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Understanding Wisdom As A Principal Requirement For Serving King Jesus: Have You Been Certified Wise?

Today we will be examining something that is very important. We are considering: Understanding Wisdom As a Principal Requirement for Serving King Jesus, and we are going to start our meditation together from the book of Daniel chapter 1 and we trust that God will give us speed in Jesus' name. Daniel 1 from verse 3. The Bible says:




"Then the king instructed Ashpenaz, the master of his eunuchs, to bring some of the children of Israel and some of the king’s descendants and some of the nobles,"


Now, this statement to me as the Holy Spirit is helping me resembles what we have in Ephesians 4:11 where Bible says the same one who ascended also descended or the same one who descended also ascended, and when He ascended, He gave gifts unto men; some Apostles, some Prophets, some Evangelists, some Pastors and some Teachers. See what we have in the verse above too: "to bring some of the children" as if usually, even though there could be crowd or multitudes, God, and not just God, kings have the nature of calling unto themselves a fraction of the multitude for a special service. Do we understand that point? There were many people who were nobles, who were descendants of the king, don't forget, this was shortly after the children of Israel were carried into captivity into Babylon.


So, the children of the king of Israel that were carried, some of the descendants of the king were called, which means even though we could be many, there is usually a calling to a segment of us. And that is why the Bible calls it "A high calling." Now, let us continue with to verse 4 of that Daniel 1 and see as other things unfold.


"young men in whom there was no blemish, but good-looking, gifted in all wisdom, possessing knowledge and quick to understand, who had ability to serve in the king’s palace, and whom they might teach the language and literature of the Chaldeans."


I want us to notice some things in what we just read. The goal of the whole process that began with a selected people called out of the rest, some of the descendants of the king, some of the children of Israel; and some of the children of the nobles, the goal was that there might be a people out of them that might serve at the king's palace, those who would minister to the king, those who would do the bidding of the king. They were not just going to be anybody or any people, they were going to be as we have it; "young men in whom there was no blemish, good-looking, gifted in all wisdom, possessing knowledge and quick to understand." If a king who was perhaps in those days; king of kings, would need a people who had wisdom to serve in his palace, then who do God or what kind of people are the people that God is looking for? What kind of people would be qualified to serve the King of kings?


At this time in the history of humanity there was a king called Nebuchadnezzar and he was called the king of kings because he had authority and sovereignty over other kings on the earth. Now, certain kings were captured with their descendants and he was to get his own servants from their own servants. And he was not just saying "go get me any kind of person", No! He said "get me young men without blemish." If an earthly king is looking for men without blemish to serve him, then you should not expect God to be looking for men with blemish. If a king was looking for men who had all kind of wisdom, then you should expect that God was not going to be looking for fools. Do we understand what is going on? The reason why these people were selected is that a people might be brought up who would serve the king in the palace.


Hitherto they had been captives, they had been slaves. In fact, there was a time they were serving their own king. But now they are being brought to serve the king of kings called Nebuchadnezzar and he knew that if anyone of them would ever be qualified to serve him, then such a people must not just be any kind of people but a people who had no blemish. And you know if a king was looking for young men to serve him, then you must understand that God would also have taste for young men. So your youthfulness is not a reason why you cannot be used by God, rather, your youthfulness is the reason why God is interested in you? Do you understand? He said "young men." And you know, he would have said men if they were just some kind of men. But he said 'Young men" were the choice of the king and not adult, old age people, people stiff-necked, people who cannot be mended or altered or transformed. Men who cannot grow. The king was not looking for such, he was looking for young folks who have their future ahead of them. People who had a vision just as the Bible says "young men shall see visions."


If a king that God created is looking for these kind of people to serve him, then who do you think that God is looking for? Some people their issue is that they are too wise to serve God. They believe if God would anybody, it should not be somebody in their degree. They believe if anybody would ever serve God, then it should be people who are suffering, and not them because they are rich. They believe if anybody would serve God, it should be those who are unemployed, who don't have any job they are doing. But see what the king was looking for. Now if such a people are in Abuja today, would they be beggarly people?


It says "young men in whom there was no blemish, but good-looking." Even people can give you job just because you are good looking. It says "gifted in all wisdom." You can't be gifted in all wisdom and you are poor or living a "nobody" life. It says "gifted in all wisdom, possessing knowledge and quick to understand." So, it means they can be trained and retrained anyhow the king pleases. They are not rigid people but flexible people. If God shows them a revelation, they are quick to understand it. Once you cannot understand something, you cannot be changed into that thing. So, the king was looking for a people who were young, whom he could raise up to serve him and each time they serve him, they would be for his own glory. Now let us see what happened in verse 8.


