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The Stewards of God, The Living Wonders: Understanding How Stewardship Makes Us Living Wonders

Today as the Lord is closing with us, we are looking at the Living Wonders. The Lord declared to us this month of December as the month of Pleasant Wonders. And He gave us a word in Isaiah 55:13, He said “instead of the briar, will come the myrtle tree.” Instead of the natural occurrence, you will have the supernatural occurrence. Instead of an ordinary experience, you will have extra ordinary experience; that’s what the Lord said. He said “this will be to the Lord for a name and a sign, an everlasting sign that will not be cut off.” And the Lord has been so gracious to us in leading us by His Spirit over this month from one level to another and I am so excited in my spirit with what the Lord has to share with us today, because it will become a foundation, an establishment upon which we will ride on the wings of the Spirit in the year 2021 in the name of Jesus.


This morning, we are looking at The Stewards of God, The Living Wonders. The Lord introduced us into this month firstly by looking at the Lovers of God; The Living Wonders, and He said He called us to the place of being lovers, that for us to carry His wonder dimension, for us to live in His wonder and be perpetual representatives of His wonder dimension, we must become lovers of God. So, God invited us into that office of lovers. Then the second one, He ushered us into being servants. That servants of God are living wonders. That if you will serve the Lord, He will make you a living wonder. So, He invited us into the place of service. For us to understand that service is the platform in the kingdom for qualifying as living wonders. And last week, the Lord revealed to us how the anointing, the person of the Holy Spirit makes us and transforms us into living wonders.


Today, the Lord is calling us to another place; this word is an invitation by the Lord God to us, and the invitation today, is to be STEWARDS, and He wants to show us what it means. He wants to show us what He is talking about; how He wants us to posture and position ourselves as stewards so that we can become perpetual living wonders. Now I am going to start by introducing that word STEWARD to us, because we will use it all through this meeting, this morning. To steward means “to manage; or look after another’s property.” So, stewardship talks about a job of supervising or managing or taking care of something such as a property or an organization you do not own. Let me put it this way, stewardship talks about a job or a position, where you are called to manage or supervise which also means looking after or taking care of something that does not belong to you but somebody else. It could be an organization; it could be a property. That’s stewardship. So, you are managing, you are looking after, something that does not belong to you.


But let us look at that definition from the Bible, we are going to start our consideration from Genesis 1, so that it doesn’t look as if it’s just an English definition of stewardship and how does this have to do with us? As children of God, how does this stewardship have to do with us? Genesis 1:26. “Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Now Genesis 1:26 introduces us to how God engrained stewardship into man. God said; “let us.” Who are the Us that the Lord was referring to? “let Us make man.”


So, man is a creature of God. And after God introduced the making of man, He said this is what they will be doing; let them have dominion, let them have authority, let them have the right to rule. Meaning that God was not transferring ownership, but God was transferring responsibility. I want us to see Psalm 24:1 because we need to strike the difference quickly between stewardship and ownership. In Psalm 24:1, the Bible says; The earth is the Lord’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell therein.” Did we see the earth belong to man? No! The earth is the Lord’s. When God is introduced as “the Lord”, it talks about the ownership right of God. The earth is the Lord’s, there is no argument about it. God is the owner of the earth; He is the Lord. Lordship talks about ownership or control and rights. So, the Bible makes it clear to us that the earth is the Lord’s. But this Psalm 24:1 did not stop there, it said; “and all its fullness, world-the system that governs the earth is the world and those who dwell therein”


This Psalm 24:1 is so complete. It gives us a clear understanding of who owns the earth. The earth is not man's, the earth is the Lord's. So, the earth belongs to God, God is the Lord of the earth. And He is not just the Lord of the physical earth alone, it says all its fullness. Everything that makes the earth. Everything that walks on the earth is included in its fullness. See how that Scripture really captures the essence of the ownership. So that you don't think that all that belongs to God are the mountains and the hills, and the sea, that all those things are God made. There are some things that are man-made, the Bible didn't stop there it says the world, talking about the systems in operation on the earth. And it says "all those…" everyone that dwells in it belongs to the Lord. So, the ownership of God is wholistic and established in the Scriptures.


