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What Is Your PREOCCUPATION In This Season?: How To Position Yourself With God Today for The Future You Desire Tomorrow

Lara Gboyega Adedeji: It is such a great pleasure to welcome you again to another interesting episode of Bible in Focus, and today, we will be sharing a word in season with you that will lift you, inspire you and enable you to be able to take your place at such a time as this.


Gboyega Adedeji: Alright, we'll be looking very quickly at the book of Psalm chapter 105, will read from verse 1 to verse 5. So, let's go into it. The Bible says:


Oh, give thanks to the Lord!
Call upon His name;
Make known His deeds among the peoples!
2 Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him;
Talk of all His wondrous works!
3 Glory in His holy name;
Let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord!
4 Seek the Lord and His strength;
Seek His face evermore!
5 Remember His marvelous works which He has done,
His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth,


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Wow, I believe that you're already getting blessed with just reading. Because you know, this verse one to five opens us up to what God wants us to be doing in this season. There's so much going on around the world, wherever you are, I'm sure there are news all over the place that are not pleasant, that are not encouraging. But the word of the Lord said, "Give thanks to the Lord". This is what we should be doing in this season, we should focus on the faithfulness of God and not what is happening around us. We should focus on what God is doing, and not what is prevalent in our space or atmosphere of our nation. It said: "Oh give thanks to the Lord…"  This is what we should be preoccupied with. We should "call upon His name", never forget to call upon the Lord. Don’t call unto the government and forsake calling upon the Lord. Don't call out to institutions, call on the name of the Lord.


Gboyega Adedeji: Do you know what God even said before you finish that? He said: “Call unto Me and I will answer you.There are many places and people we call out to today and they refuse to answer or pick your call literally. They don’t respond to your desires. But God said: Call onto Me. And so, if we have any situation that persists, that is unchanging, it is simply because we have not called on to the one who has the will and the capacity to make those things happen for us.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Yes, so the Lord is encouraging us and admonishing us that we should call upon His name, make known His deeds are among the people. Don't keep silent, don't keep silent, don't keep it to yourself what the Lord is doing around.


Gboyega Adedeji: Don’t keep telling everybody things that are not working in your life, talk to people the things that God is doing.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: The things that God is doing, make known, make it known, let people know about it. Let people know about the faithfulness of God. Let them know about the mercies of the Lord that you're enjoying. Let them know about the grace that is working for you. It's important that we make known His deeds among the people, many people are actually wallowing in what God has not done, refusing to see what God is doing. And it's a lie of the devil. He wants you to focus on what God is not doing so that you will continue to have more and more of that. But when you focus on what God is doing, you have more and more of what God is doing, He will keep doing more for you. And you


Gboyega Adedeji: You know what happens actually, when we all refuse to talk about the things that God is doing with us, there is a impression that God is not working much. But when we speak up and we speak out, somebody get to know that God is working in the lives of people around them, then they will get to believe that the same God who was doing it will do the same in their lives. And so, the faith of the brethren is staired up. But when we keep quite over the workings of God, then we make other people to think that God does not do much in the lives of His people.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: And it affects the faith of the people. So, we have been encouraged by this verse that we should actually make known the deeds of God. Let people around you let your neighbours, let your friends. Let your colleagues know what God is doing in your life, that the reason you are radiant, the reason you're bubbling with life is because God is your peace, because God is your security, because God is your health, He is your ever-present help in time of need. What everybody is going through does not affect you because God is helping you come out, you know, joyful and victorious. You need to let people know about it. When you let people know about the deeds of the Lord, the good deeds that the Lord is doing, then you sing to Him. Be joyful, sing psalms to the Lord, talk of all His wondrous works, how wonderful, how great, how mighty, and how faithful our God is. You need to talk about it.


Gboyega Adedeji: Sing to Him, don’t sing to people, don’t sing to be heard by men, sing to God, worship Him, Praise Him, occupy your thoughts with songs, sing psalms to Him.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Sing psalms to Him, it's so important. And verse three says: glory in His name, don't glory in your name. Don't glory in yourself, don't glory in the name of your organization, glory in His name that you belong to Him, that He is your Father, He is the one that takes care of you, He is the one that opens doors for you. Glory in that, don’t glory in your riches, in your houses or cars, glory in the name of the Lord that you know Him, that He is your Father, glory in that.


