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Wealth Creation Strategy: How to Move from Poverty to Wealth as A Solution Provider

Welcome to the channel. My name is Gboyega Adedeji, I am so glad to receive you to another interesting episode of Better and Leading You. In this video we will be learning Wealth as A Solution Provider. If your desire is to become really wealthy in your own lifetime, then I believe  

Growing up as a young man in Nigeria, I have been around men and women that daily pray about the wealth of the Gentiles being converted to them. They request and they desire that the riches of the Gentiles should become theirs. In this video, our focus is to see the principles that are able to bring about into reality, the desire of many people. It is one thing to pray to be rich, it is another thing to know the principles that make anyone rich. So, our goal is to become acquainted with the right principles that are able to make anyone rich, irrespective of the background of such.


Looking at the phrase: “The wealth of the Gentiles being brought to you”, one thing you must understand is that the wealth of nations is tied to their work. So, if you want to get the wealth of the people, you must also be able to get the work of the people. One thing is very clear, we live in a world where almost everyone desires to be wealthy, but only a few people are willing to work in order to get the wealth. However, I have learnt that the wealth that many of us yearn for, is tied to work and works that we detest.


So, the first thing I have discovered observing the phrase “the wealth of nations being brought to you” is that the wealth of nations is tied to the works of nations, the problems of nations, the challenges of nations. So, if you want the wealth of the people, you must also want the work, the problems and the challenges of the people. The more problems you are able to solve in your own lifetime, the more the opportunity you have to improve your own net worth as a person. So, since the wealth of the nations are rooted in their problems and in their works, and in their challenges, it therefore means that the more problems you are able to solve, the more problems you are able to provide solutions to; the more challenges you are able to take on as a person, the more the opportunity you have to improve your own net worth as a person.


Now, the thing is: if you must solve problems, it is important you are able to identify the problems of the people. Even though most people have one problem or the other; the truth is only a few people are able to identify the problems. The thing is, if you cannot identify a problem, you cannot provide solution to the problem. Now, can you provide solution to a problem that you do not know exists? So, the first thing that must be done for a solution to be provided is that a problem must first be identified. Until there is an identified problem, there can never be an identifiable solution to the problem. So, if you want to become a solution provider, the first thing you must do is to identify the problem.


Again, can a who has problems in his or her life, solve the problems of others? The first thing that is required is that you must first become the solver of your own problems. You see, you cannot give what you don’t have. If you lack the ability to identify your own problems and solve them, you cannot in anyway identify the problem of others and solve them. So, if you want the wealth of the people, you must also want their problems. You must become a man, a woman who is able to provide solutions to their problems. And if you will solve their problem, it must be because you are a man, a woman who solves problems. And the first point of call in solving problems is your own problem.


It is a known fact that most people have one problem or the other. Now, what many people do that is dangerous for growth and dangerous for becoming wealthy in life is that they pile up their own problems, waiting for one day that someone would show up to ease their burden, to solve their problem. If you pile up your own problems, can you then be able to solve the problems of others? I think you won’t. If you must become a solution to the problem of others, you must first become a solution to your own problem. If something is wrong in your life, and you tell yourself “there is a responsibility here for me”, I must become a man, a woman who is responsible for the course of my life. If my life tends towards a direction, it is because I have decided it.


If you wait for others to give direction to your life, if you wait for others to solve your problems, then you are telling yourself that you cannot fix your problems and therefor you lack the ability to fix the problems of others. Now see a situation where a man, a woman who refuses to fix his or her life problem, then comes out to fix the problems of others, such people even end up failing woefully even outside, and the reason is because they have failed inside and they have refused to accept responsibility to address their own life issues, and they are therefore incapable of providing solutions to the problems of others. Yet, the wealth of the people is tied to their problems. So, if you want people to share their wealth with you, then you must be willing to share in their problems. You must be willing to ease their pain; you must be willing to help them.


I have realized that real wealth comes only to real solution providers, and the more problems you are able to solve, the more the opportunity you have created for yourself to receive more from the people. The people will give to you to the degree that you have given to them. There is always value exchange in the world. There is the value you must give before you receive the valuables of the people. Any man, any woman who is always willing to receive the valuables of the people without being ready to give value to the people, will soon be tagged “a thief” in his generation. So, you must understand, until there is a transfer of value, there can never be transfer of valuables.


