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2021, The Year That the Lord Has Made: Examining 7 Important Things About the Year That the Lord Has Made

This morning under the leadership of the Holy Spirit we would be sharing on; "The Year the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has Made" This is beyond a sermon topic or a title of a message; this is a confession of faith and a posture and an understanding that we must yield to as a people. For us to step into the several possibilities and realities that God has made possible this year. We must understand that this year 2021, is the year that the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has made. We are going to start our observation from Psalm, that is our major text this morning. Psalm 118:22-29. As the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord will be leading us into other text as we go on.


The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone. This was the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord’s doing It is marvelous in our eyes.24 This is the day the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.25 Save now, I pray, O Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord; O Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord, I pray, send now prosperity.26 Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord! We have blessed you from the house of the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord.27 God is the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord, And He has given us light; Bind the sacrifice with cords to the horns of the altar.28 You are my God, and I will praise You; You are my God, I will exalt You.29 Oh, give thanks to the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.May the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord bless the reading of His word in Jesus name.



Seven Important Things About the Year That the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord Has Made


Number one; Psalm 118:22, "STONES THAT THE BUILDERS HAVE REJECTED WILL BECOME THE CHIEF CORNER STONE." The Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has said to us as a people, and as a body of Christ, which is also a message to the body, that this year 2021 is a year of unveiling of sons, a year of revealing of sons. And God said the year that the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has made; number one, the hallmark, the essence of this year is that the stones which the builders rejected, will become the chief corner stone. It's a year where the sons of God will be unveiled, where the sons of God will be made manifest. It's a year where we will see God in action, it's a year where a king will be born in a manger, where money will be found in the mouth of fish. It's such a year that it will take such a faith for you to step into this year that the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has made.


It takes faith for you to connect with the possibilities and the realities of what God has made. Remember 2021 is a year the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has prepared afore time, because God is not preparing this year, He has prepared it. God is not making this year; He has made it. And that must register in your spirit. Every possibility and reality of your life this year, is what the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has made, what the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has prepared, what the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has settled, the Bible says the word of God is settled in heaven. Your year is settled in heaven, what will you do in response to what God has said? Believe! Believe in the realities and the possibilities that God is communicating to your spirit.


Yesterday at the Evening Bible School, we were made to see how that faith is a journey. We were meant to see that our faith will be tested and that is the journey of 2021, there will be a test of your resolve and your conviction and what you have believed. Are you going to come out as a pure and strong gold? Are you going to come out pure? Are you going to come out in strength? The Bible says; if you faint in the days of adversity, it is because your strength is little. Will you dare to believe God this year? Will you step into that year the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has made for you? Will you step into the possibilities and the realities that God has spoken concerning you? Will you dare to believe? Great things the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has spoken, God has said to us what He is said to do, the things that have been scripted in heaven, are we going to say to God, let Your kingdom come, let Your will be done on earth, your will concerning 2021, Your will concerning the year You have made, let it be done on earth as it is done in heaven.


Are we ready to partner with God this year? Are we ready to believe Him in spite and despite what we see? Are ready for this faith journey this year? Stones that builders rejected, becomes the chief corner stone. 2 Corinthians 4:7-10. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us. 8 We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed— 10 always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord Jesus, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body.” When the olive oil is to be produced, what happens is that the olives, the fruits called olives are pressed, the oil will not come out until the olives are crushed and pressed. This year, there will be experiences, we are not ruling out that there won't be unpleasant experiences for people, but the truth is this; it's like the process of the olive oil, that when the olive is to be processed, it's to become valuable and useful, the olives have to be crushed and pressed.


What comes out of you this year, will be a product of what is in you. Is there oil in you? When you are crushed and pressed, will the oil come out? It said we are hard pressed on every side yet not crushed, we are perplexed but not despair, persecuted but not forsaken, struck down but not destroyed always carrying in the body the dying of the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord to have the life of Jesus. What makes you a stone rejected, but yet celebrated? Because you continue to carry in your body the dying of the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord that the life of Jesus may be manifested, that the life of Christ may be manifested. This is the year that the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has made.


For us to become those stones that looks as if they are rejected, there's no appeal, our appeal is not in the flesh, our appeal is in the Spirit. Somebody might look at you and not like your face but can't deny the proofs and evidence of what God is doing in your spirit. Somebody might look at you this year, and don't like your mannerism-the way you are always talking about Jesus, but they cannot deny the grace that you carry. The stone that the builders rejected, will become the chief corner stone. When all is said and done, when January to December is all settled, when the dust settle you will see that what the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord is doing this year; those that stay in His presence, those that allow Him to take them through the experience of the crushing and the pressing; they are the ones that will have oil.


