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Rediscovering the KINGDOM Pt.1: The Kingdom of Heaven And The Kingdom of God

This month we are going to be considering a subject matter over the course of the remaining weeks. We will be looking at: Rediscovering the Kingdom and our focus this week is to see the meaning and the difference between The Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God and after then I believe we will be ready for what the Lord has for us in subsequent weeks. May the Lord bless His word in our hearts in Jesus’ name. I want us to start our meditation from the book of Genesis and we will go straight from there to the book of Psalms 104 where we stopped on Sunday by the help of the Holy Spirit. In the book of Genesis 1, I will be reading a few verses there which will become a background for the study this week.


Genesis 1:1-3, the Bible says:


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. 3Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.”


In the beginning, when it all started for us humans, the Bible says “God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was without form and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit of the Creator was hovering over the face of the waters.” In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth… By that we already understand that while the earth is, there is also what is called the heavens. So, if on this earth there are kingdoms, we must understand that in the heavens there is the Kingdom. There is a place the Bible says in Psalms 115, it says “the heavens, even the highest of it belongs to God. But the earth He has given to the children of men.” For many of us, we know that there are different layers of heaven. The Bible didn’t even say God created the heaven and the earth, it says “God created the heavens” and the highest of the heavens is where the throne of God is.


There was a time we were doing a little study, and one of the things I learnt from that study is that the earth is where I’m standing on, anything above where I’m standing on, is where the heavens begin from, but the heights of the heaven none of us can fathom. Even God said “as the heaven is higher than the earth” so we know there is heaven, but heaven is just above the earth but very far. The highest of the heavens reaches beyond the height of our imaginations. So, God created the heavens, the different layers of them, because if we even read the subsequent verses in that chapter, the Bible shows us how God created a great light, there is a lesser light and God set the greater light in the firmaments of the heavens. There was a time the Bible says God created the firmaments, and God called the firmament, heaven. When we are talking about the firmaments what are we talking about? If we can see where the sun is, the sun is existing in the firmaments. When the Bible says, “the birds of the air” it means the birds that fly in the firmaments, the birds of the sky. You see where the birds are flying also represents the heavens. It’s a layer of the heavens.


The earth is where I’m standing on. If you can stand on anything, you are standing on the earth. The heavens begin from above you. So, God created the heavens and God created the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was there. Then, the Spirit of God, the Spirit of the Creator, not another Spirit. The Bible says in John 4:24, “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him, must worship Him in spirit and in truth.” The Spirit of God representing God, was hovering over the surface of the deep. So, we could see that God is the creator of the heavens, God is the creator of the earth. Do we understand that?


Now, what do you call the creator of something? You could call the creator of something the author of it, the founder of it, the builder of it or the lord of it or the master. The Bible says in Hebrews “every house is built by someone but the builder of all things, including the heavens is God.” So, being the builder of heavens, He therefore became the LORD of heaven. For any of us that have thought about, how do kings emerge, what birth kings, how do kings come to be? There are situations where some people are appointed king when a kingdom has started. Now, when a kingdom has not started, a king is the one who started the kingdom.


For instance, now, brother Obayomi is from a particular city in Nigeria, if they make him the king of that city, he is not the one that founded it, he is going to just be, maybe the sixtieth king of that kingdom. But in a normal situation, when there is no kingdom in existence, it takes a king to start it. Do we get it? When you start a business, you become the CEO of the business, right? But do you know you can also be appointed CEO? But usually, the one who starts a business is called CEO, the founder, the owner. So, when you start a kingdom, you are called the king. Nobody appoints you as king when you start a kingdom. By the virtue of your creation, you are self-appointed king. Imagine the Queen of England saying, “I don’t want Prince Charles or Prince Williams and the rest to replace me, I want you to become the next queen, I don’t want a king in UK for the next two hundred years, that’s’ what my father told me. So, I am adopting you as my daughter and you become the queen.” Don’t forget, you were not the one that founded the United Kingdom but by virtue of the fact that a king, a ruler has made you so you can be.


In the circumstance of God, there was no United Kingdom, there was no heavens, there was no earth. So, God creating the heavens, creating the earth therefore became the LORD of the heavens, He became the LORD of the earth and also, the King over the territories. It’s just because of the complexity of things, the landlord of a building is also the king of that building. The owner of a land, the owner of a territory, the one who creates it, is the lord of it and he is the king over it.


