secret of growth in life, business and ministry (for those so called into it by God). The rock surface is hard and smooth; but as the soil settles on it, and rain waters it; the rocky places becomes suited for vegetation. However, the vegetation that each area of the rock could support was limited to the depth of the settled soil on the area. I found out that some areas grow trees, some thick bushes, while some only supported grasses. There and then, I realized that even though the same rain fell on these areas and the same sun shined on them; their vegetation differs – not just by God's preferential treatment; but by the depth of soil in each area.

Therefore, the secret of growth of vegetation in those rocky areas was simply the depth of soil. Do you know why? The more the depth of the soil, the more the rain water that can be retained in an area; and those, the more nutrients for the plants. Water is key for life, but without it being retained in an area, there will be no guarantee for sustainable growth. Hence, the soil provides a steady capacity for retention of water for the plants to survive and grow by.

In the same vein, every man or business or ministry requires not just a rain for growth, which could flow away almost immediately; but depth of soil to hold the received water for a long period of time. Like the vegetation on the rock, we also require water from God for survival and growth; but because of our environment and associations, the water from God hardly find space around us. Thus, the more we receive from the Lord, the more we release away. This cycle of receive to release instead of receive to retain has made many of us dwarfs in life, business and ministry.

"I did not know Him; but that He should be revealed to Israel, "therefore I came baptizing with water." And John bore witness, saying, "I saw the Spirit descending  from heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him." 


John 1:31-32

If you observe that Scripture carefully, you will realize that the essence of God's provision is not just in the receiving, but in the retention. The question then is, "How much of what God has given to you is with you at the moment? How much of God do you still carry around today?" Growth in life, business and ministry will not just come because you have occasional experiences of encounter with God or His blessings; but your continual retention of His Spirit and the goodies that come with His Spirit.

Remember, water is received as rain on the mountain, and that water supplies the required nutrients to the plants for survival in harsh times and their subsequent growth overtime. That water for us is the Spirit of the Lord. However, without the soil, the water will flow off the surface of the rock. That is, until the soil fully settles on an area of the rock; whatever is received from God cannot be retained by the plants. In same vein, man requires adequate depth of the soil for firm and sure retention of God and retention of His blessings.

According to the book of John 1:14, the Word of God became flesh and dwelt among us. According to the book of Genesis 2:7, God formed the flesh of man from the dust of the ground. It therefore implies that the Word of God can become dust of the ground. And by the way, Scriptures tell us that the dry land called Earth appeared from the midst of the waters by the Word of God. Hence, the Word of God is the soil that every man, business and ministry requires for the retention of God and His blessings per time.

According to the book of Genesis 30, Jacob became exceedingly prosperous in business because God gave him a business idea. The idea came to him via a Word, which made him rich in a very short period of time. Businesses can actually grow when God speaks; but beyond businesses, ministries (Churches) can equally grow by the Word of God. It is a known truth that God only funds the project He commanded; therefore, until God commands (speaks to) a Minister, his or her Ministry will remain non-funded by God. Truly, the blessing of God makes rich without sorrow added; however, to receive and retain such blessing, each man, business owner or Minister of Christ must seek for insights into the mysteries of God, which the mysteries of life, success, prosperity, expansion or growth, health, faith and access among others.

Allow God's Word to settle down upon the surface of your heart overtime, and you will see how much more you can grow your life, business and or ministry. Till next time we meet again on this same article platform, stay blessed by God.


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