"But Daniel purposed." Daniel was one of those people who were found. This looks like the first qualification. There were many people who were children of nobles, many who were descendants of kings, there were many people who were children of Israel but some of them were found. So, they passed the first test. So, if you will ever serve the Lord Jesus Christ, it is not an automatic ticket. You cannot sleep and wake up suddenly and you are already serving Christ. There is a process that you must be taken through for you to be qualified to serve Him. To serve this king, these people that happened to have already been gifted and talented still needed to be taken through a process. See what verse 5 says:


"And the king appointed for them a daily provision of the king’s delicacies and of the wine which he drank, and three years of training for them, so that at the end of that time they might serve before the king."


To some of us, to be under God for training for one year is a big deal. Now, the fact that you are even being trained by God for one year shows that perhaps you have passed the first thing. What was the first thing for these people, young men, no blemish in them, and again, they were good looking, in case someone is saying he or she isn't good looking enough, you are actually good looking. If a king is looking for people without blemish and good looking, then God is looking for Holy Vessels. Have you never read it in your Scriptures? Have you forgotten David; he was also good looking. So, if you now think God wants to use your life, and you have issues accepting your natural beauty; settle it in your heart; you are beautiful. And that is the truth.


So, these people already had some qualifications, they had some training for them to be gifted, to be quick of understanding; it means they have passed through some elementary training, perhaps we could say they have passed through some first degree. But now, for them to now be able to serve a sovereign God, they must understand the need for them to be separated among the rest from the rest for a process of training under God. For these people, it was three years, and after three years, they were to serve before the king. That was it. So, knowing the goal and what is at stake. Daniel made a decision in verse 8.


"But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank; therefore he requested of the chief of the eunuchs that he might not defile himself."


I want us to jump to verse 16-17:


"Thus the steward took away their portion of delicacies and the wine that they were to drink, and gave them vegetables. 17 As for these four young men, God gave them knowledge and skill in all literature and wisdom; and Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams."


The question is: Why did God give all these things to him? Because he requires it. God gave him these things because he would be in need of it in his service before the king. Do we remember that? Because serving the king is a service that is built on the foundation of wisdom. If you are lacking in wisdom, you will be of little or no use to the king. So, these people who began their training, decided to consecrate themselves, decide not to pollute themselves so that they can be a suitable vessels in the hand of the king. And after these things, let us see the result in verse 19:


"Then the king interviewed them," They were called, they had been trained, then the king interviewed them. Is it not unlike what we do now? That is to show us that serving the king is different from serving MTN, GLO who will interview you, then train you. This one, you will pass a first layer of qualification, then you are being trained and then you are interviewed. Let us continue:


"Then the king interviewed them, and among them all none was found like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah; therefore they served before the king. 20 And in all matters of wisdom and understanding about which the king examined them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers who were in all his realm. 21 Thus Daniel continued until the first year of King Cyrus."


Because of these things, because in all manners of wisdom and understanding; they were ten times better. Daniel remained in the service of the kings even beyond the king that interviewed him. Some of us are assuming that being called by God and being used by God is something that fall on anyone like ripe pawpaw. But it is not like that. If you will even get into the service and remain in the service of the Most High God, then certain things must stand you out. And for Daniel, they had understanding and wisdom that was ten times better than their colleagues. So, if you will ever become a servant of Christ Jesus you need wisdom, if you will ever remain in the service of king Jesus, then you must be a woman of wisdom, you must be a man of wisdom. Do we see that?


Let us go to 1 Chronicles 12:32:


"And of Issachar, men who had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do, 200 chiefs; and all their kinsmen were under their command;" (AMPC)

"of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do, their chiefs were two hundred; and all their brethren were at their command;" (NKJV)

"from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do—200 chiefs, with all their relatives under their command;" (NIV)


Now I don't know if we notice something there. It says "of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times." The question is: What is it about understanding the times? What does it mean to understand the times? Of course we know, we started today by saying our lives are prepared by God in the weeks, in the days, so, until you get into a day, you may not be able to realize what God has prepared for you. It says a people had understanding of times. They don't just know a time, they know times. They understand seasons, they know what Israel, a nation ought to do. Like what we read about Daniel, he was better than others because he had understanding of vision and dreams. When they see things, they could understand what they see. They don't just look like every other person, they see. And not just at that alone, they also understand what they see. What is that? Of course, many are looking few are seeing, and fewer are understanding what they see. Are you part of those who understand what you see or you belong to those who only see? Or perhaps you are just one of those who look. What do you call a man who understands what he sees? What do you call a man who just look and not see?