The Bible says “in the beginning”, so what we were introduced to in the beginning was the Kingship of God.  The Bible says “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” meaning that God in the beginning made Himself the king over the heavens and the earth, the territories that were nowhere to be before that came to be is simply because He had made them so. So, He became the King over His own creation. He therefore became the LORD of the creation. So, when you are thinking about who made God “God”, who made God “King”? God became King because He created the place where He is the King over. So, we have seen that place the Bible says “God created” and by His creation, He became the LORD of it.


Now let us go to that Psalm 104, we read it yesterday. There are a few verses I want us to consider there. Verse 19 and 24, the Bible says:


“He appointed the moon for seasons; The sun knows it is going down. 24O Lord, how manifold are Your works! In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your possessions


The Bible says, “He appointed” talking about God, “He appointed the moon for seasons” talking about God the creator of the heavens and the earth.The sun knows its going down.” Verse 24, O Lord, the question is who made Him Lord? He made Himself LORD because He created things to Lord over. “O Lord, how manifold are Your works!” The works of God are the possession of God; the creations of God are the things that God owns. There was a time God said the cattle upon the thousand hills are mine” how did they become His? They became His by virtue of their creation by Him. How did we become God’s possession? Because He made us! You birth children, they become yours, so you become the parents of your children. It’s because you birthed them, you were the one that gave birth to them, they were nowhere on the earth until they came out of you. So, you therefore became their father or their mother and so people could say these are Gboyega’s children, so you have now made me the lord over them.


It says, “O Lord, how manifold are Your works! How manifold are your creations. In wisdom You have made them all. The earth is full of Your possessions.” The earth is full of the things that you created, which are now yours, so you are the Lord over them. If the earth is full of God’s possession, then it means the earth actually belongs to God and God is the supreme King over the earth. If we call to remembrance the story of king Nebuchadnezzar, he got into pride zone and then the voice came upon him, it was judgment. And the Bible says, “he will remain in that state until he come to realize that there is a God in heaven who rules over the affairs of men.” Do we know the implication? How come God in heaven rules over the affairs of men? It is because he is the Lord of the earth and He is the king of the earth. We must never forget it.


A king can make another one king, but the king is the king, he is the lord of it. So, if God makes you a king on the earth, that doesn’t stop Him from being King, it only makes you a king under Him. For instance, when I grow up, I will become a grandpa, I’m a grandpa simply because I was once a “pa” I’m now a grandpa. So, you move from being a “pa” to a “grandpa”.  The person you gave birth to, has also given birth to others. You were a father of the person you gave birth to, the person you gave birth to now has children, you therefore become the father, of the father. So, God is the King. If and when God makes you, or any human a king, you are a king simply under God. God does not stop being the king, that’s the point. The grandpa does not stop being grandpa, even when the grandpa lives on for over hundred years and the grandchild now decides to also give birth to children, the grandpa just becomes great-grandpa, you must always finish it with ‘pa’, great-grandfather. The first thing is that when he had a child, he became the father, when he had another child through the child, he became grand-father, when the grandchild now has a child, he became great-grand-father, he is always the father.


The King over the earth is always the King over the earth, the Lord of the earth is always the Lord of the earth. He could make you a lord, that doesn’t stop Him from being Lord. He is just the Lord of the lord of the earth, the King over the kings of the earth. That’s why we call Jesus and we call God, the King of kings. There was a time, there was a voice over Jesus, “this is my beloved Son” that is, this came from me, this came through me. He wouldn’t be if not that I released Him. “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased, hear him.” So, when then son now decides to give birth to children, what happens? We therefore now become God’s children through Jesus. So, God indirectly now becomes our grandpa. God is our grandfather, so to say, because He is the Father of our Father.


Every time you read the Bible you see, “through our Lord Jesus Christ.” You receive grace from God through Jesus Christ. Everything you get from God is through Jesus, so it means Jesus is the Father and we are the grandchildren and God is the grandfather. Do you notice anytime you read the Bible and you see “through Christ” what is the meaning of through? You could even replace the word “through” to mean the “middle man.” So, there is the Father. There is us. In between us and the Father, there is Christ. In between the grandpa, the grandchild is the father. The grandpa, will always be the grandpa, God will always be God and He is God, the Father but there is God, the Son. So, who are we? God birthed Christ, God released Christ, and because Christ came from God, whatever the Father has are His. He even said it “all the Father has are mine”. There was a time He said it to His disciples, He said “just as my Father bestowed a kingdom on me, I bestow one on you too, so that you sit on the throne judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” As my Father sent me and bestowed a kingdom on me, I bestow a kingdom on you.


