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Life Treatment: FAILURE (Episode 04): How To Turn Failure Upside-Down

What is the treatment for failure? When we come across failure many times, we don’t want to associate ourselves with failure. But I have come to realize that failure is a part of life. It is a season in our lives where we need to get into and snap out of very quickly.




I am going to read a Scripture for the treatment of failure and it's in Psalm chapter 73 verse 26 and David was saying here My flesh and my heart faileth; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”


In Proverbs chapter 24, the Bible records that a righteous man may fall 7 times yet he would rise again. That means failure is a part and parcel of life. There are moments in your life where you experience failure. Like what David described here, ‘that when your flesh fails’. When something happens, and there is a failure in your flesh and there is a failure in your heart, maybe you probably delved into an action or made a decision or took an action that you regretted or you failed at. It is not the end of the world. You can treat that failure. Don't give up. Don't give in. Don't become perplexed. Don't become overwhelmed by failure. That's what proverbs 24 made us to understand. Don't become overwhelmed by failure, get yourself together and stand up again.


How do you get yourself together? It is by understanding that God is the strength of your heart. That is the first understanding and knowledge you must come to. God is the strength of your heart. Your heart may fail but you have strength in God. When you go back to God over that issue, over that action, over that decision that failed, over that project that failed, over that marriage that failed, over that relationship that failed, over that business that failed, God will give you strength in your heart.


When you need strength; that means you are weak in that area. Strength is always provided as a replacement for weakness. If you experience weakness which has brought about failure in your life, it is time for you to receive the strength of the LORD. Receive God’s strength in your heart, then you will be able to move on. That means in Proverbs chapter 24, the righteous man falling 7 times and rising again, is not because of his own strength but the strength that that righteous man has received from the LORD.


So, over that failure issue, you can go to God and receive strength from Him, you might have failed over and over again, does not mean you are a failure. You failed over that issue, you failed over that marriage, does not mean you are a failure. There is a difference between the person and the issue. You must be able to separate yourself from the issue, you are not a failure. Don't tag yourself a failure because life threw failure at you in one sphere of your life. You are not a failure. You only failed in your flesh and in your heart at that season of your life. The best thing for you to do is to go to God, receive strength in your heart from Him and allow God to be your portion.


The Bible makes us to understand that the arm of flesh shall fail. So if you continue in your strength, continue in the strength of your flesh, you will fail but when you make the LORD your portion, when you make God your portion over that issue, over your life, you will see that you will receive strength to overcome that failure.


So, strength is available in God to treat every failure in life. Remember you are not a failure, you only failed at something. Don't define yourself based on a season of your life. Don't define yourself over a sphere of your life. Don't define yourself over a circumstance. You are bigger than that circumstance. You are bigger than that issue, the life ahead of you is greater and bigger than all that you’ve spent in your past. So, go to God, receive strength from Him and He will strengthen your heart to overcome that failure and He becomes your portion of success all the days of your life.


I pray that you will overcome every failure that have ever come your way, I pray that you will come through the seasons of your failure by going to God for strength and your life will never remain the same.




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