So, in Genesis 1:26 the Bible was recording concerning man, when God introduced man to the scene, God said; “let us make man in our image, in our likeness,” and let the man that we have made, "let them…" because male and female He created them. So, let the male man and the female man have dominion. So, inherent in the creation of man is stewardship over the earth. God created man and handed him a position of stewardship. Man does not own the earth; the earth is the Lord's. God said "let them have…" God did not say “let them have ownership”, God didn't say “I'm handing down the whole earth to man”, No! He said “let them have dominion.” And we will understand what this dominion means. God said dominion over, If God had included God in this dominion, He would have successfully handed over dominion to man. In All these lists, did you see where God said “dominion over God?” Dominion over all the fullness of the earth and all the earth.


Verse 27, So God created man in His own image; in the image of God, He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth.” Because man has now filled the earth, does not give man ownership of the earth. Because man fills the earth and man subdues it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air did not confer ownership. Then when God was going to make this clearer, I want us to see Genesis 2:8. Remember that there is a difference between the creation of man and the formation of man. The creation of man was the spiritual dimension of how God introduced man. But the formation of man was the actual experience that transitioned man from the spiritual dimension to the physical dimension. And in Genesis 2:8 the Bible says; The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed.” God put the man He had formed in the garden He had planted. So, who planted the garden? God! Who owns the garden? God! Who was put in the garden? Man! And then we will now ask, why did God put man in the garden? Let us quickly move to verse 15 of Genesis 2. Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to [e]tend and keep it.”


The first stewardship assignment that man received was spiritual. There is a spiritual stewardship that God communicated to the spirit of every man. And that's what we saw in Genesis 1:26. There is a spiritual dimension to stewardship and the spiritual dimension to stewardship is what God said; He said have dominion, spirit man, have dominion. Because you cannot give what you don't have. God delegated His authority and His responsibility over the earth to man. And He said have dominion. So, the first stewardship assignment to man is a spiritual stewardship. And that's why inherent in your spirit, as a child of God, when you truly come alive in your spirit is when you assume that position of spiritual stewardship. Others will not make sense until you become a spiritual steward.


So, your first stewardship assignment is spiritual, and that's why you will see that many people try to move or transit into this second dimension of stewardship in Genesis 2:15, but they find it very difficult. Because until you carry the spiritual stewardship mandate which was in Genesis 1:26, you can't function in Genesis 2:15, because this is what the Scripture says; verse 15; Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to [e]tend and keep it.” Verse 16; the Lord God, the owner, not just God, the Lord God. When you see the Lord God, it talks about trinity. God had to put it as a reminder of who owns what. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you[f] shall surely die.”


Now did we see that? God gave an instruction to the man He put at the garden, in the space of God. And that is why we must understand this; these are kingdom principles. The owner of the kingdom is God, the Bible says “the kingdom of this world has become the kingdom of our God and of His Christ.” Because He owns it. Now God, haven put man in the garden, gave an instruction for the stewardship; tend and keep the garden, that's the assignment. But in the tending and keeping, there are instructions.


For you to be successful with this assignment, there are “dos and don'ts” and this is where many people miss it. The first thing we must get clear and that's how the devil deceived man. I want you to follow the Holy Spirit because the Lord is taking us somewhere, He is transiting our spirit to a point where we can receive from God without any shadow of doubt and walk in the reality of what we have received. Because until we understand stewardship, we cannot understand the things that God has made for our dominion and what God has made for us to become living wonders. Every time there is a transition away from stewardship man gets into problem. Every time man fails from stewardship, man gets into problem. Because when God gave this instruction, that was the boundary that separates the owner from the steward. Instruction is what separates the owner from the steward.


