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Your Testimony: The Biggest Heartache of the Devil

Most times, when the root cause is not known or sought, our experiences tend to become repetitive; since there is no understanding, which is the bedrock of any meaningful change. When your enemy is aware of your strength (perhaps even greater than his own) and his aware of your weaknesses; he will most likely try to use your weaknesses to counter the effects of your strengths against him.

Perhaps, more than we could ever agree with, the devil is not foolish; infact, he is very cunning and his biggest strength is not in his authority or power; but his capacity to twist reality or deceive mankind cunningly.

Without any mistake from us, the devil is too weak to confront us; but he is equally aware of our stronghold – the knows the secret of our strength – he knows our source. Therefore, if he cannot attack our Source, and he cannot defeat us on a frontal warfare; his best bet is to work hard in secrecy to derail our steps from the path of our legitimacy. Unlike the political leaders of this world, whose legitimacy is from the people; our own legitimacy is from the LORD; and the moment we lose our legitimacy with Him; even when we appear strong before men, we are weak before the devil. Therefore, the devil concentrates in derailing men away from their legitimacy before God

Your testimony before men and God is the fortitude of every man against the wiles of the devil – the strongest enemy of every human. Your testimony is what you are known with and for among men and before the LORD. If you claim to be a right man, a man of character, and a man of purpose; but your lifestyle is nothing close to all that; the devil is not worried about your claims – since your lifestyle is not the same with your claims. Men can claim to be many things before men; but who you are on the inside, in the secret moments of life, in your home, in your moment of opportunities, are the surest descriptions of your life – and they are the testimonies of your life.

Therefore, your testimony is your life in reality – most times, people say, "let us face reality here...". That reality is your testimony. You may appear as the greatest friend, the best man or the most virtuous woman; your true life is the summary of your testimony. When the testimony of your life is good and right; the devil is threatened and he is worried. But if your testimony is bad (even if your claims are wonderful); the devil is excited about your life – he could pounce on your heart (life) anytime.

Do you desire to cause the devil the biggest heartache? If yes, you will need to rexamine your life (in secret); who are you truly? Do you bow under pressure? Are you easily influenced by the evils around you? How true are your claims of spirituality or responsiblities? Let each person examines himself or herself; you cannot decieve God, you cannot deceive yourself; and you cannot aslo deceive the devil – your claims don't make you a true son of God; neither can your claims guarantee your safety; it is your testimony before men and the LORD your God can can secure your destiny in the evil and corrupt generation.

Therefore, keep your testimony secured in the spirit of righteousness and comfort of the Holy Spirit.


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