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Future Planning: How To Change Your Future

Planning itself is an area that many people have come to love to avoid or overlook in an atmosphere of being busy. We are people that love to live one day at a time, meet life events suddenly and “by luck” or “chance” get good result through whatever life throws at us. However, planning is as crucial for effective living as oxygen.

Some time ago, while Jesus was speaking, He said, ” For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it— lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him,”  – Luke 14:28. What He said clearly underscores the importance of effective planning for any meaningful outcome (in the future).

It therefore implies that any future that is not by chance, has to be by planning. Please get this, you either get to a place or point in the future by chance or by planning. You must be able to make your choice.

Some time ago, the Presiding Bishop of Living Faith Church, Dr David Oyedepo said, “I am not surprised at where we are now as a church, I would have been surprised if we are not here.” Did you see that, planners don’t doubt their future, because they have planned it.

The question is, what are you doing now that gives you an impression that your future is set ahead of you? You must have a good answer to that question. Life is too organized by God to be handled or lived haphazardly by you.

The truth is, your future will come – it could be prepared for or it could be unprepared for. Everyone born of woman has a future, however, we differ on how we meet our future from persons to persons.

In the ancient Israel, a powerful king of Assyria sent a disturbing word to the people of Israel and their king (Hezekiah). See what he did when he heard the troubling message; “And so it was, when King Hezekiah heard it, that he tore his clothes, covered himself with sackcloth, and went into the house of the LORD…..” – Isaiah 37

If you read those words very carefully, you would realize that he did not wait for a troubling future to unfold on its own; rather, he did things, he set a few things in motion and went into the house of the LORD. You see, you future (good or bad) will not change until you change your perspective about it. You cannot just sit down, crying foul or mourning your own end; rather, you must accept responsibility for setting your own life in order, and then proceed into God’s presence, which is loaded with joy, strength and hope for the journey ahead into your future.

Since you were created by God, only Him can dictate your future, and so, when life throws something contrary to your court, you must learn to go back to God – the author and the finisher of your future. I rest my case for now!


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