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Hear What the Spirit Says: Understanding How to Become a People of Light

In this month of August, the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit in His mercies and in the graciousness of our Lord Jesus Christ has decided to start us on a journey, and He told us that this month is the month of REVELATION. And He made us to understand that this is the month in which the ways of God will be released to us. We will be able to see and understand the ways of God and He made us to understand that this month He would be leading us to see the ways of God, the ancient paths that the Bible records in Isaiah, the way of God.


In Psalm 103:7 that we looked at last week, the Bible says “God made His ways to be known to Moses, but all that the children of Israel saw was the acts of God.” And we have come to realize that the impact of knowing the ways of God is greater than seeing the acts of God. The acts of God are momentary, it is but for a season, but the ways of God are for a life time. When God parted the red sea-the acts of God, it was momentary, it was for a season. It was just for the children of Israel to pass at that time. But the ways of God are for a life time. The ways of God are the things that Elijah passed unto Elisha that Elijah could path the Jourdan and Elisha could also part the Jordan.


That is understanding the ways of God. If all Elisha has is the acts of God, He could only part the Jordan and have that experience because Elijah parted it. But at the moment where He connected to the ways of God, he also could part the Jordan. So, when we are talking about revelation, the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit made us to understand that this month He wants to reveal to us the ways of God, where what we have is not a momentary experience but an experience for a life time; an experience that is transgenerational, an experience that outlives us, an experience that can be repeated. When manna fell for the children of Israel, it was for a season. But there is a provision of God connected to the ways of God. The power to make wealth that becomes an experience of a lifetime.


When Jesus told Peter: “go the river the first fish you catch, open the mouth and you will remove money from there.” That was an act of God. It was momentary. It was only tied to that season. For Peter to walk in kingdom prosperity, he needed to connect to the way of God. And that is why he could look at the man at the beautiful gate and say to him; “look at us: silver and gold we don’t have but such as we have” we have connected to a way that produces all the time. Such as we have, we give to you, such that money cannot buy.  Revelation!


So, the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit said this month He is connecting us to the ways of God where we as a generation, as a people, carry in us a light, carry in us knowledge. Yesterday in the Evening Bible School we understood that walking in dominion, in the very life in the finished work of God comes via knowledge, revelation. If you don’t know it, you can’t walk in it. Some people will be on the mountain as we are speaking this morning, they are trying to pray away and fast away sin. They lack the knowledge that sin is a DNA transfer. Something must be transferred to you for that sin nature to leave you. Many people are so comfortable with the acts of God. There are only few, minute people; that actually walk in the ways of God. And the desire of God, what Jesus came to die for is to show us the way.


No wonder He said; “I am the way” all the things that are hidden that you cannot see, I am the way that will lead you to see them. “I am the truth, and I m the life.” So revelation understanding the ways of God. And the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit said to us; He will be leading us into an experience, where we will be able to raise the banner of the Lord as a sign to unbelieving nations and generations. Where we as a people understand the ways of God to a point that we become a sign that there is God. That God is not a man that will lie, nor the son of man that will repent. He is true and faithful. So last week the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit made us to understand that ‘to reveal’ is to make known, something that has been concealed, for it to be opened up, to be disclosed. Before you did not know it, now you know, before it was hidden, now it is revealed. That’s what revelation is about.


Last week the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit had His way completely with us as He always does, and He led into the mind of God prophetically about what God is about to do in our time and in our generation. And today He wants to teach us “the how.” How do we become a people of light? How do we become a generation that are the bearers of the light of God, the diffusers of the knowledge of God, the fragrance of Gods’ glory? How do we become that generation? So today by the instruction of the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit, we would be looking at this revelation series on another level this morning and we are looking at “Hear What the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit Says.” And I would love to start from Genesis this morning; Genesis 1:1-2, that’s where we will start our observation from, so that we understand from the first mention of the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit. What did the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit do at the first time He was mentioned in the Scriptures? He gives us and unveils to us the responsibility and the personality of the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God.


Genesis 1:1-2, the Bible says: “in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep and the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God” because when you see “and” as used in that passage, it talks about a joining word, these events are happening concurrently. So, bear that in mind. Not “then” it says; “and”. So, it iss concurrent and sequential. Its not like one event happened and then the other one happened, no! it was happening concurrently. Now it says; “the earth was without form, and void and darkness was on the face of the deep, and the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God was hovering”, present continuous tense. The Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of the Lord was hovering over the face of the waters.


Notice two things there; it said “in the beginning”This were the occurrences that happened in the beginning. In the beginning talks about before anything was, before we now start having skyscrapers, before we started to have all these things we see today, before anything was is the title of the beginning. “In the beginning God created”, so the first mention of God, in the Scripture, is about His creating ability.


