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You are Special!: Introduction to who you are in Christ

The whole world is filled with falsehood, lies, deceptions and manipulations that are spear-headed by the Kingdom of Darkness. The reason for all these activities of falsehood is because of YOU. Yes YOU! Because you are truly special and you are a choice personality that is key to the successful agenda of Kingdoms. You are truly special, the Devil dedicates his time and resources to make you feel less than who you are. The verse below indicates and shows us the true picture of your identity, which the Kingdom of Light commits to on a daily basis:

1 Peter 2:9 The Passion Translation (TPT)

But you are God’s chosen treasure priests, who are kings, a spiritual “nation” set apart as God’s devoted ones. He called you out of darkness to experience his marvelous light, and now he claims you as his very own. He did this so that you would broadcast his glorious wonders throughout the world.

You are special because you are chosen, God chose you to be His. He invested in you and He is committed to your growth and your effectiveness. He is passionate about you, He is waiting on you, He is intentional about you, He is sacrificial towards you, because You are special!

You are special because you are treasured, highly prized, so treasured that the whole resources of the King of the Kingdom of Light gave up His most prized possession (Christ Jesus) to gain your attention, to reconcile you back to HIM. He gave up to have you! He sacrificed to have you! How special you are!

You are special because you are a priest, you have the right in Christ Jesus to come and offer before the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Whatever you allow on earth is allowed in Heaven. Whatever you disallow on earth is disallowed in Heaven…..that is how special you are! You make decisions and make things happen. Sins that you forgive are forgiven, you stand in the place of authority!

You are special because you rule on the earth as King, yes as king, you are a decision maker, you make decrees and it stands. You are not a slave, not a pauper, not a servant, you are a King on the earth under the influence and rulership of the Kingdom of Light (the Kingdom of Kings).

You are special because you are a spiritual nation, you are not small, you are not inconsequential, you are beloved, you are blessed, you are anointed, you are great, you are Spirit, you are chosen, you are a spiritual nation, you are a seed that the Lord has blessed, a planting of the Lord, a seed of righteousness bearing fruit in season. You are special!

You are special because God is devoted to you! God has your back. He is committed to you and passionate to make your life beautiful. He called you out of darkness to come and experience the light of His Presence and His Kingdom. You are special that is the truth, never believe the lies and falsehood of the Kingdom of Darkness.

You are special! You are a child of covenant!


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