How did you define that kingdom? My Father is the one that created the heavens and the earth, all the kingdoms are under His authority, He bestowed a kingdom on me, and then I bestowed a Kingdom on you. Don’t forget, what I’m bestowing on you is what I have been bestowed. I can’t give you what I don’t have. I received the kingdom from my Father, I am giving you the kingdom that my Father gave to me. So, my Father had it, He gave it to me, I’m giving it to you. So, it means, my Father is the Supreme Ruler, I rule, so you rule with me. There was a time the Bible says “God has given Him the name that is above every other name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow and every tongue should confess that Jesus is Lord.” If Jesus is Lord, a believer should quickly understand that Jesus is King because lords are kings, they are kings over their possessions, they are kings over their creations. The Bible says “we are God’s workmanship, “created in” another word is “created through” Christ Jesus. So, Christ is the means for our creation.


So, we are created unto God by Christ. In fact, in John 1, the Bible says “in Him was life, and the life was the light of all men, there is nothing that was made, that was not made by Him. All things were made through Him.” So, if all things were made through Him, it means He was the creator. He was the means through which we were created, and there was one who coordinated the creation. So, when the Bible says “God has given Him a name that is above every other name, and at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things on earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus is Lord” it means Jesus is our Creator, Jesus is our Maker, Jesus is our King, He is our Master, He is our Owner, He is the King over the Kingdom. But He got the Kingdom from the Father who created Kingdoms. Do we get it?


So, in case the devil comes to ask you, “this authority that you have, how did you get it?” Know how you got it. It didn’t jump on you like ripe pawpaw. It came from God through Christ to you. How did Christ get it? Christ got it because He became the Son of God, He became the Son. Being the Son, He got what His Father had because whatever the Father has, is also the Son’s. Remember that place in John which says, “To those who have received Him, to them He has given the right to become children of God” (John 1:12). They were not children before, but now being children, they are now entitled to other to the inheritance of kingship, because kingship comes from the king, to the children of the king, to the grandchildren of the king.


God said to David, “as long as your sons walk in my ways, you will never lack a son sitting on your throne, over the generations.” The only issue is if they refuse to walk in my ways. So, it means, the normal thing is that kings are replaced by their sons. In fact, if you study the book of kings very well, 1st Kings, 2nd Kings and different parts of Chronicles, you will notice that some people became kings even at the age of thirteen and eight. So, we could say, oh! You need to grow up very well before you become a king. But as long as you are from a royal family, the royal blood is in you, you are entitled to inherit your kingdom, the kingdom of your father. So, through Christ we are born unto God, and by Christ we are entitled to the order of kingship on the earth.


Do we notice that everywhere in the world, once a new king is coronated, they always do it with a name, with the king? Kingship is in an order. I’m a prince from my own place of birth, if I become king, even though my name is Adegboyega Adedeji, they will now call me the “something, something” the fourteenth”, why? In the order of my lineage, I’m the fourteenth person to inherit the kingdom. So, I’m sitting on the throne of my fathers, and I’m the fourteenth on that throne. So, when you and I become kings on the earth, we are becoming kings in the order of our Lord Jesus Christ. That’s why every time you are seeing things; an apostle is writing an epistle and you are seeing “through our Lord Jesus Christ” it has a meaning. That’s the line that your authority flows through, the authority of God flows to you through that line of Christ. The authority of God flows to your life through Jesus.


That’s why the Bible says “God has given Him a name” what’s the name? The name of Christ Jesus! So, you are whatever your name is, of Christ, and that has a meaning. That’s why the seven sons of Sceva, who were not kings, who were not lords. You know, there are lords on this earth, there are kings on this earth. They were not kings; they were not lords but they said “we exorcise you in the name of Jesus that Paul preach.” They have not been coronated, they have not been ordained unto God after the order of Christ. Christ has not given birth to them unto God but they said, “in the name of Jesus, we exorcise you.” And the demon said, “Jesus I know, Paul I know, who are you?” And the Bible says, “one man actually came over seven people and they ran away naked, after they were beating mercilessly.” What was the issue? They wanted to use the name of Christ, yet they didn’t have any lineage, any link or any linkage with Jesus.