When you own something you at freelance you at freedom and liberty to express it anyhow you want it. But when you are stewarding something, there are rules guiding it. And until you understand the instruction, you can't be a faithful steward. Faithfulness in stewardship is tied to instructions. To judge Adam faithful, he had to keep this instruction. The faithfulness of Adam in the garden is tied to the instruction in verse 16. Until Adam broke this instruction, he was a faithful steward. And I want us to see it. Genesis 3:1. Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?” Why didn't the serpent question any other thing, why was it this instruction? Why didn't the serpent for example say; indeed, has God said you should keep and tend this garden? That was a question he could have raised. This assignment you are doing, are you supposed to be doing it? Are you really a steward? But that's not the issue. The devil will always attack your faithfulness, not the stewardship. Because what God has done, He has done, it's irrevocable but how you now do with what God has given you to do is the issue.


See what the serpent said “has God indeed said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden?” And the woman said to the serpent; We may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden; 3 but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die.’” Now I want to quickly show us something here. It appears that Eve has had issues with this instruction, the way she communicated the instruction, it wasn't a pleasant thing to her, she has also been questioning it. See the way she said it: God said God has said, ‘You shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die. This is the personal interpretation of Eve to the instruction of their stewardship. And the question is this; as a child of God, as a believer, hope you are not questioning the instructions of your stewardship? Because your stewardship talks about the assignment God has given you. Hope you don't have a personal private interpretation of your instruction. Hope the instruction is as God gave it, hope you don't have a private personal interpretation, different from what God Said?


Verse 4; Then the serpent said to the woman, “You will not surely die. 5 For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” 6 So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was [a]pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate. 7 Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked” They knew they did not have ownership. All the time, stewarding what God gave them, gives them the same satisfaction as though they own it. Stewarding what God gave them, gave them the same impression as though they own it. They would speak a thing and it will come to pass, is that not what we saw in the Scripture concerning Adam? As God brought animals to Adam to see what he will name them and whatsoever Adam declared, so was it.


Adam had authority in stewarding the assignment God gave him, Adam was in authority. Adam and Eve were not helpless, they were not hopeless, they were not naked. When a man becomes naked the man gets into a state of hopelessness, a state of helplessness, a state where the man becomes conscious of what he owns and what he does not own. Is it not when you are naked the you realize you don't have a cloth on? Is it not when you are naked that you realize you don't have your shoe on, you don't have your own? The glory of God covered them and they were one with the glory of God, because they were stewarding faithfully. The moment their stewardship became unfaithful, they had crossed the line that separates stewardship from ownership, they realize that they were naked. For the first time they could see the difference between what God owned and what they were stewarding. There was a difference, why? They crossed the line.


The instructions of your life are the boundary that God creates, and as long as you are within the perimeter of the instruction of your life and your assignment, you will not be naked. Everything that God has is yours. You are god's, sons of the most-high but the minute you forget that you are stewarding God, you will die like mere men, you will be naked like mere men, you will lack the glory like mere men, you will be empty like mere men, you will become helpless like mere men, you will become hopeless like mere men. So as long as Adam and eve remained within the place where God had put them, tending and keeping, stewarding, they were enjoying the glory. As long as they were stewarding all that God had was theirs. No wonder Jesus told the story of the prodigal son, he said Father I know you have so much, I am tired of stewarding, I want mine, I want my own.


The father said you want your own? He said yes, I want my own so much that I don't want to steward under your authority, no I want mine. And they gave it to him and the Bible says and the boy went in riotous living he spent everything away from the father. So, there is now a difference between what the Father owned and what he owned. He was no longer stewarding the wealth of the father; he now had his own. And his own got exhausted, he didn't know that what he was enjoying all his life was because his father's wealth was inexhaustible. He didn't know that all he was enjoying all along was because his father's wealth was inexhaustible, he took his own and he went and he spent all. He came back bartered, beaten, exhausted, hopeless, helpless, and he came to himself, he said even the servants, those that serve my father, those that stay in my father's presence, they enjoy better, they enjoy and the glory how much more. And he went back. He went back to his father and his father was ready to receive him with eager hands wide open.


