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How Prolonged And Persistent Anger Can shorten Any Life: Tips For Healthy Living

I must be very clear from the beginning that I am not a Medical Doctor, neither am I a Pharmacist; however, I know and live with the DOCTOR of Doctors and the author Medicine. I am not writing this article as a show of some knowledge or as an expert; but am writing it as one who has seen and handled the experiences of anger.


Those who knew my growing days in life, will witness to the truth that I was a quiet, but easily angered young man. I could play just know and get angry just immediately; in fact, I had no limit or boundary to my object or subject of anger. However, as I began to know the Creator and Maker of my life and began to learn one or two things at His presence; I began to know that anger RESTS on the bosoms of fools; I also began to discover that a man's DISCRETION makes him slow to anger, and his glory is to overlook a transgression (Prov. 19:11). I also discovered that a man who has no RULE over his spirit, is like a city broken down without walls (Prov. 25:28).


As I began to know and understand these necessary truth, my life and relationships began to get better. Hence, the words of this article are not read from any book or journal; rather, they are practical guides for anyone to live (lead) peaceful, prosperous and long life.


Anger is not evil in itself; for it is an inner energy for outward expression. How or when a man gets anger can tell whether his outward expressions will be evil or good. There a few things we will be able to do without anger: for every good work like humanitarian or religious work is a product of the inner energy that challenged the status quo and demanded change. Everything will remain the same where there is no inner will or energy to change it in the people that are concerned. However, every civil war or divorce is equally a product of anger that was misdirected and misguided by the flesh of the parties involved.


I came to realize and accept that God gets angry when required and Jesus chased the money merchants out of the house of God in anger.  Until Samson got angry with the Philistines, he could not deliver the children of Israel from the enemy. Anger is an inner energy indeed. However, a prolonged and persistent production of energy could lead to wear and tear of the source of the energy. We all love to drive our cars or be carried by cars or buses. But do we know that the source of energy for the movement of motor vehicles are engines, which work only when there is combustion. (Pardon my use of words please). Until fire burns inside the engine, it does not have the capacity to move forward. Now imagine a car that is ignited and parked for a prolonged period of time persistently; definitely, there will be major damages to the engine and a possible fire outbreak in the car.


In same vein, getting angry persistently and in a prolonged period will ultimately damage any life and even destroy it completely. The Lord told me clearly that what we call headaches are often products of anger! You see, before anyone's anger become very deep; such a person's blood starts heating up, the hotter the blood, the more the capacity for anger. However, too hot blood is not good for human brains and other components in the head. Hence, people fall sick because there is someone somewhere that makes them feel anger or get angry. Persistent and prolonged anger does not only make self-control difficult, it also destroy and cause decay of the human body.


I have learnt my own lessons, and I have chosen a peaceful and prosperous long life; hence, I will rule my own spirit and not allow my heated body to rule my spirit for destructive works of the flesh. May the Lord expand these words further in your spirit. Amen!



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