There must be something that links you to the source of power, the power of God is available but it flows through the blood line and the only blood line is the blood of Jesus. You must be born of God through Christ Jesus. That’s why the Bible says, “whatever is born of God overcomes the world” but the means is Christ. And so, in the name of Jesus, every knee must bow. The first place we started with is that, God became the king over the earth and the heavens by virtue of the reality that He made them all. So, you are the king, the lord over your own creation. In Genesis 1:26, the Bible says “let us make man in our image” and we are all children of men. In fact, Jesus called Himself the son of man. “Let us make man in our image and according to our likeness, and let them have dominion over” God began to give territories, because kingship is over territories, you can’t become a king over nothing. It says “let them have dominion over the birds of the air, let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the things that creeps over the earth, and let them have dominion over the earth.”


That’s why the Bible says “the heavens belong to God, even the highest of the heaven belongs to God and the earth he has given to the children of men.” So, even though He gave the earth to the children of men, He is still the LORD and the King of the earth. When Sodom and Gomorrah messed up, God destroyed the whole people. In the days of Noah when the earth was wrong, God said, “the iniquity of mankind, He could no longer bear it” He said “I will start a new people with Noah” and God wiped up the whole place. So, why did He do it? He is the LORD. When there was a confrontation between Elijah, the representative of the LORD God of heaven and earth, and then Baal who was a fallen angel, who has become a demon. And then Baal has been showing up for this people because if he was not showing up, they wouldn’t become his followers. You can’t follow nothing. There were days Baal showed up and helped them. But this time around, there was a confrontation.


Elijah said, “We can’t continue like this, you are doing secret worship of idols on mountains, in different places. No! We can’t continue. We are a nation of God. If Baal is indeed God, let’s all as a nation, let’s worship him, but if the LORD God of heaven and earth, the one who made the heaven and earth is the LORD God, every one of us must worship Him”. They said “oh, our Baal is God, okay! Let’s start”. They were calling Baal from morning up till afternoon, Baal didn’t show up. So, what happened? You know, Baal was exercising authority until the one who made Baal came. Baal was trying to show some muscle until the one who created his muscle came. So, Baal hid himself, Baal couldn’t show up. Why? The LORD of Lords was on ground. You must get it, it’s not as if demons don’t have any power but the one who made their power is the LORD God. You could also have power from God but you must have it in the consciousness that the LORD God is your LORD and The LORD God is your God, He reigns in your life and through your life, He enforces His will.


The Bible says in Luke 11:2, when Jesus was teaching His disciples how to pray. He said, “Our Father in heaven” if He is our Father in heaven and if He is our source in heaven, it means He is our King in heaven. “Our King in heaven, hallowed be thy name, your Kingdom come and your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.” The question is, how? That’s where we come in, ensuring the implementation and the execution of the will of God in our neighborhoods, in our families, in our lives, is our responsibility. And the reason why it is our responsibility is that, we have been made kings and priests unto God through Christ Jesus. Without Christ, we will just be among the rest.


Peter and the rest, they were just fishermen who were struggling. They go to the water to look for fish, they won’t find, they toil all night, they come back again, they just struggle, just like every other person. Don’t forget when Jesus came, people were being oppressed by powers of darkness, some people will be made blind, some people will be made lame, epilepsy will fall on some people, demons will possess some people; they won’t be able to talk, they won’t be able to hear. Demons were having a free way until Christ came. So, it is Christ that has made the difference. Baal too, was doing all manner of things, until God showed up, and when Baal didn’t show up after many hours, Elijah told them to stay at one side, it’s now time to know who is the true God. All the things that were scattered, they arranged it together. Their blood was everywhere on the altar, they had cut themselves, thinking that if their God, Baal can see their blood he will show up, he didn’t show up.


So, Elijah even told them, “the stones, pour water on it” because normally, stones that have water shouldn’t burn with fire, and He called unto God. And he said “let the God that answers by fire, let Him be God” and then God showed up, fire came down from heaven, the throne of God and consume the entire altar. The four hundred Baal prophets actually lost their lives. Because they were worshipping and following a lord, not knowing that, that lord also had a LORD. So, please don’t build your life following like that, and then all you do is to please that one, not the one who made the heavens and the earth. So, you must determine with your eyes opened the one whom you must worship. That’s what Joshua said to them, he said “choose you this day whom you will serve, is it the gods that your fathers served on the other side of the river? But as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord” why? He is the LORD. We will serve the Lord, He is our maker, He is the one that can make our lives better.


