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The Word of God, The Word of His Servants: How To Speak As An Oracle of the God of Heaven Before Men

In this edition of Forms & Patterns™, we will be considering something I believe is going to be a great help to us as ministers of the gospel and as servants of God. And so, what are we considering? We are looking at: THE WORD OF GOD, THE WORD OF HIS SERVANT. In the book of Psalms 107:20, there is something there I believe we are familiar with. The Bible says: He sent His word and healed them, and delivered them from their desructions.”


The question is: who are the them? The Bible says “He sent His word”, so we understand that the “He” represents God. And so, God sent His word, and we must understand the place of the word of God and the role that the word of God is expected to play in the life of the people, He sent His word to them the people, the people are healed by the word, the and the people are delivered by the word from destruction. And so, the instrument that God uses to execute His will in any place among any people, is His word. And so, when God sends His word to a people, God is simply executing His counsel.


It’s like when a king or a ruler, the President or the Prime Minister of a Nation is preparing the budget for the year concerning a people, when there is a declaration of intentions at the presentation of the budget, the word is going forth. Now, afterwards the words of the budget are expected to be executed on a daily, weekly, and a monthly basis towards fulfilling the grand agenda of the ruler of the country as dictated in the budget. Unlike the Government of nations that rely on the parastatals and agencies and different things to work with, and they are limited by the thing; when God wants to affect a people, when God wants to change the situation of a people, He sends His word to them. And so, you must understand that there is God, there is the people and there is the word. The question is: “How does a servant of God fit in, in the whole picture?



In the book of Isaiah 46:9-11, we have something that reveals the place of God’s servant in the execution of the will of God in any place, among any people. In that passage the Bible says: Remember the former things of old; For I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like Me,10 Declaring the end from the beginning, And from ancient times things that are not yet done, Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, And I will do all My pleasure,’ calling a bird of prey from the east, the man who executes my counsel, from a far country. Indeed, I have spoken it; I will also bring it to pass. I have purposed it; I will also do it.”



In Philippians 2:13, the Bible says: for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.God emphasized in Isaiah 46 that He has spoken, and whatever He has spoken He will do. The question is: how does God intend to do? In verse 11 of Isaiah 46, God was clear. He says: “calling a bird of prey from the East the man who execute my counsel from a far country, indeed I have spoken it.” So, the question is: what is the counsel of God? The counsel of God has we know is contained in the word of God. When God speaks, the counsel of God is expressed, and a man is expected to execute the counsel of God. And so, if you want to execute your place as a servant of God, you must understand that you are an executor of the word of God.



When the voice of God is heard from on High, you have the duty under God to move ahead in the execution of His word. And so, God sent His word to you, you hear the word of God and then you move into action by the word of God. And that was why God was clear by declaring that He is the one that calls from the East the bird of prey and the man, the woman, the person that execute His counsel from a far country. You must understand that as we have it in Psalms 107:20 it is the truth.



God sends His words to every generation. God send His word to every people. What He expected is that certain men, certain people in every generation receive the word of God and then they run by it. By the word of God, the servant of God executes the counsel of God. I want us to see another Scripture in the book of 1 Samuel 3 we will read the last verse and 1 Samuel 4, we will read the first verse. In 1 Samuel 3:20-21, the Bible says: And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba knew that Samuel had been established as a prophet of the Lord. 21 Then the Lord appeared again in Shiloh. For the Lord revealed Himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord.



Verse one of 1 Samuel 4 says: “And the word of Samuel came to Israel.” So, Israel received the word of Samuel. However, Samuel was not the originator or the source of the word. Samuel received the word of the Lord, Samuel internalized the word of the Lord, Samuel became one with the word of the Lord, Samuel then became the distributor, the sharer of the word of God. So, when the people hear, they hear the word of Samuel. But When Samuel is speaking, Samuel is speaking the word of the Lord. So, there is another place in 1 Peter that I want us to note before we conclude.



1 Peter 4:11 and I want to read Good News Version.  The Bible says: “Those who preach must preach God's messages; those who serve must serve with the strength that God gives them, so that in all things praise may be given to God through Jesus Christ, to whom belong glory and power forever and ever. This verse already suggests to us already that as a preacher, you are not to figure out the word that you preach. If you must preach, preach the messages that God has given you. There is a word that you have received from the Lord, it is not your word, that same word that you have received from the Lord that say without adding to it or removing from it.



The same you are expected to preach. The same you are expected to teach. If God does not speak you are expected to be quiet. When God speaks, you are expected to preach the same word, speak the same word of God. And that is what carries the greatest power. If the power of God must be visible among any people, if the power of God must be visible in any place, it must be that a people receive the word of God and share the same to the rest of their people. When God speaks to you, God speaks to you so that you can speak His word to His people. You are not to speak your own words, even though the people will hear your voice, they must hear God speaking through you.



If God’s will must be executed in our generation, the men, the women that God has called for the purpose of executing His counsel must speak only the words of God. I believe very strongly that the Lord has a word for you. Instead of getting too cumbered with thoughts, and things that has no origin and bearing with the will of God for the season, I would admonish that we all go back to God. The Bible says in 1 Samuel 3:21: “the Lord appeared again and again unto Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord. I believe God is able to meet with you and God is able to fellowship with you by His word. And, whatever you are able to see from the word of God, the same you are expected to show the people of God. As you are shown, show the rest of God’s people, as you are spoken to, speak to the rest of God’s people. That is how the word of God can be communicated to the people of God.



Indeed, the word of God is powerful and the word of God in your mouth is able to move mountains. However, you must remain attached to God, so that you continue to feed on His word and you are able to preach the same, speak the same and teach the same to the rest of God’s people under your care. I believe this word that the Lord has sent to us is able to deliver us from our destruction. Enough of preaching the messages of convenience, enough of allowing the people to dictate the words that we speak. It is important we go to God; we fellowship with Him by His word and we know His will per time and execute His will among His people. That is what God has called us to do and we must experience growth, promotion, and increase in our ministries, in the calling upon our lives we must execute the counsel of God to the latter and as we do that, I trust that the grace of God will be multiplied unto us in Jesus name.


It has been a great joy to bring God’s word to you. As I have received it, I have brought it to you and I believe that you have learnt something. I hope to connect with you again next week on another edition of Forms & Patterns™. Till then, I want you to remain at the place of the word.


God bless you.


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