God created! So, God is the creator of ways. Anything that we see in the world today, originates in God. So, the first mention of God was as a creator. But see the first mention of the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit. It says the earth that God created, at a point because you will see that there is a disjoint between verse one and verse two. So, you will see that there is a process of time. It says the earth which God created was without form. Something had happened. “it was without form and void and darkness” there was something that was on the face of the deep, it is called darkness. What conceals things? Can you see what is in the dark? So, darkness talks about a state or a perpetual state of concealment and closure of things being hidden.


If you want to hide something and you hide it in a dark place, will somebody or anybody find it? When the person did not know when you kept it there. The person can’t find it. So, darkness talks about the hidden nature of God. Because sometimes we feel it is the devil that created darkness. No! God created darkness. God created darkness to conceal. And that is why when we ascribe the glory that does not belong to the devil to the devil, God laughs. He that sits in the heavens will laugh because the darkness that the devil was hiding under was created by God. That is why the Bible says “God sees the things hidden in darkness.” He created them. So, God uses darkness to conceal. Even though God created darkness, God is not held bound by darkness, God is not stopped by darkness. It says;“and there was darkness on the face of the deep”, the Bible says;“and the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God was hovering” Where was the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of the Lord hovering? Over the face of the waters.


The Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of the Lord was hovering, which talks about the fact that, there is an activity of the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit, the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit is not stagnant. The Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of the Lord is not a stagnant Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit. The first mention of the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God in this verse talks about the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God hovering. That’s why when Jesus was going to go, He said to us, “I will not leave you as orphans. I won’t leave you just to be like that, the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit, the one that has been busy from the beginning, He is the one that is qualified for this task.” Because He has been doing it from the beginning. He is the one that can hover over all of us and He is not missing in any place. He is the one that can reveal the Things that sit in darkness. And that’s why you will see after the Bible says and the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters, “then.” This talks about something that happened afterwards, the effect of the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God hovering over the face of the waters.


Let us see it in verse three: “then God said; let there be light.” Why didn’t God say let there be waters? Or let there be animals? Why was it light? Two Sundays ago, our brother was sharing with us, the difference between this light and the other lights that appeared in the firmaments. This light talks about the Spiritual lights. After the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters, then God said let there be light. What does light do? Light revels. God said let there be revelation. Every hidden thing, let them be disclosed, let them be revealed, let them be opened. So, the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God is the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit that carries with Him, revelation. Anytime the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God is hovering, there must be light, there must be a revelation. Because when the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God hovers, there is revelation.


Then God said “let there be light and there was light.” Everything that was in darkness became revealed. Why? The Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God was hovering. I want is to see 1 Corinthians 2, buttressing thesame thing that the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit made us to see in Genesis 1:1-3. 1 Corinthians 2:7-11. This is apostle Paul speaking. He said; But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom” because God delights in hiding. That's why anything about God is not on the surface. The Bible says “the heavens even the heavens belong to God.” Why did God stay in the first strata? Because God delights in hiding. It says;which God ordained before the ages for our glory” See what it says in verse 8; which none of the rulers of this age knew” That means it was concealed.


They tried to find it but they couldn't get it. Why? Because it is the glory of God to conceal a matter, it said; "for had they known if they had a clue, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory" they didn't know that the wisdom of God was hidden.And in verse 9 it says; "eyes has not seen" what eyes have not seen is it not hidden?" "Nor ears heard, nor have entered into the heart of men, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him" So God hides things only to be revealed to His beloved. God conceals things only to reveal them to His beloved. Verse 10; But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit on CentreNDL”>SpiritWho are the "us"? His children, His sons "through His Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit." Do we see that we are saying the same thing from Genesis 1:1-3? When the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit hovers over our lives, there is light, there is revelation.


It said but God has revealed them to us, via a medium. God's revelation comes via a medium. The Bible says;"through His Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit, for the spirit searches all things"Are we seeing the correlation between this Scripture and Genesis 1:1-3? How does it search? By hovering. The Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit hovers over the darkness and brings light. It says;"for the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit searches all things, yes the deep things of God" Where was the Holy Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit hovering over? The face of the deep. So, He is searching. What was He doing in Genesis 1:2 when the Bible says the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God was hovering? He was searching.For the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. 11 For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows”


No one has the permission because God conceals. He hides. "No one knows the things of God except" there is only one medium for revelation; the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God. You cannot enter into revelation without the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God. You can't access revelation except via the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God. It is so important. So, He said: “no one knows the things of God.” Those things of God, are they not the ways of God? No one knows the ways of God the things of God, except by the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God. We can't connect to the ways of God; we can't enjoy the ways of God, except via this medium: The Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God. The Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit is hovering on the face of the deep. What is He doing? He is searching, they are things of God that you must connect to. You cannot connect until the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit hovers over the face of the deep of your life then it bring light.