So, God is the Maker of heaven and earth, and therefore He is the LORD of the heavens and the earth. So, looking at our focus, THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN AND THE KINGDOM OF GOD. When you hear the word kingdom, a kingdom is a territory that a king rule over. That’s a simple thing. It’s a domain of the influence of a king. So, when you are hearing the Kingdom of heaven, you are talking about the domain of influence, a specific area that God reigns over. The Kingdom of heaven talks about the governing influence of God in heaven. And when you are now talking about the Kingdom of God, you are talking about the governing influence of God wherever you think about it.


So, the authority of God doesn’t start and stop in heaven, it flows everywhere. When God made the sun, we are the one that actually call it sun, I don’t know the name. The Bible says, “when God made the greater light.” The Bible says “God set that greater light in the firmament of heavens that it may give light to the inhabitants of the earth” and the essence is that it should rule the day. The light is set in the heaven so that it can rule the day. The day is on the earth, that day that is ruling over is on the earth. So, God set systems, God sets things in the heavens to rule over the earth. The water, the rain that we use and that we get joy through and from, if it doesn’t come from the earth, it comes from heaven. The things we require to be sustained on the earth actually come from heaven, that’s to show us where authority comes from, where our lives come from.


That’s why, every time, we look up towards heaven and say “LORD.” Why? We came in reality from it, and we are sustained by the authority of heaven in our lives. When manna came down, the Bible didn’t say manna rose up from the earth, manna came from heaven and the Bible says “men were fed with the food of angels.” But the point is, God is in heaven and His throne is in heaven. In fact, in Isaiah 66, the Bible says “God said, heaven is My throne, the earth is my footstool.” So, the influence of God originates from heaven, from Himself, since He is in heaven, but flows over the earth. If you need light that comes from the sun that is set in the firmaments of heavens, you need God of heaven actually in your life on the earth. So, when we are talking about the Kingdom of heaven on the earth, we are talking about the government of God that has the headquarters in the territory that is called heaven. But when we are talking about the Kingdom of God, we are talking about the influence of God over His creations.


That Psalm 104 that we read, it says “O LORD, oh the maker of the heavens and the earth, how manifold are your works, the earth is full of your possession”. How manifold; they are many, your works are many. He is in heaven, but He makes things all over. The extension of His influence, that’s what we refer to as the Kingdom of God. It goes everywhere, anywhere you could imagine the government of God reaches. The influence of the government of God reaches everywhere. If the scientist discovers any planet, the Kingdom of God reaches it. There is a place in Luke 11:17-20 that I want us to read. It was the place they said Jesus did miracles through demons.


“But He, knowing their thoughts, said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falls. 18If Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? Because you say I cast out demons by Beelzebub. 19 And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore, they will be your judges. 20 But if I cast out demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.”


“But He, knowing their thoughts, said to them: “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and a house divided against a house falls. If Satan also is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand?” So, Jesus acknowledged at that time that Satan had the kingdom. “Because you say I cast out demons by Beelzebub.” There was a time I mentioned Baal, Beelzebub was another demon. “And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom do your sons cast them out? Therefore, they will be your judges. But if I cast out demons with the finger of God, surely the kingdom of God has come upon you.”  You are seeing the works of God in your midst, you are seeing the power of God in your life, you can feel it. Don’t forget God Himself is the King, when the Bible now mentioned the kingdom of God, it talks about the influence of God that goes to places, that enters people. “So, if I, by the finger of God have done these things, the kingdom of God…” There was a time Jesus also said “the Kingdom of God does not come by physical observations.”


They were asking Him “when will the Kingdom of God come?” He said “the Kingdom of God does not come by physical observations,” the Kingdom of God is within you” How? As the Kingdom of the LORD dwells in you, the Kingdom of the LORD is in you. The kingdom of God is conveyed into you via the spirit of God. The Bible says in that Genesis we started with, “darkness was upon the face of the deep and the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.” It says the Spirit of God was hovering over” that shows God was there. So, if you can find the Spirit of God, you have found God. So, if the Spirit of God dwells in you, then God is in you. And if God is in you, then the Kingdom is in you because God is the embodiment of His own kingdom. He is the king. There was a time the Bible says “greater is the one who is in us, than he that is in the world” the Bible didn’t say, “than it”, that is in the world. No!  It says, “than he,” so there is a personality in you, there is a personality in the world. But greater is the one that is in you, because He is the King that even gave Kingdom to the world. He is the one that made the Kingdom that the one that is in the world is ruling over. So, greater is the one that is in you because He is the creator, than he that is in the world. So, you cannot carry Christ, you cannot carry God in you and then you are afraid because the authority of God is in you through Christ Jesus.


