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The Whole World is Ruled by 2 Great Lights: Discover the Truth Now

Welcome to the channel, my name is Gboyega Adedeji. In this article, I would like to share with you something that I believe is very important, very important for us as believers, very important to us as people that live on the earth. Wherever you are living; whether you're in America, or you are in Asia, or you're in Africa, or you are you in Europe, wherever you could be living, what I want to discuss in this article is important for you, and it is important for your destiny. I want us to pay very good attention to every word I'll be sharing with us. We will be looking at the word of God, and bringing the truth that is relevant for now and the days ahead of us. Indeed, the time is upon us and a dispensation is upon us. Whether we understand what is going on or we don't understand. The truth is, there is more to what we see that really exists. There is more to our world than the people and the things that we know all across it.


So, let's start from the book of Genesis chapter one, we will read a few verses there. And that will be a good foundation for the things we'll be looking at in this article. Genesis chapter one from verse one, look at what the Bible began with: “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth…” And this is important for us to note. God is the one who at the beginning created the heavens and the earth. The heavens and the earth are not product of evolution, as many may want us to believe. Indeed, the heavens and the earth were created by God, one earth but many heavens. In verse two, the Bible says: “The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.”


What I concluded with was that at the beginning, as we were told, there was chaos on the earth, there was darkness, there was emptiness, there was voidness, things were not the way they should be. Then God, in verse three said, “Let there be light, and there was light.” I'm sure many of us in our various churches have talked about these. Many times, we have been opportune to read or to listen to these verses read, especially in verse three, we must have wondered, “why was God interested in light?” The Bible says already in verse two, that the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was everywhere. So why light? Couldn't God do something else? Why did God choose light? But that verse three only shows us that God went for light instead of any other solution.


I'm sure so much is happening in our world today. So much is happening in our different countries, whether you're a Nigerian, or you're an American, wherever you are, or you're a Kenyan, something strange is happening in your nation. And you are wondering, what is the solution to what is going on? For God, when something went on, on the earth that wasn't right, God said, “Let there be light, and there was light.” But there is something for us to be cautious of here. The Bible didn't say God said, “Let there be lights…” God said, “Let there be light, let there be light.” And the Bible says “there was light.” In my heart, I'm almost meditating that what God said let there be was beyond something that we could just see, like a light that is shining, it could be more than that. I'm looking at it as a system like whenever this happens again on the earth, the solution will not be just anything, it will be this. Every problem of the earth will be solved with light. That's what it appears to me in addition to whatever we could have understood over the times and seasons of our lives.


In verse four to five, the Bible says: “And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So, the evening and the morning were the first day.” Again, the Bible says in verse four, that God saw the light that it was good, and God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light day and the darkness He called night. We mustn't forget that before light came, the Bible says the earth was dark. There was darkness on the earth. And so, when God said, let there be light, light appeared, and God saw that what appeared is good, and God separated it. God identified, God made a distinction between that new good thing called light and what was existing before that was darkness. And God called that light, day, and he called the darkness, night.


So, every time we talk about the day, it is beyond just saying, “I've woken up this day”, it is about a personality, a creature that God created and said, “Let it be”, and what is that? Light. And as soon as the light was created, God separated that light that was created from the darkness that had been, and He called the darkness night, and He called the light, day. Now moving on to that same book of Genesis chapter one. And let's jump to verse 14. There's something that we must learn from there. The Bible says: Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night…” There is still emphasis on the light. Before this time, a lot of other things had been created by God. God decided to put some other things in place. But at this point again, to show the peculiarity and the importance of light, and how it must separate day from night; God said, “Let there be lights.” In the beginning, He said, “Let there be light.” But later on, He said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens, to divide the day from the night, and let them be for signs and seasons, and four days and years.”


We are just at the beginning of year 2023, we have left 2022 behind us. And the Bible says, what is identifying years for us, days for us, signs and seasons for us; are the lights in the firmament. God said, let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens, to divide the day, to separate, to identify the day, from the night. So, it looks to me that you and I would not have been able to identify a day from night, if not for these lights in the firmament of the heavens. So, they help us to know that you are in a new day, you are entering the night. They help us to know what is happening. But the Bible says it is beyond just day and night. It says: for signs, for seasons, for days, and years.


So, our lives are broken into days, our lights are broken into years on this earth. When it concerns the earth, you're talking about days, you're talking about years, you're talking about signs and seasons. All these things are not available in the heavens, but on the earth they are. And what makes these things happen on the earth are these lights. Every time the light shines, they help us to know the seasons that are upon us, they help us to identify what God would have us do per time or per season. Now let's continue to verse fifteen.


“…and let them be for lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth”; and it was so. 16 Then God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night. He made the stars also. 17 God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 and to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.”