2 Corinthians 3:6. It says; "who also made us sufficient as ministers of the new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit gives life.” The things that men and women are looking for, just as we were saying yesterday about rules and regulations, they kill, but the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit gives life. There's a life, there's a revelation, there is something concealed about your life that the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit will reveal. It's about the things of God. They are the things of God concerning you. They continue to be mysteries until the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit hovers over your life, over the face of the deep and there is light, and then they are revealed.


So as a child of God, what are those things? Zachariah 4:6"it is not by power, it is not by might, but by my Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit says the Lord of hosts." It is not by power, you can't labor to get it, you can't have those kinds of labor. Revelation doesn't come like that. It is by the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God. I want us to see a Scripture in Ephesians 1:17. It is not by power nor by might, revelations come by the spirit of God. He is the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of revelation; He reveals to us the mind of God concerning us. Ephesians 1:17,that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom” So, it's the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of wisdom and He the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of revelation. Apostle Paul was now talking about hidden wisdom. So, it's the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit that reveals those hidden wisdom. So, it is the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of wisdom. “may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him”


No one knows the things of God except by the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God. We don't have knowledge of God. Some of us have not even scratch the surface of who God is. We are still saying the things that we heard people say about God. You have not heard a personal one on one encounter with God. That's why it is good for us to go to the book of Revelations. See the encounter of John. Revelations 1:9-10. The book of Revelations was the disclosure of hidden things. How did John access these hidden things? Let us see. Revelations 1:9-10: I, John, both your brother and companion in the tribulation and kingdom and patience of Jesus Christ, was on the island that is called Patmos for the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ” What did he say in verse 10? "I was in the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit on the Lord’s Day”


You can't receive revelation in the flesh. “I was in the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit on the Lords day” and I heard things that were not seen, things that were not heard things that have not yet entered into the heart of men that God has prepared for those that love Him. “I heard a loud voice behind me as of a trumpet.” John said “I was in the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit.” You don't receive revelation in the flesh. You can't. The reason is Because it is concealed. No wonder in 1 Corinthians 3:17 the Bible says;“now the Lord is the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit, where the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God is; there is liberty.” You are free to see, to hear and to understand because the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of revelation is there. See what it says; "I was in the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit."


Let's go to Revelations 4:1-2. See some of things that He saw. Before this time nobody could describe the throne of God. No one could see it. But when John was in the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit His eyes were open to see it. It says; After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, “Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this.” I am going to reveal to you. This matter has been concealed but I will reveal. Verse two, it said "immediately I was in the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit" because you can't see it in the flesh"Immediately I was in the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne. Immediately! There is no distance in the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit.


Revelations does not take time; it takes the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit. It said immediately I was in the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit, and behold, just like what Aaron said but his own was a fallacy, it was a lie. “I just poured the gold in the fire and behold the Lamb came.” Just like that. But see what John said; "immediately I was in the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit and behold a throne." Revelations does not take time it takes the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God. He is the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of revelation. Things that eyes have not seen, things that ears have not heard, things that have not yet entered into the heart of men. That is what our generation needs. And the Lord is asking us to position ourselves in this time to connect with it so that we can diffuse the fragrance of the knowledge of God; so that we can show forth His glory because you can't show forth a glory that has not been revealed to you.


In Revelations 2:7, Jesus was speaking to one of the churches, and it always ends with this statement: "he who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit says." The Bible says in proverbs; "the hearing ears, and the seeing eyes God made them." Not these ones that you can see and touch. He is talking about the spiritual ears and spiritual eyes, eyes that can see, ears that can hear. He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit say to the churches. So, whatever the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit is saying is revelations. Whatever the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God is saying is revelation because He is the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of revelation. So, what has the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit been saying to you? Hope you are in the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit? Because it is only in the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit that there is revelation. Are we connecting? Are we ready for this outpour? Are we ready to understand the ways of God? Are we ready?


Hear what the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit says to the churches, “the seeing eyes and the hearing ears, I God have made.” Are we ready for what God is set to do in our generation through us? Are we ready for the mighty move of God? Are we ready to see things that eyes have not seen, things that ears have not heard, things that have not yet entered into the heart of men? It comes by revelation. And revelation does not take time, it takes the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God. Are we positioned for the Spirit on CentreNDL”>Spirit of God?


It is a good time to pray!


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