When Jesus was to be crucified in the book of John, to my amazement Pilate asked Jesus, he says “are you the king if the Jews? I’m sure many of us would have wondered what brought that question; I don’t know what he saw. He saw something “are you the King of the Jews?” John 18:34-37, the Bible says:


“Jesus answered him, “Are you speaking for yourself about this, or did others tell you this concerning Me?” 35 Pilate answered, “Am I a Jew? Your own nation and the chief priests have delivered You to me. What have You done?” 36 Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, my servants would fight, so that I should not be delivered to the Jews; but now My kingdom is not from here.”37 Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?” Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.”


He says, “are you a king?” He says, “you say it rightly, I am king.” Jesus said “my kingdom is not from here” that is very clear. He didn’t say, “I am not a king” and He didn’t say, “I do not have a kingdom.” He only said, “the kingdom is not from here, it’s not the kingdom of this world”. In the book of Revelations, the Bible mentions how the creation of God, the host of heaven they were rejoicing, and they said, “that the kingdoms of this world…” You know He said, “my kingdom is not of this world. The Bible says they said, the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our God and of His Christ, and we shall reign on the earth.”


So, there is no kingdom that you see that God does not have control over, because it is from God that all kingdoms emerge. It may not be to us that we saw God standing like this, and say, “you! Become the king over this country” but every country, every kingdom originates from God because He is the one that created the earth, He created everything. And so, if God says He is going to make you a King, you cannot doubt it, because it takes a king to make a king. Adonijah was a son of King David, and at a point he was so popular in Israel, he started calling himself, king and he was doing a party. In fact, he had gotten behind himself the Chief Priest of the country, the Chief of Army staff was with Him. He got everything he needed and He was already enjoying. When they told the King David that, “Adonijah is now reigning, he is patrolling himself as king.” King David did not struggle, He just said “alright, this is what you will do for me, put Solomon on this my mule, let him ride on it, proclaim him as the king, just do this and that. And when he is done going around the community, let him come and sit on my throne.” So, you know, you can make yourself king, you are struggling. But when a king makes you a king, you are a king indeed. That’s why the Bible says, “If the Son sets you free, you are free indeed.” So, if Christ makes you, you are made indeed.  You don’t have to struggle to make yourself anything, you only need to be made by Him.


So, while you understand that there are kingdoms on earth. In Nigeria, there are kingdoms within Nigeria. Nigeria itself is a kingdom, and there are kingdoms within Nigeria. There are kingdoms in Africa and there are Kingdoms in Europe. In fact, Europe is made up of kingdoms, there are kingdoms in Asia, there are kingdoms in America, there are kingdoms everywhere. But you mustn’t forget, all these kingdoms, they all sum up under the name, the kingdoms of the earth. And God is the King of the earth, and under Him every king is; every king is on the earth under God. So, you don’t have to be afraid, there is nothing happening on this earth that is beyond the control of God because God is interested in us, and He is interested with the earth.


COVID-19 can’t wipe us out, except God says it so. No evil can befall you on this earth that is outside the control of God. You can’t say “evil has befallen me because God couldn’t do anything” No! Nothing would happen to Job until God said it so and God defined the scope. He said to Satan “you cannot touch his life. You are working as a king on the earth, under my authority, you cannot touch his life. Anything you are trying to do, you are just trying to find out, you are finding out how he loves Me, just go ahead and find out, but you can’t touch his life.” So, even though he lost everything, he didn’t lose his life, he didn’t lose his soul, why? God said it so.


So, there is nothing that is happening on this earth whether COVID-19, whether Donald trump, whether Joe Biden, or any president or any government, or President Muhammadu Buhari, irrespective of what they do or what they don’t do, God reigns and rules in the affairs of men, your life is not a chance or is not just a random occurrence, God brought you here.  Jesus said “for this cause was I born, that I may bear witness of this truth. You say it rightly, I am King, actually I am and for this purpose was I born.” You have a reason for being born too. God who gave birth to you on this earth through Christ has a purpose for you, and as long as the LORD lives, His purpose for your life will not fail.


