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Life Treatment: PROCRASTINATION (Episode 05): Moving Your Life Forward One Action At A Time!

What is the treatment for procrastination? Many times we give ourselves one thousand and one(1001) reasons not to do something when we ought to do it and we tell ourselves I can always do it tomorrow, I can always do it later, I can always do it next week. And what do you do when we keep pushing things that you ought to do now to other times-which is procrastination? What you are simply doing is, you are pushing forward actions that are supposed to bring success your way. Indirectly, you are delaying your success, delaying gratifications, delaying the actions that are supposed to produce for you, success.




What is the Treatment for Procrastination?


Ecclesiastes chapter 11 verse 6, this scripture is very instructive and it captures the life treatment for procrastination.


Sow your seed in the morning and in the evening, let not your hands be idle. For you do not know which would succeed.

Ecclesiastes 1: 6 (NKJV)


You don't know at what time what you are doing will yield the best result, so don't procrastinate. Sow your seed in the morning, every action, every word you speak, everything you do is a seed you are sowing. So, don't keep pushing it back, sow it in the morning and also in the evening, do not let your hands be idle. In essence, be doing something. Action is the treatment for procrastination. Action is about now, do it now. Whatever you have to do, do it now! Stop piling up things and pushing them back. For this is the reason, it said, whether this or that or whether both will do equally well.


So friends, it's a new year, you have done that last year, you kept piling up, pushing them back, telling yourself, I will do it later, I will start working on that book later, I will build that house later, I will start saving up later, let me enjoy now, let me rest now, let me get myself focused, I will do all that later. Enough of later! Why not step into the zone of NOW and you will see tremendous things happen in your life.


The greatness that is tied to the year 2020 is not just in the prophecies you have received but it’s in the action you put to it, it's in the work. So, get at it and stop procrastinating. Get at it, let the action be now, sow your seed in the morning, don't say I am going to wait till October, oh! June is the right time, January is too early, whatever you have to do in January, do it! Sow your seed in the morning and when it is evening, don’t let those hands be idle. Don't tell yourself, the year is almost gone in October. There are certain things you have to still do then. So, sow that seed, sow that action, sow that focus, sow that work, because whether this or that, whether the one you sowed in the morning or the one you sowed in the evening, you don't know the one that will bring about that ground-breaking success for you.


So, it is important for you to enjoy the greatness of the year 2020, it is imperative that you do not procrastinate. When there is a quickening in your spirit concerning something, align your entire force, your body, your soul and your spirit, gather them together and pull them into that thing now. Don't do anything half-heartedly, put your whole being into that thing and get to work. It's early in the year now, it's a time to get these words and practice it. Treat every life issue of procrastination in your life by action. Tell yourself, enough of pushing and enough of delay, I want to do it now.


Like this scripture says, you do not know which would succeed, whether this or that or whether both will equally do well. Please, I want to enjoin and persuade you by the mercies of God that this year is such a year that you should not procrastinate on anything, get up on your feet, get to work, get moving, put actions to words, don't just speak, don't just build castles in the air, give them foundation.


Don't just say to yourself, "You know what, I just want to live in cloud 9, there's so much I want to do and it is so overwhelming, let me just pause and just check it out and see what I am going to do. NO! Pick them, one step at a time. There are some you have to sow in the morning, get to work. There are some you have to do in the evening, get to work in the evening. Don't procrastinate, don't complain and don't murmur. You are not the only one that is overwhelmed in the world but people are pushing things and making things happen, join the productive train.


This year, join the productive train, last year, you gave all the excuses till December and you were able to do little or nothing. This year is a brand new opportunity for you and this is how to get it done. Stop procrastinating, get to work, put action to everything you are doing and make sure you that you are sowing that seed in the morning. In the evening, you are not idling around, you are putting work to it, you are putting action to your words and you will see that there will be tremendous success in your way in the New Year.


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