So, everybody has eyes to see, but very few are actually seeing. Many are looking, few see, fewer understand what they see. These people understand what they are seeing. You remember in the time of Jesus, certain times Jesus even said "you understand the signs of heaven but yet you do not know what must be done in time." At a point, the Holy Spirit showed me something that time is endless. "Time is endless, it is purpose that gives meaning to time, it is what you do that truly counts." You can count the things you do, but you can't really count time. So, when you wake up into time or you are in time, you must then understand that there is something you must do in that time. Now, these people, unlike others in Israel, they had understanding of the times, they knew the time that they were in and what was expected of them. They were not sleeping when they should be awake, they were not awake when they should be sleeping, when they needed to sow, they sow; when they needed to eat, they eat. What they should do, they do it. And so, because they were able to do all these, Bible says "their brethren were at their command."


They became an example for others. Perhaps, they even became teachers for others. Because the truth is, until you understand times and seasons, you cannot become a teacher of time and season. Until you know the time and the times that you are in, you cannot be able to teach others the time they are in and the meaning of those times. You know, we are in a Disciplers' convocation and we are Disciplers as much as we are disciples. You cannot disciple others into time and their season if you yourself do not know your own time and your own season. If you cannot begin to understand, and be noting the word please "understand." If you cannot begin to understand the time that you have come into as a person, that you have come into March for instance, you have come to a period in your life that it is clearly obvious that the rain had just started in a new time and in a new season, then the question is: what should you do in this new time and in this new season? If you don't know it, then the kind of fruits you will be producing will be showing your ignorance and nobody wants to learn from the ignorant. Because, an ignorant man cannot produce good fruits. You don't have results that are enviable and so, nobody wants to follow your leadership.


Bible says because these people know what Israel ought to do, they knew what they must do. When you know what a people must do, you know what you must do. What do you do then? Just do what you must do. When people see you do what you must do per time, then they will begin to pattern their own doings after your own doing. So, your leadership has a root in you understanding what must be done per time. Now, there was a time Jesus said something. Bible says He said it not because He didn't know what to do, for He Himself knew what to do. Yet, He still asked them questions. If you must be in command, then you must have understanding of what must be done per time. Do we understand that? Because what we are considering today is Understanding Wisdom As A Principal Requirement For Serving King Jesus


We saw a type or a shadow in Nebuchadnezzar who was called the king of kings. And so, if you even read Genesis 1:26, Bible says "Let us make man in our image and let them have dominion" and you are finding it difficult to understand, go to the book of Daniel, see what happened to Nebuchadnezzar and you will see that what God said in Genesis 1:26 actually took place for king Nebuchadnezzar because Nebuchadnezzar also had dominion and he said it himself over everything that God created. That is what God has in store for each and every one of us. And so we must not forget, what happened in the days of Nebuchadnezzar is like a shadow of the reality that is happening in our time. It is either that we are awoken to the reality or we close our minds and then we are carried by without being conscious of the season that we are carried in.


You see, it is taken place right now, a people are called by Christ, a people are being trained by Christ and then the goal is that they may serve before the King Christ Jesus. And so, you are just wondering: "I am just busy looking for job; I am just busy doing this and that; how come I didn't know when people are being enlisted and trained. How come I didn't know? I was busy chasing money. Now I have money, and I lack authority, I have money and I lack fulfillment." You see, until you understand what we are talking about, hearing the inheritances of the saints in Christ Jesus will not make any sense to you. Yet, you don't also have any experience of it. You know, when something does not make sense with you, it is difficult for you to experience it. If you think the inheritances of the saints in Christ is not making sense, any of those inheritances will not become visible in your life.


Revelation 5:12:

saying with a loud voice:

“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
To receive power and riches and wisdom,
And strength and honor and glory and blessing!”


Jesus was slain to receive wisdom. He needed to receive so that you can have it. You need to have it so that you can use it. If wisdom is of little or no use to you, Christ wouldn't have it. And if Christ didn't have it, He would not will it to you. Now, those who were enlisted to be trained to serve before the king, Bible says delicacies were given to them from the king's tables. So, if you are to serve before the Lord Jesus Christ, daily provisions from the Lord Jesus will be given to you. Beyond that, anything that Christ has, since you have come to serve Him, will be given to you. It is as simple as that. He was slain to receive wisdom so that you can have it, so that you can use it. Because you will do little or nothing in His service or perhaps you will even do a disservice to His kingdom in your own foolishness.


