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Was President Buhari Right About The Laziness of Nigerian Youths?:

The story of Nigeria is a funny story of unending seasons of paradox and all sorts. More than anything else, Nigerians have being victims of leadership cycle in Nigeria. Those who are leading the country presently were leaders some decades back and are still leaders. Infact, the only group of Nigerians that have never been in leadership are the majority of Nigerian population – the youths!

Some days ago, while addressing the press, President Buhari beretted the majority of Nigerian population, calling them (citizens under 30 years of age) "Lazy Nigerian Youths". Without hesistation, these people and other concerned Nigerians including myself have taken to the social media to react (even though I wish we're responding) to the statement made in UK by the first citizen of Nigeria – who coincidentally is the spokesperson for Nigeria.

If the spokesman for a group calls a group a den of robbers, it is very likely that no one outside the group will doubt his claim. While the people outside Nigeria may not doubt the claim by Mr President, millions of Nigerians are so hurt that tweeting about the matter is to say the least!

The question then is, "Was President Buhari Right About The Laziness of Nigerian Youths?" While you might have expected me to give the answer, I will still throw it back to you for your final judgment. Before President Buhari became the head of government and states of Nigeria; the security, economy and corruption in governance was at a state. He claimed that things were so bad that he needed to be voted into power by the "Lazy Nigerian Youths" for a change!

As he wanted, he was voted into power, not to show how bad things were; but to address the epidemic corruption, insecurity and poor economic condition. However, after 3 years in power, President Buhari has shown the "Lazy Nigerian Youths" that he had little or nothing to offer them. 

If the "Lazy Nigerian Youths" wanted to judge him; they would have complained about his frequent Medical Tourisms & Trips abroad over the last 3 years. Instead, the "Lazy Nigerian Youths" have chosen to allow him finish his 4 year term and then vote him out the same way they voted him in. However, in a twist, he turned against the same people that voted him into power; whom he made jobless by his various policies and plans.

If the millions of Nigerian youths who lost their jobs in the last 3 years were not disengaged in their places of work; would their President call them lazy?

In my opinion, Nigerians youths are not lazy! Come to think of it, how do you think an average youth survive in Nigeria, inspite of the harsh economic condition? Do you think the youths in Nigeria survive on the provisions of their parents? I don't think so! Do you still remember that most of these parents are either disengaged by their State Governments, Local Governments & businesses; and those who are not disengaged are hardly paid salaries? How then do these youths survive?

While you may not agree with me, I believe the majority of Nigerian youths survive on their creativity, resilence and hardwork. Nigerian youths don't necessarily seek for formal employments; the look for jobs daily for daily pay and they return to their homes. In fact, many homes in Nigeria survive on the daily pay brought home by these youths who have gone out to look for money for the family survival. How can these youths be lazy and yet be surviving the economic disaster of this present administration?

I think I can drop my pen here, a word is enough for the wise! Thanks for taking out time to read this blog post by Gboyega Adedeji – please share this post on your social media with your friends & family! See you again!


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