Verse 16 to 18 of the same 2 Corinthians 4, Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day. 17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory” The process of the rejection, the time of the rejection, at the time when it looks as if we are having light afflictions, it looks as if the things are not coming together, it looks as if we are not celebrated, but the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord Said; verse 18while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen.” Your focus this year must be on the things that are not seen. "For the things which are seen are temporary" they don't last. The things which are seen, they are temporary but the things which are not seen; the treasure that we store ourselves with, they are eternal. The way we step into the possibilities and realities of what God is saying in this season is that we focus on the things that are not seen. Your focus must be on the things that are not seen. Your investment must be on the things that are not seen. You must invest your passion on the things that are not seen, so that you can be that chief corner stone this year.


Number two; MARVELOUS DOINGS OF GOD IN OUR EYES. I want us to go back to that Psalm 118 so that we read that place in the context that the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord spoke it. Psalm 118:23. "This was the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord's doing" when you read the next line, you will say this statement is not supposed to be correct, right? If you look at it grammatically. If this was the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord's doing, then it should be; 'it was marvelous' grammatically, but see it spiritually, 2021 was the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord's doing, I want you to pick the lines in your spirit. 2021 was the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord's doing, "it was" meaning that 2021 is already in the past of God. It was the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord's doing, but what is it to us now? It is marvelous. The Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has done it, our eyes are seeing it. And when our eyes are seeing it, it is marvelous. What the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has done, it is marvelous in our eyes. Marvelous doings of God in our eyes are what we are going to see this year. Marvelous doings, the things that God has prepared. Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard, it has not yet entered into the hearts of men what God has prepared for those that love Him and are called according to His purpose.


So, you step into this year understanding that it is the year that the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has made, it's not the year the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord is making. It's the year the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has made, marvelous doings of God in our eyes, prepared works, done deals. So, we are entering into a year where transactions have been concluded in heaven, and they are materializing on earth. A year where transactions have been completed in heaven, your word is settled in heaven, so let your settled word be done on the earth. So, it's a year to partner with God, that's why will you dare to believe God this year? It's settled, 2021 is settled. Marvelous doings of God in our eyes. So, we see the script of God playing out. We see the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord doing it, because it's already done. We say the things God has already said; The finished works of God, 18:54. Something that God has settled, is the thing God will bring your way. What you are just doing is to be present. So, what you are doing in 2021 is to be present in what God has done. God has written the script, finished it, what you are doing is to be present on the stage of performance, doing the script.


2021 is already Scripted, what you are doing is coming to play your role in the scripted agenda of God. So, we will see the marvelous doings of God, kingdom experiences. Matthew 21:42-43. Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:” Jesus repeating the same thing that was written in Psalm 118, Have you never read in the Scriptures: ‘The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone. This was the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? 43 “Therefore I say to you” Hear the words of Jesus; “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it.”


What is Jesus saying? The script of God is defined but who will play the role is not as well defined. Jesus said the kingdom of God will be taken from you. So, roles can be taken. It says; "the kingdom will be taken from you and given to the nation bearing the fruit of it" somebody that can act the role, that is willing to do the rehearsals, those are the people that will get the kingdom. The roles are not casted on stones, it's the script that is casted on stones. The script is casted in stones but the roles are fluid. Why? It's not everybody that can act the role. If you are given a role and you don't come for rehearsals, it will be taken from you. For us to see the marvelous doings of God in our eyes, you must come for rehearsals. What are you doing about your secret place? Are you presenting yourself in worship? Are you presenting yourself in the place of study? Study to show yourself approved, unto God, study the script to show that you can take the role. Study to show yourself approved unto God a work man. You are a work man, we are work men, but we must study to show ourselves approved. God loves you, yes, He loves everyone but it's not everyone that can step into His eternal will.