That is who God is. As long as you are within the perimeter of His house, you are covered, you are helped, you are hopeful, everything He has is yours. You steward it, you have access to it. Ephesians 2:10. The Bible says; we are His workmanship, we are His fellow workers, we are His creatures, is that true? Yes! we are His workers, created in Christ Jesus for good works. Which God prepared. Who prepared the good works? God! So, there is nothing you are stewarding that He does not own. So, no matter how fantastic you are doing, you are not giving God anything, God had prepared it. There is nothing you will do now for God that would become a surprise to God. It said which God prepared beforehand that we His steward should walk in them. So, you know your children are not yours? Psalm 127 says children are the heritage of the Lord, the offspring are His reward. You may say God so you know I just gave birth to a child for you? No! God just gave you access to a child, one of His sons and daughters to steward for Him.


There is nothing you have that you own. God gives access. The Bible says which God prepared beforehand, before you were born, before you dreamt about it, the Lord gave you to steward for Him. Everything was so clear in Genesis, Adam was there and God said “it is not good for man to be alone I God will make help comparable” and God brought Eve to Adam, he was sleeping, Adam did not work for Eve, so it was not the toasting or packaging. God gave her to you to steward. Do you see why you can't abuse the things in your hands. Because God gave them to you, you are a steward. Matthew 25: from verse 14, Jesus told a parable, He said; “For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. 15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey. 16 Then he who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. 17 And likewise he who had received two gained two more also.”


See how Jesus spoke about these talents, He said He who has received, they did not have it because it's their own, they received it. The things you have are the things you have received from the Lord; they are not yours. You have them because you have received them. You have dominion because you received it from the Lord. You have children because you received them from the Lord, you have certain money in your bank account because you received it from the Lord. You have peace because you received it from the Lord, and it said; And likewise, he who had received two gained two more also.


But he who had received one, also received but he received with a negative mindset. It said But he who had received one went and dug in the ground, and hid his lord’s money” His owner’s money. I love this particular place. It said he received it from his lord and he went, dug the ground and hid his lord's money. The money is not his. After a long time, the lord of those servants came and settled accounts with them.20 “So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, ‘Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.” You delivered to me five talents, you gave to me five talents, and I have gained five more talents besides them. Besides what I received from you; I have also been able to multiply. What did God say to them in Genesis 1:26? God created man in His image and in His likeness, and in verse 27, God blessed them, and God said be fruitful, multiply, replenish the earth, subdue it and have dominion.


So, this servant is saying God, the instruction you gave me, I took from what is on my spirit and I was able to translate it from five talents that I receive into more. I was faithful with it. And you will see what it said; His lord said to him, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant” Another word you can use to replace that servant is steward. The five talent were not yours, you received them. But you didn't hide them, you multiplied them. ‘Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.” You were able to steward this small thing, I will make you a steward over many things. That is the heart of God for you and I. Though your beginning may be small, but your latter end will greatly increase. Why? Because you are a faithful steward. When you are faithful in stewarding, the gifts that God has given to you, you will multiply it. When you are faithful in stewarding the small place that God has given you, He will give you more. That's the heart of God. And the story went on. But see what he said in verse 24, Then he who had received the one talent came and said, ‘Lord, I knew you to be a hard man, reaping where you have not sown, and gathering where you have not scattered seed.”


I want us to pause a bit there, verse 24 shows us the heart of this steward. This kind of mindset was what happened to Eve. They did not know who the owner is. They did not understand the heart of the owner. The same thing happened to the prodigal son; the prodigal son did not understand the heart of the father. Because when the elder brother of the prodigal son came, we further saw the heart of the father. He said father I have always been with you; you have not so much killed a kid for me and my friends to feast. And the father said to the elder brother, so you did not know, so you were not aware that everything I have is yours? That is the heart of the Lord God, that's the heart of the owner. Everything He has is ours. And God keeps saying it in every generation, He keeps introducing Himself making us understand, if you know me, if you understand who I am, you will understand that the devil was just trying to lie to you, that if you do this you will be like God.