Until you become a woman who is wise, you will do little works. Your wisdom is required for you to stand before the king. The king interviewed everyone that was trained and certain people who added consecrations to their lack of blemishes were found to be even better than others who were wise. So, there are degrees of wisdom. Now, what is the difference between the wisdom of the others and their own wisdom? The wisdom of the others is what is called the wisdom of this world. The wisdom of Daniel, Mishael, Azariah and the other one, is the one that is from above. And that is why we must understand that the kind of wisdom that Jesus was slain to receive is the wisdom that is from above. And if you have the wisdom that is from above, you will necessarily perform ten times better at least, than the wisdom of this world.


Now, when it was time for the wisdom to be judged, the king had a dream. He could not remember his own dream and yet, he was troubled by it. He called all the wise men in the kingdom, everyone that he himself has trained. "Come and tell me my dream and I will know that you have the answer to it." They couldn't answer him until a decree went from the king that all them would be destroyed. So, it is your wisdom that keep you in service. These were wise men, yet, an order was given by the king that they should be wiped away because their wisdom has not being of profit to the king. Why are you wise? You are wise because the king can benefit from your wisdom.


At the time when their king need their wisdom, their wisdom was insufficient, they literally told the king. You see "our kingdom that we got from you is the one that has limitations and cannot handle these kind of matters. If anyone would be able to help here sir, then such must operate in some kind of wisdom that comes from above. They said it is only the gods whose dwelling is not with the flesh that can answer this that the king has asked." "Only the gods" meaning directly or indirectly that only the wisdom that is from God can be of help at this time. So, when we are talking about wisdom, we are not talking about Harvard wisdom or Yale wisdom or the Cambridge wisdom. We are talking about the one that comes from our Lord Jesus Christ that comes from above.


"Worthy is the lamb that was slain to receive it." He has received it and you must have it. Until you have it, you will not be qualified to be a servant of His on the earth. If you lack wisdom, you will do little or nothing for Him. You know, in the Parable of the Rich Fool, the man was rich but he was a fool. How do we know? By his actions. And because he was a fool, even though he was rich, his soul was requested of him. What is the point? He was being eliminated. How do you continue to nourish a tree that has refused to bear fruits? That is the point. You simply cut it off. Others require the nutrients that we are pouring on it. Lest we have little or nothing to give to others since this one has been wasting what has been allocated to it, let us cut if off; lest it continues to cumber the ground and waste the resources.


What is expected of you as a person who wants to serve the King Christ Jesus, you must perpetually produce fruits. Your wisdom is your fruit. The wisdom that doesn't originate from this world. The reason why I said "your wisdom" is because you have received it. Jesus Christ received it that you may have it. When you have it, it becomes a wisdom with you. That your wisdom is your fruit. If you cannot bear such a fruit, then you do not have anything to hold unto to say "oh Lord, keep me on this earth" because of my fruits. Why should you be kept in your foolishness. And you see the criteria from the beginning; young men without blemish, gifted in all wisdom, who possess knowledge and they are quick to understand. Now let us read a place in Proverbs 3:19. It is a popular Scripture that we have been quoting for years.


Proverbs 3:19:

The Lord by wisdom founded the earth;
By understanding He established the heavens;


No wonder in chapter 4:7 it says:


Wisdom is the principal thing;
Therefore get wisdom.
And in all your getting, get understanding.


Why is it the principal thing? Because by it, God founded the earth and by understanding He established the heaven. Wisdom is the principal thing. There are many things that are important, but wisdom is number one. Therefore, my sister, my brother, get wisdom. While you are trying to get everything on this earth, make wisdom your number one, others can follow. And in all your getting get understanding. It says "men who were quick to understand." When God is talking to you, don't be dull to understand. You see, understanding is in degrees and is in dimensions. Some people that you think they don't have understanding, it is because of their passion. They have passion for understanding of corruption. Tell some people some bad things, they are understanding it. But tell them the truth, or something that is very important; they will begin to tell you they don't understand. What the person is trying to tell you is that he does not have passion for what you are saying.


So, don't tell people you are slow to understand, simply redirect your passion. Set your mind on the things that are above. If you do this then you will possess of the things that are above. When you do this, then you are on your way to understanding and you are getting wisdom. Everything God is telling you, you don't want to hear. But when your friends are talking; you are there listening to them, but you can't listen to God. These sons of Issachar, how did they get to become men of understanding? Men that knew times, they knew what Israel ought to do? Because they were men that were given to listening. And you will learn from the person that you listen to. You listen to your friends, you will learn from them. You listen to God, you will learn from God. If the wisdom from above must come to you, then it means that you are listening to above.