God is not a respecter of persons, whatsoever a man sows, that will he reap. If you sow in the place of rehearsals God will not say yes because I have one daughter and since it's a women role, she must be the one to act the role, no! Whoever comes for the rehearsal gets the role. That's God and that's what is going to happen this year. You show up for rehearsals, you get the role, you show up, you get the blessings. So, to see the marvelous doings of God this year, you must show up. Kingdom experience is for those bearing the fruit of it. What fruit will you be bearing this year? What qualifies you is not the certificate but your hunger, your qualification is not because you speak good English, it's your hunger. That's why you will see somebody somewhere whose English is not very good, you will see the power of God at work, why? What qualified him is not certificate, what qualifies that man for the power that he is expressing in God is his hunger. So, when you come to God and you show up, you must show up with hunger. And God will say that my son has expectation, there is a hunger, I will satisfy him. To see the marvelous doings of God in our eyes this year, we must show up with hunger.


Number three, THE SALVATION OF THE LORD FOR HIS PEOPLE. Psalm 118:25, This is the day the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.” Why we will rejoice is because we showed up. When you hungry and you are given food won't you rejoice? You will rejoice! So, because we showed up, when we are supposed to show up, every time you come like that; the Bible says He daily loads us with benefits. So, the benefits of God are on a daily basis. So why do you now pray? Why do you fellowship on a weekly basis? Why do you fellowship on a yearly basis? So, if what God has for you, is 365, and you show up 52 times, do you know how much you have shortchanged yourself? 365 minus 52 that's a lot, over 300. He daily loads us. So, for you to be daily loaded, you must show up daily. It's even worse if you show up once. You have missed 364.


So, all the things that God said He will do, He will do them, God is not a man that He will lie. But will you be faithful in showing up and when you show up, will there be a hunger? It says we will rejoice; this is why we will rejoice; we will rejoice because we got our portion.  The Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord is the portion of our inheritance, He is the portion of our cup, the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord maintains our lots, why? because we showed up. So, we will have every course to rejoice. Verse 25, still on the third point; the salvation of the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord to His people. “Save now, I pray, O Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord; O Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord, I pray, send now prosperity.” The Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord will bring salvation to His people. Acts 4, the reason why the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord will bring salvation.


What is the reason why the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord will bring salvation? Acts 4 verse 11 to 12. This same Scripture was repeated in this verse. This is the ‘stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone.’ Speaking of Jesus; verse 12, Nor is there salvation in any other” It is God that will bring salvation to His people, there is no salvation in any other. Don't let any man deceive you this year, there is no salvation in any other. Salvation is only in God and God will bring salvation to His people. Salvation is not just being born again; salvation is an experience in Christ. When you come to Christ saved and you are still being saved. Because He will save you from the works of the devil, He will save you from sin, He will save you from anger, from masturbation, from habits that you have been dealing with. Salvation for the people of God is in God.


It's not in 24 principles that makes for your success. No! Salvation from poverty is God, He is the one that gives you power to make wealth. He will save you from poverty. Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” ‘By which we must’ It's compulsory. No other name like the name of Jesus. The name of the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run into it and they are saved. Every time that you have a need of salvation this year, salvation is in the name of the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord Jesus for you. The righteous run into it and they are saved. There will be wealth transfer this year, God is going to turn around things for His people. Matthew 21:44; And whoever falls on this stone will be broken” Whoever falls on this stone, Jesus Christ, the name of the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord, will be broken, to tell you that what was said before was not a negative statement. Whosoever falls on this stone, Christ the name of the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord, will be broken and God said: this one I will not look away from, he that has a broken and a contrite spirit. What gives you that posture perpetually is you falling on Christ, leaning on Christ, depending on Christ, carrying the cross of the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord daily.


It says whoever falls on this stone will be broken; will be postured to receive from the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord. Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God and He will lift you up in due season. Whoever falls on Christ this year will have that posture perpetually will be broken. But on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder. The person will not be able to be recognized. There is no salvation outside Christ, no salvation for any people outside Christ. Many people this year, the devil will still invite them, and it will be a way that seems right in their eyes but the end thereof. There is no divide in spiritual things, there is no divide in the kingdom, it's either the kingdom of light or the kingdom of darkness. You are either for God or the devil has you. So, there is no divide. It's either you are falling on Christ and be broken or Christ falls on you and you are grinded into powder. You are either for God, or the devil has you. So, there is salvation for the people of God, there is salvation for the entire world in Christ.


For God so love the word that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him will not die, will not be grinded into powder, but will have everlasting life, will be broken. So, there is salvation for the people of God.


