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Life Growth Strategy: Training vs Transformation – What Do You Need Now?

While the two words may begin with the same letter; they have two different meanings and implications. We live in a world where Training has been placed in a very high pedestal, and the desire or yearning of an average boy or girl, man or woman is to get some form of training somewhere. We must however note that Training is not the desire of an average person just for the fun of it; but for the attendant recognition that its completion brings.

It is no longer uncommon for us to hear about or see a very trained Doctor without a worthy job or work that he or she is busy on. Many people spend hundreds of thousands and even in most cases, millions of naira or dollar to get some training; only to start looking for jobs after such training. I met a young man sometime ago, who was in a private polytechnic. He told me that he spends around 800, 000 naira annually in his school. I then asked him that, "how many places can a man or woman get a job that pay that kind of money after training?" I asked that question because I know that every man is in a training for a cause – to get better or a good job! 

Training can therefore be explained as teaching, or developing in oneself or others, any skills and knowledge that relate to specific useful competencies. Training has specific goals of improving one's capability, capacity, productivity and performance.

Transformation on the other hand is not much about upgrading or updating your skills or knowledge; but a total change of your SELF – better still change of your inner nature or person. If I could use simpler words to explain transformation; then, I would say that transformation is turning yourself upside-down. Transformation is not really about trying to improve on a particular line of action; but uncovering the right line of action and abandoning the old line of action for the new line of action.

Due to the demands of transformation, what we settle with easily in the world today is training. Training does not really care whether what you are the doing is what you ought to be doing; but it will seek to help you do that thing better. Have you wondered how we have so much incompetence, low productivity, absenteeism, and mediocrity in the Federal and State civil service of our Nations, despite the regular training given to the workers both within and outside the shores. The point is, training will only update your current skills; it will not bother to find out if you were supposed to even be having such skills.

Before the birth of Jesus Christ, the Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes and Priests had a system that raises disciples and prepares them "service" to God in Israel. Their system was working for them from generations to generations, but the best it could do was to make a man knowledgeable and more knowledgeable – it lacked the real power for inner transformation or inner change. People were acquiring knowledge about God; yet, their lives did not reflect God. People were taught to live like God, yet their lives were fashioned after the desires of their human weak nature.

In our contemporary time, you see people that have spent years in schools to become Medical Doctors; whose preoccupation ought to be to save lives. But, you see them abandoning critical patients who could not afford their bills Then, you want to ask, " Are these Doctors out to save lives or to make money?" Yet, the best any Medical School could do for them is to make them knowledgeable Medical Doctors. For such Doctors to become caring Doctors; they will definitely need to be transformed to become Doctors indeed.

Our educational institutions have been doing great works towards preparing us for our various disciplines; but, if all you and I think we require is knowledge, we will miss the real thing. Transformation will not make you to know better; it will rather make you to know better. "Training can make a man to swim like a fish; but it is only transformation that can make a man a fish!" With a good training, you can know leadership; but, you will need transformation to become a good or great leader. An institute of Legislative studies can greatly improve your knowledge of legislature; but, only transformation can make you a good law maker.

If the truth must be told; then would say, "the best guys across generations were not products of great schools or institutes; they were products of inspirations and ideas". Names like Bill Gates, Albert Einsteins, Steve Jobs, Obafemi Awolowo, Dr. David Oyedepo, Brother Gbile Akanni, among hundreds of thousands of other names definitely ring a bell; yet, none of them could be said to be a product of one big or great institution of higher learning. Some of these great people are even called drop-outs; but, the drop-outs were only drop-outs of training – not transformation. No man can ever drop-out of transformation and amount to anything significant in live.

 Look, until you are transformed, your training is never enough! 

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and prefect will of God".

Romans 12:2

 That was the inspired word from our Brother Paul. He was trained for several years by a man (Pharisee) called Gamaliel. But the best he could achieve in life with that training was become a killer, murderer or kidnapper or even a lawyer. But after he encountered Jesus Christ, and was discipled by Jesus (an experience that transformed him); he became one of the greatest Writers in history, one of the greatest Preachers and Teachers in history, one of the greatest Church leaders in history and one of the greatest leadership developers in history. In short, his transformation marked the beginning of his true living or manifestation in life. 

The word "conformed" in that Scripture above is the outcome of training – it conforms you to the best practices in the world. While the word "transformed" is the outcome of transformation – it makes you a new breed…a new kind of human….in fact, it makes you an inventor, leader, pioneer, founder, writer, builder, creator, designer, originator and initiator. It makes you to be ahead of the crowd or park. Transformation is indeed your best kept secret for excellence, distinction and generational influence. Wouldn't you rather begin yours from now?

Thank you for your patience so far, feel free to share your thoughts with us


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