Luke 2:40, the Bible says: "And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him." If Jesus needed wisdom to please God and to do the work of God, then you need wisdom too. God has little or no use for the fools. Pastor Adeboye has a saying that says "Joy to the wise, I refuse to be a fool." Why should Pastor Adeboye refused to be a fool? Because he knows, as soon as he becomes a fool, he will cease to be a servant of God on the earth. You can't serve the King, Lord Jesus as a fool. You cannot! He has no use for you. This man was able to accumulate a lot into his barns and he said to his soul "relax, there is no shaking; 'nothing can happen'." And God considered that statement and the state of his heart as being a foolish state. So the things you think in your heart, and the things you say with your mouth demonstrates your wisdom or your folly. If you must remain in the service of the king, then you must remain in wisdom. You must never tell yourself "I used to be wise."


In 1 Corinthians 2, I want us to see something like a contrast and yet we must learn from it. 1 Corinthians 2 from verse 1:


"And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony of God. 2 For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified."


Can we see knowledge? He said "I determine not to know." You must understand that there is knowledge as a foundation for wisdom. It says in verse 3:


"I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. 4 And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom.." Another word for human wisdom is the wisdom of this world. "but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, 5 that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men(can you see that? Wisdom of men; wisdom of research and development of men) but in the power of God."

"However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, (Do we see the difference?) nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing (The wisdom of this age is coming to nothing). 7 But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory,"


Can you see what is going on? While you must thirst and your heart must pant after wisdom, let it not be the wisdom of this age. Let it not be the wisdom that is from men. Let it be the wisdom that is from above. Why? Whatever that is from above is above all. If you must remain on top, then what is guiding your decisions must be something that is from above. You want to choose who to marry, people are telling you things. That is the wisdom of men. What is God telling you about who you should marry? You want to start a business, and you are thinking which type to start; and you are doing research and development, collecting data, what you are doing is you are relying on the wisdom of men. While that can be of help to you; if you must get a result that is ten times better, because the issue is not whether it will work or not.


The wisdom of this world will work actually. I hope we agree. We are just talking about a wisdom that is ten times better. You know, for several years when Nigeria has been in darkness, yet, when you go to Canaan Land or Redemption camp, you will be in light. I was there for eight months of my life, I cannot remember ever sleeping without light. There was light almost 23.5 hours of everyday, eight months I was there. And it was not just redemption camp alone, the same is true in Canaan land as well. Yet, in the same country that has these facilities, and in the same state; there was electricity issue. What is it that is happening? It means there was a wisdom and there is a wisdom there that is missing in the world at large. It was present with them, yet missing in the world.


So, if you go to the world, you will get electricity. Isn't it? But when you go there, you will get a light that is ten times better. Maybe the world will give you 2.4hours light in 24 hours. But there you get 24hours. What is that? Isn't that ten times? What I am saying is in the world, you will find solutions and you will find certain results. What God will give you if you can walk in His wisdom. It does not mean it will come cheap, you will be sleeping and snoring and there will be solutions; you will have to make decisions. But the question is: Who gave you that decision? How did you come up with it? What will that decision do in your life, in your organization, in your family? It is supposed to produce a ten times better result than the ones that are going around in your society, on Whatsapp and in your Facebook.


The people of this world, they know what to do. But you will know what to do ten times better than them, that is what we are talking about. And God is not just comfortable giving you a testimony in an aspect of your life; God wants to give you ten times better in every aspect so that others can be at your command. They will see how it works for you, they will come to you so that they can learn how you do it. So, if you want to become a teacher of men, you want to become one who has an example to share with others; then you must allow the wisdom of God to come to you, work with the wisdom, build your life by that wisdom. Don't forget; by wisdom God founded the earth and by understanding He establish the heavens.


Now that God has established the heavens, now that God has founded the earth; all of us are learning from God today. Why are you following God if you did not know that God has done things? The works of God are marvelous and then you are awesome in all your ways. Why? Because you have seen all that He has done. Bible says "Wisdom is justified by her children." If people see the kind of children you produce, the kind of products you produce, the kind of offspring you produce, then they consider within themselves that you are a wise man, you are a wise woman. Your wisdom is not for nothing; it is ultimately that the King may be glorified. Let your light shine, because that wisdom will make a difference in your decisions, in your judgment. The things others are doing, you don't do it. Why? There is a light that you have that they don't have. And ultimately, there is a life that you will live that they are not living, and when you live a different life, you have a different destiny, a different future ahead of you.




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