Without doubt, our God is the God over all; and His realm of influence includes every height, depth or width. In fact, His knowledge pass finding out; for He is the God of knowledge, by whom all actions are weighed. While our God is limitless in outlook, focus, influence, power and authority; it is very important that every man or woman that do not want to be lost in this crowded world to know the truth about God's approval and its influence on every man's relevance or exploit on the earth.
It is true that God is the God over all; however, He does not approve all. It is also true that God knows about all things; yet, He does not approve all things. It is true that God's influence is over all; His approval is not over all.
Sometime ago, Jesus said, "Not everyone that calls me Lord, Lord will inherit His Kingdom"…He also said that "many are called, but few are chosen". I want your spirit to be fully alive as you meditate on the words that are placed above. The point is, the deception of a man or woman about God's approval of his or her life, his or her marriage, his or her ministry, his or her career, and his or her pursuits; cannot deny the existence of divine disapproval. Divine approval cannot be misrepresented, and divine disapproval cannot be denied. Actually, none of us can successfully live in denial of God's approval or disapproval of our lives and works.
That a thing is named after God, does not place God's approval on it. If you travel to Spain, you will meet many people who are called Jesus; but that does not make them believers in or followers of Jesus Christ. This article is not in any way written to weigh your spirit down; but to awaken you to the reality of divine approval, which is not generic.
Divine approval is God's hand upon a man for the prosperity of God's purpose in and through his life on earth. Divine approval is God's confirmation of man's affirmation. It is God's consent to man's proposal. Do you know that divine approval or disapproval is not only on "big" matters? Do you know that your decision to greet your neighbour or hide from your neighbour can attract either of the two?
If you do not want to struggle over any business, matter or relationship, do not step into it without divine approval. A disapproved project will never enjoy divine provision and protection. You could go all out on your own to make it happen; but it will end up as a house that is built on the sand…it will not stand the test of time. Durable works are approved works…even as durable marriages God's approved marriages.
Wait a minute, if God has not said yes, why are you so much attached to it! You will strive to survive without God's approval; but with His approval, you will continually thrive in excellence. Why not wait for His consent on your new ideas? It will surely worth the WAIT! Remember, while there my be many happenings in the world; the LORD has specific interests that must be achieved; your own matter could be among such important matters, why not boldly present it to Him; and patiently wait for His approval or disapproval?