For instance, if God is limited and weak, any government, any human being on this earth could be tired of you and get rid of you, but they cannot because God needs you here, as long as you fulfill a purpose. Jesus said “for this purpose was I born” as long as you identify the purpose of God for your life, in your nation, in your kingdom, you must serve the purpose of God in that nation and as long as you do it, the LORD will preserve you. Satan said concerning Job, “God, have you not made an edge all around him, all around his possession, you have put an edge every side, no evil can penetrate him.” Why? “The LORD…” Why the LORD? Even Satan acknowledged that it was the LORD. He didn’t say circumstances, he didn’t say the king over that country; where Job was living in the East, there was a king there. Satan didn’t say “God is it not the king of that community, that village or city that has made an edge around Job?” No! The protection, the safety of Job was not defined by the kingdom that he was in. It wasn’t the king of his current location that determined his lifestyle, Job was said to be enjoying God’s protection and God’s provision even though he was in his territory. So, you could be in Nigeria and your life has nothing to do with Nigerian government.


That there is unsafety, unrest in your community doesn’t mean, there must be in your life. Job had an exemption, he had a life that was different from others around him, you could too, knowing fully well that you submit to God. Job feared God, the Bible didn’t say he feared the king of his country or the king of his city, he was not said to fear the king of his town, he feared God. Joseph also said “how will I do this thing and sin against my master and God.” He didn’t say “and sin against Pharaoh.” The reason we are doing the study of the kingdom of heaven and the kingdom of God is to realize that irrespective of the kings of your villages, the kings of your cities, irrespective of the president of your country, you belong to a Kingdom, and as far as that Kingdom is concerned your safety is a priority.


Are we aware that no citizen of America can be attacked anyhow in any country in the world? The government of United States of America goes everywhere to preserve them. Nigerians can be attacked anywhere simply because our government is limited in resources and limited in political will. So, to the degree of the resources of the kingdom of a nation and to the degree of the will of the king, the leadership of the country, you and the citizens of those kingdoms, of those places can be preserved to the degree of their resourcefulness and to the degree of their will. Do we know God has unlimited resources and God has unlimited will towards you? He says “I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.” So, whether you are in a village or city, the LORD wills it that you prosper and you be in health. He is your King, don’t get yourself confused when you see kings on the earth. There are kings on the earth, but there is the King of kings, there are lords on the earth, there is the LORD of Lords. He deserves your loyalty, He deserves your submission, don’t bow to men and then you are resisting God. The Bible says “resist the devil” resist the kingdoms of men, don’t resist God’s will for your life, bow to God.


When Nebuchadnezzar erected a statue and commanded the children of Israel, everybody in the kingdom to bow, three Hebrew brothers said “we will not bow.” Nebuchadnezzar was the greatest king on the earth. And the greatest king of the land says “bow” and they said “we won’t bow. Oh king! Let it be known to you that we won’t bow, our God is able to deliver us from the fire that you want to throw us in, even if He doesn’t deliver us, we won’t still bow.” What were they saying? “Sir, king, we respect you but there is a limit, we cannot respect you and then submit to you and then disregard, dishonor our own King.”


When Nebuchadnezzar actually repented after being an animal, the greatest king on the earth became an animal because the King of kings commanded him so. He said “now I know that there is a God in heaven who rules over the affairs of men.” He acknowledged God as his own King. If the Kings of this earth understands that God is their King, why do you put your loyalty to them, and then you are disloyal to your God? You see, the men and the kingdoms of men can punish you but no kingdom of the earth can punish you beyond their authority. The kings of this world can kill your body, but they can’t kill your soul, fear God who can kill both your soul and your body in hell. No kingdom can punish you beyond the capacity of their punishment, even Satan couldn’t punish Job beyond his capacity.


So, don’t fear them, don’t submit to them at the expense of God, God is the King of heaven and the LORD of the earth, He is the Maker of heaven and earth, the whole earth is full of His possessions. The whole earth is full of God’s possessions. I am the possession of God. Abraham said when he was confronted by the king of Salem. The king said “blessed be Abraham of the Lord Most High, the possessor of heaven and earth.” We are looking at God as the possessor of heaven and earth who is able to make us to possess all good things on the earth.




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