Gboyega Adedeji: Verse four says: “seek the Lord and His strength, seek His face evermore! Haven began with the attitude of giving thanks to the Lord, you make known His deeds among the nations, you sing to Him, you glory in His name, the next thing is: Seek Him. Let Him become your pursuit. Let Him become the object of your focus. The Bible says: I've set the Lord always before me. Whom are you setting always before you? Who is your aspiration? Do you want to become like men or do you want to become like God? Do you want to know God? Or do you want to know men? Do you want to please God? Or do you want to please men? These verses; from 1-5, has the goal of shaping, altering our attitudes as a people towards God and towards ourselves.


When we find ourselves, when we're in the company of ourselves, what should we do? Let us sing to Him. Let's talk about His goodness. And when we are not even in the company of ourselves, when we are with our own personal selves, what should we do? Preoccupy yourself with the search of God. Search for Him. The Bible says seek for Him when He may be found. So, there's a time to find God. That should be the time you should Seek Him.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Seek the Lord. It's important to seek His face forever, not just for a moment, not when you're in trouble, but all the time. Seek the face of the Lord. That's what our preoccupation in this season should be, praising Him, talking about Him. Let God be your focus. Set the Lord always before you and these are ways to set the Lord always before you: give thanks to Him, call upon His name, talk about His wondrous work and see what verse five says: Remember His marvellous works which He has done.


Gboyega Adedeji: He has done it. Before you preoccupy yourself with thousands of things God has not done, you must remember, He has done so much more. You must acknowledge those things, you must remember because if you can remember, you can thank Him for them. When you forget the things God has done, you keep murmuring and complaining about the things He has not done for you. And because you are complaining, faith is not staired up in you. You have to keep remembering those things He has done. When David confronted Goliath, he remembered the goodness of God in his life. He said God who delivered me from the mouth of the lion and from the jaws of a bear, He is able to deliver me from this uncircumcised Philistine.


The confidence from the remembrance therefore became a necessary springboard that helped him to overcome the opposition that was for him. So, if you want to overcome your present challenges, you must remember the past achievement that God has helped you with in the past.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Wow, that's so important. Remember, remember His marvellous works, not just what He has done, His wonders. Every time you remember the things that God has done for you, you remember His wonders, remember the judgment of His mouth. Remember the word that God has given you. You might not have seen it yet. But remember He said it and He will not fail at doing what He has said.


Gboyega Adedeji: God is not a man that He should lie, nor the Son of man that He should repent, whatever He has said, He will do it. Yes, He will do it. Bible says: surely the Lord will do nothing without revealing it to His servants the prophets. I believe you are a servant of the Lord also. And so, whatever God wants to do in your life, He will reveal it to you. So, you must believe in Him for the things he has done. Thank Him for the things He has said He will do. Thank Him, even though He has not done it. As long as He has said he will do it, He will do it. And you must remember that when we gather together, even when we are with ourselves, when we are alone, sing to Him. Even when you think you don't have the voice, you don't have the talent to sing. Remember, you are singing to Him, you are not singing to men. Men may think you are not gifted, you are not melodious, but God accepts your worship.

So, sing psalms to Him.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: Sing psalms to the Lord, praise His name. Always be in that atmosphere where your life is pleasing to the Lord. You are not consumed by the things that are happening all around you. You are living your life from the inside, out and not from the outside in.


Gboyega Adedeji: Alright, we believe these words are refreshing to your spirit, they are encouraging to your soul. We want you to keep meditating on them. Keep meditating on them, shape your life, build your life around them, and your life will profit from them in Jesus name. We are so grateful to have your company with us on this episode of Bible in Focus. Till the next time we connect with you, we want you to do something. We want you to subscribe if you're new to this channel. If you are not new, we are grateful that you have chosen to come back. Please, like this video. Drop your comments in the comment section. Let us know how the Lord has been good to you.


Make known of His wonders to us and let get to know the wonders of God in your life. Also, share this video on your social media. We believe it will be a blessing to others. Since it has blessed you, we believe it can bless other people. Till the next time we connect on the same channel: Bible in Focus, stay blessed under God, stay refreshed under the atmosphere of His presence.


Lara Gboyega Adedeji: God bless you!


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