Now one thing that I want us to remember again is that we are focusing on how the world is ruled by two great lights. It is important for us to understand that. The Bible says God created to great lights, the greater one to the day and the lesser one to rule the night. In fact, we mustn't forget that before this time God had created a light and what God expected was that this light would divide the day from the night and they will be for signs and seasons, for days and for years on the earth. And God went through to create two great lights. He said the greater light shall rule the day and the lesser light should rule the night. But one thing is important for us to understand. As long as we are on this earth, we are subjected to the day we are subjected to the night. There are seasons of our lives that the greater light rules over us. There are seasons of our lives, that the lesser light rules over us. There are things that we are meant to do, because of what the greater light is doing. And there are things that we are made to do because the lesser light is willing. So indeed, we must understand that the world is ruled by lights, the greater light rules the day, the lesser light rules the night.


So, what's important for us to learn from all these that we have read? The first thing I've noted is that the earth is ruled by two great lights, and the earth is influenced or guided by many, if not countless lights. We mustn't forget that. There are lights that influence us, there are light that guides us. But there are two lights that really rule us on the earth. Another thing I've noted is that the great light rules the earth with intensity, why the other light rules the earth with its dimness. So why the greater light shines very bright, the whole earth is ruled by it. However, the lesser light, what it does is that it dims itself and when it dims itself, light withdraws, darkness comes on board, and the night is upon the inhabitant of the earth. So, if you want to break it down further, it's obvious that every day we see the sun shine upon us. And every night we see the moon.


In fact, I've come to realize that usually in the day, good prevails, and at night, evil goes on rampage. At night, light withdraws, and in the day light shines. And whenever light shines, the creatures of God on the earth, they rejoice. But whenever light withdraws, the creatures on the earth grown in pain and distress. In fact, in the book of Isaiah chapter 60, see what the Bible says:


Arise, shine;
For your light has come!
And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you.
2 For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth,
And deep darkness the people;
But the Lord will arise over you,
And His glory will be seen upon you.
3 The Gentiles shall come to your light,
And kings to the brightness of your rising.


So, it's important for us to understand that by default, darkness wants to cover the earth. By default, darkness wants to prevail on the earth. And as darkness prevails, we mustn't forget that evil spreads.  Whenever darkness prevails, evil is given the permission to operate across the space on the earth. In Isaiah chapter 14:12.


“How you are fallen from heaven,
O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How you are cut down to the ground,
You who weakened the nations!
13 For you have said in your heart:
‘I will ascend into heaven,
I will exalt my throne above the stars of God;
I will also sit on the mount of the congregation
On the farthest sides of the north;
14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds,
I will be like the Most High.’
15 Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol,
To the lowest depths of the Pit.

16 “Those who see you will gaze at you,
And consider you, saying:
‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble,
Who shook kingdoms,
17 Who made the world as a wilderness
And destroyed its cities,
Who did not open the house of his prisoners?’


There is so much we could read about Lucifer, the fallen angel that came upon the earth. In fact, in Revelation, chapter 12, Bible says, war broke out in heaven and the end result of the war is that the dragon which the Bible calls the serpent, the serpent of old, Lucifer, Satan, or the devil, he sent down to the earth, and he came with great rot. He didn't come to play on the earth, he came to exert influence upon the inhabitant of the earth. He didn't come, don't forget, war broke out in heaven. And the Bible says, the lights were set in the firmament of the heaven. So, as one of the lights, as one of the stars in the heavens, there was a time God had used him to influence, to guide the conduct of the inhabitant of the earth, to be for sign to, be for season, to be for days, to be for years on the earth.


But haven been chased from the heavens, he came down and haven come down, he did not stop influencing the inhabitants of the earth. So, what he does is that since he is no more set in the heavens, to be for light on the earth, he is now working so hard to frustrate light on the earth, and make sure that darkness remains across the earth. So, you must understand that how God has ordained it is that a greater light will rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. In the day, when the greater light is ruling, there is goodness, there is joy, there is prosperity. But in the night season, that's when the greater light has withdrawn, and the lesser light that's supposed to shine is also deeming its brightness. So, there is not enough light for the inhabitant of the earth to do the will of God, to follow God, to know the truth and to be agent of transformation wherever they could be.


But as the Lucifer has been sent down from the heavens, as the devil has been sent down to the earth, he has come to reduce the intensity of the light and to aggravate the impact of evil upon the earth. No wonder, Jesus while he was speaking, and they were asking me him he was so busy moving up and down doing good. Jesus said, “I must do the work of Him who has sent me in the day, for the night comes, when no man can work.” That is the reality. Jesus concluded that the only time a man can work, can do the will of God for his life, can know God and serve God is in the day, in the day when the greater light is ruling. But in the night, the greater light withdraws, the lesser light that's supposed to shine is covered up. And because of that, there is darkness upon the earth, the inhabitant of the earth are not able to know the truth, the inhabitant of the earth are not able to tend towards the path of righteousness. And this is important for us to note.