What almost all of us are looking for is that valuables be transfer to us. However, if that must happen, value must proceed from us to others. You give people values and then they give you their valuable. I am sure you have noticed that when people do things for you, you just pay them involuntarily. Why? There is a value exchange. Now let us take for instance. You go to the market for some vegetables. The seller gives you vegetables, and you give money in return in exchange for the vegetable. Another seller gives you vegetable that has been cut into pieces and so you tell the seller, “keep the change.” What is the difference? One gives you vegetable, the other one gives you vegetable that has been cut into sizes. And so, because more value has been added, you are also able to give more value in exchange.


So, the key to getting more valuables from people across the nation is you giving more value to the people across the nations. So, the more value you give, the more valuables you are able to get. Don’t be too fixed on the valuables and then you lose sight of the values. If you must improve the amount of valuables you have, you must improve the amount of values you give. The wealth of the nations that you crave and ask for is tied to the problems of the nations. And you cannot give solutions if you are not a solution provider. And so, the wealth of the nations goes straight to the providers of solutions to the problems of nations. If you can provide solutions, you can get the wealth that they have.


So, don’t just fast, don’t just pray to be wealthy. You must provide solutions; you must build a work around the solutions you provide. So, if you can make more people happy in your lifetime, if you can make more people comfortable in your lifetime, then you are able to become more comfortable and happier, simply because you make more people happy. So, the comfort you give, the happiness you give is what comes back to you in a greater portion as more joy, more happiness even in your own lifetime.


Let us see how everything connects. There is wealth, and to get to that wealth, there is work and from the work, there is a problem and then from the problem there is a solution, and there can never be a solution without a provider of the solution. So, there is a solution provider who gives solution to problems, and problems that are inside work and work that produces wealth. If you want to therefore become wealthy, you must have more work you do, more problems you solve, more solutions you create and simply because you have become a solution provider yourself.


If you are always looking for somebody to solve your own problems, then it means you are looking for more people to get your own valuables. If you must receive the valuables of the people, then you must become a man, you must become a woman that provide solutions to the problems of others. So, as you solve the problems of the people, they reward you with their own valuable.


Alright, we have come to the end of the podcast, I believe that you have learnt something there. The wealth of the nations that you desire is tied to the works of the nations. If you hate to work, then don’t ask for wealth. If you must become wealthy, then you must have works that you do. In case you ask, why do people struggle to get works? It is because every work is a problem and every problem are a potential works. Some people are looking for jobs, there is a thin line between your work and your job and many people are looking for job, not knowing that the jobs they are looking for is already a solution to a problem that has been identified. If only they can identify a new problem, they can then become a new solution provider with a solution. If you can have a solution, then you already have created a work. If you can create work for yourself, it means that you have gathered the solution to a problem and then you are ready to receive reward for the job well-done.


The more solutions you provide, the more the opportunities you create to receive the wealth of the people. If people must give you their wealth, it is because you have eased their pain and then you have solved their problems. Thank you for the gift of your time, my name is Gboyega Adedeji. It has been a great joy to connect with you in this episode of Better and Leading You. Till the next episode on this same channel, I want you to set yourself in that motion of seeking solutions to the identified problems of your life and the identified problems of your society.


If you can solve the problems of the people, then you can indeed receive the wealth of the people. Don’t be too fixed on the wealth, be fixed on the work. Get the job done, find the problems that requires solutions. Go in hiding, seeking for solutions, seeking for answers to questions. If you can find the answers, then you have created for yourself a platform to receive the wealth of the nations that you have been praying for even over the years. And as you do that, I believe that you would become indeed a wealthy man, a wealthy woman in your own lifetime.


I believe in your greatness but I am sure that your greatness is tied to the solutions that you are able to provide in your lifetime. If you are new in this channel, I want you to subscribe and click the notifications bell so that you can be the first to receive our subsequent new videos. If you have learnt something in this video, share your comments with me in the comment box below and share the news with your friends on your social media.


Thank you for the gift of tour time, till next time, I want you to stay safe!


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