Number four, THE POSSIBILITIES AND REALITIES OF THE NAME OF THE LORD. We have spoken about that. Proverbs 18:10. The name of the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord is a strong tower; The righteous run to it and are safe.” We are going to read 1Peter 2:4-10. Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, 5 you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ. 6 Therefore it is also contained in the Scripture, “Behold, I lay in Zion” This is what makes for the salvation of the people of God. "Behold I lay in Zion, Christ Jesus a chief corner stone; elect, precious, and he who believe in Him will be no means be put to shame. You will see the possibilities and the realities of God at work in your life. Verse 7, Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious; but to those who are disobedient, “The stone which the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone,”8 and “A stone of stumbling and a rock of offense.” They stumble, being disobedient to the word, to which they also were appointed.” Verse 9, “but you…” this is the word of the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord to you, this will be your possibility and reality this year.


“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light 10 who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.” These are the possibilities and the realities that God is taking us into in the year 2021. The possibilities and the realities of the name of the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord Jesus on the lips of the saints. This is the year that the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has made. There will be so much possibilities, there will be so much reality of what we have in Christ. In the book of Revelation, the Bible says; worthy is the lamb of God that was slain to receive; He received for us power, riches, strength, glory, honor, wisdom, might and blessings. He received for us all these inheritances, they are our possibilities, they are our realities and we will see it this year in the name of Jesus.


Number five, THE RECOGNITION OF THE OWNERSHIP AND THE RIGHT OF CONTROL OF GOD. This year, those that will become all that God has said concerning them, those that will step into the prepared and the finished work of God, that will step into the year that the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord has made, they must recognize the ownership right and the control of God. What does this mean? The Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord must be the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord God to you this year. Psalm 118 that we read, verse 27, the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord must be the owner, you must recognize Him as the owner, God is the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord, this understanding must sit deep into your spirit this year. God is the owner; He has the ownership right and He has the ownership control. "And He has given us light." And He has given us revelation, and what that revelation must do for us, us that it makes us bind the sacrifice. Who is the sacrifice? You!


Romans 12:1. “ I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice to God, Bind the sacrifices to the horns of the alter, the alter of the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord, the alter of the owner. So, you must be that sacrifice this year, you must come to the horn of the alter. Romans 12:1. beseech[a] you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies; present your sacrifice, bind it to the horn of the alter. This year, that must be your posture. Bind your sacrifice to the horn of the alter, you must be there, present your bodies holy and acceptable into God for this is your reasonable service, in recognition of the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord God, the ownership of God. Present yourself to the owner, show up, He owns you, come to Him. Isaiah 55:1, come! that's the invitation, come! Come to the waters all you that thirst. Come and buy wine and milk without money and without purse. This year you can't afford to run away, you can't be doing hide and seek with God and God is saying where are you? Let Him find you bound to the horn of the alter.


Number Six; LET PRAISE RISE TO THE LORD GOD. Verse 8, I want us to see it so that we understand what God is saying to us. You are my God, have a personal revelation of God this year. You are my God and I will praise you, you are my God I will exalt you. Have a personal revelation of God this year. Let praise rise to your God, the one you have a personal revelation with. John 4:24. There is a particular translation I love. I think it's the Passion Translation, it says that worship the Father must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. But it now said worship Him in reality. Worship Him in Spirit and in reality. Another one says worship Him as He really is, not to any other pastor, to you. Worship your God, worship your Father, have a personal revelation and encounter with God, a personal relationship.


Number Seven, FOCUS ON THANKSGIVING. Verse 29 of that Psalm 118 it says; Oh, give thanks to the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever.” The reason why you need to thank God for these two things; goodness and mercies is because what you give thanks for will continue to appreciate and increase in your life. Psalm 23:6 "Surely" why was David so confident about this? Because point one to six was a personal experience for him. He knew God. He said the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord is "my" not "our", the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He started reeling out his experiences, and he said in verse 6: surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me because I give thanks concerning them. I give thanks for the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord is good, I give thanks because of His goodness, because His mercies endure forever. Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life, why? And I will dwell in house of the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord forever.


Focus on thanksgiving, particularly in these two areas, the goodness of God and the mercy of God. In Exodus 34:4 when God was proclaiming Himself, He said “I Am the LORD, the LORD God; merciful, gracious.” If God can proclaim Himself as merciful, why won't you give thanks for His mercy? It's a revelation. James 1:17, I feel the Lord on CentreNDL”>Lord want us to really dwell on this. Focus on thanksgiving; Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above. God does not do evil, that's why you must always be thankful for His goodness. Because when you are thanking God for His goodness, it's a confession of faith; that God I know no evil proceed from you. You are good. Jesus said “no one is good but God”, only Him. Every good and perfect gift is from


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