While God has set up the two great lights, I must submit at this point that for us, in this generation, the great light that God has set upon us is Christ Jesus, and every time Christ is manifesting, there is light upon a people, upon a space, upon an area, and when there is light, it is goodness, the people see, good prevails. When the light of Christ is not allowed to shine in a place, what happened is that there is darkness. And for everyone living in that space, in that place, there's going to be a great difficulty for them to know the will of God for their lives, and to do it. Have you not wondered why it is so difficult for people to recognize the will of God for their lives and to run with it? What is happening is that light is covered from them. In fact, the Bible says in first Corinthians that the God of this world has covered, has blinded their eyes so that they can’t even see.


What does it mean that a man's eyes are blinded? What it means is that even though there could be light, the person will only see darkness. You see, God is able to shine upon you. But if you are covered, if your eyes are blinded by the god of this world whom the Bible calls the devil, Lucifer, Satan, if your eyes are covered by him, even though there is so much intensity of God's light shining upon your life, you will not see it. And when you don't see the light, you will not know that it is the day that is upon you. And it is time for you to do the will of God for your life. All you will have around you will be evil, discouragement, discomfort, and you will not be able to come out to fulfill the purpose of God for your life.


Do you remember that place in the book of Proverbs that the Bible says a lazy man does not rise up from the bed, because he's saying the lion is on the street. Now what is actually a reality. When lion is on the street, you are connoting that this is a reign of terror upon the people. But what happens in the day, how many people can tell themselves the sun is shining so bright, but you believe a lion is outside on the street. That's it! Before we enter that zone of fear and we are unable to recognize the season that is upon us. Usually what happens is that our eyes are covered. Instead of us recognizing that the day is upon us, we will think we're in the night season. We will think darkness is everywhere. And because we think that darkness everywhere, evil is allowed around us, evil is permitted around us.


I want to crave our indulgence at this moment. I want us to open our eyes. Whatever has been covering or preventing us from recognizing the intensity of the light of God that shines upon our lives in this day time. I want us to pray to God and say:


“Lord, remove every veil upon my eyes, whatever the devil has created, whatever the god of this world has instituted, that becomes a covering that prevent me from seen, beholding from looking into the perfect law of liberty, the perfect law of liberation, the perfect law of freedom, of dominion. Let this veil be removed from our life. Let me be able to behold the will of God for my life. I want to pursue the path that God has laid down for me. I don't want my life to be filled with darkness.”


Remember when Jesus said the light of the body is the eye but if the light that a man has is full of darkness, Bible says how great the darkness would be. I want to enjoin us, let us in the name of the Lord open up ourselves to the light of Christ Jesus. Allow the Word of God to shine as light into your life. Don't forget the world is ruled by two lights. However, the greater light intensifies its brightness and shining upon you why the lesser light withdraws itself. If you are tuned to the lesser light, you will not be able to maximize the opportunities that are presented to you by the brightness of the greater light. In the book of Matthew chapter five, from verse 14 to 16, Jesus said, “You are the light of the world, the city that is set upon the hill, you shall not be hidden.” And he says, “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good work and give glory to your Father that is in heaven.”


The essence of this teaching is to show us that the world is ruled by lights. And the more a people are in the light, the more they are able to do great things. It looks like the Bible that says in Daniel, but the people that do know their God, they shall be strong, and they will carry out great exploits. Knowing their God is a people in the light. A people who are exposed to the brightness of the shining of the greater light, the more the greater light shines into your heart, the more you're able to know, the more you're able to do. If you don't know your God, you cannot do great things for God. The truth is the devil is at work in making sure, in ensuring that men and women across the world are in perpetual darkness. And the more darkness that a people are in, the more evil that is allowed around them.


Allow the light of God to shine into you. The Bible says it in John chapter one from verse one to four: in Him was life and the life was the light of men. The light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not.” The darkness cannot overcome the light. But you must open your eyes to the light. The light of God is shining into your heart at this moment. Open your eyes to it, recognize it, accept it into your life. Let the light of God that is a bright and shining light, let it focus on your life and let it reposition you for greater exploit in your generation.


My name is Gboyega Adedeji. It's been such a joy to be able to connect with you through this article, speaking the Word of God to you, the truth. As you walk in the light. I see you moving on to greater levels in life, fulfilling your purpose, fulfilling your destiny in Christ Jesus.


God bless you!


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