In fact, I want you to be like me. Man was made in the image and the likeness of God, God was not ready to keep a part of Himself away from man, no! So, the devil lied, he deceived Eve that I am the one that can help you to be like God. God is not interested in your welfare. It’s not true. Is that not the same thing that happened in Matthew 4, when the devil came to Jesus; turn this stone into bread, eat it God does not care about you, you have been here for 40 days and 40 night He did not show up, angels did not show up, eat it if you are truly the son of God. And He said no, man must not live by bread alone, but by every word. I steward the word, and I know that it's not bread that I survive by, the just shall live by faith. Faith in who? Faith in the God that you know.


This servant did not know the Lord, see how he described the Lord, He said I know you are a hard man. Is the master a hard man? No! He said you like to reap where you have not sown. He lacked understanding, and hope we as children of God we are not men and women that lack understanding. God said my people perish; my people are destroyed why? They lack knowledge. They don't know Me, if you know God you will realize that there is nothing God wants to keep away from you. He said no good thing will He withhold from those that trust Him, those that walk with Him, those that steward Him. He said if your earthly fathers can give you good gifts how much more I your heavenly Father, your walls are ever before Me, I have engraved you in the palm of My hands. That’s your God, that's the Lord God. He is not willing to hide somethings from you, don’t think you are poor because God is not rich? No! Don't think what you are going through is because God does not love you, no! His love towards you is unconditional.


So, something happens to you and you say “oh God is trying to punish me for those things I do”, God is not that God in heaven that is just waiting for you to lie and He will bring a stick and hit you, and say imagine! you lie! How can you lie. No! That's not God. He is waiting for you just like that father in the story of the prodigal son. You have gone, you have wasted fine; The Bible says God rejoices, the heaven rejoices, the whole host, they rejoice over a sinner that comes back to the Lord and say God you know what I am sorry I know I have messed up but Lord I am here please forgive me, His arms are open. It's the lie of the devil that makes us think that we should be something outside of God. It says these are the they that are in the world; the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life. Those things are not in God. Because what puts you perpetually in the place of humility is stewardship.


When you know that you have it, does not mean you own it. What you are given is access, you are given access by God to steward it, to hold it. Father what will you have me do with what you have given me? These other two servants knew the Lord, they knew that they were not given to keep, they were not given to spend it on themselves, they were given to trade. How comes out of the three servants, two had understanding and one did not? And I am sure it's the same treatment. And this is the picture of the church, there are some people in the church that understands stewardship, you understand that God has given you gift. We are going to go into three things that are important for us to understand that we must steward for God.


Number one; YOU MUST STEWARD THE WORD OF GOD. We are called to steward the word. You don't own the word of God but you trade with it. You must know that you don't own it. Another example is in the story in Genesis 24, the servant of Abraham. Bible says Abraham called the oldest servant in His house, and he said you have been with me, you have seen how God has prospered me, I don't want my son to marry from around here, I want you to find a wife for me from my father's house. And that servant went on the journey. If you read from that verse one down, you will see the attitude of that servant. After he received that instruction, the provision was not a problem. He took ten camels, the Bible did not say Abraham gave him 10 camels, he took 10 camels, because the assignment requires it, he took!


When you go down that chapter, of his own accord, he gave gift to the family of Rebecca; gold, jewelries and gave to Rebecca herself and her sisters and her family. Because what he had even though they were Abraham's goods he knew that he could use it for the assignment that Abraham has sent him. And that's the same way as children of God, God has given us resources, it's not for you, it's for the assignment. Any other thing apart from tending and keeping the garden, Adam was going outside his perimeter of control. Anything he uses to tend and keep, God allows, so God has given you assignment, he committed talents into your hands, and you go out, who prospers that talent in your hands? God! So, in the name of the lord of the house, the servant traded, and they were profitable.


So, you have the name of the lord Jesus to trade with. So, you raise your children in the name of Jesus because you are stewarding them. Because the business is not about you, it's about the kingdom. And God prospers the business because the money of that business is not yours. Why did God teach the children of Israel how to tithe? Because He wanted to show them and teach them a similitude of understanding stewardship and ownership. And that's why in the New Testament and in the new order, if you understand what Jesus was saying to us, everything thing you own belongs to God. Jesus said to disciples, a pharisee out of the abundance he has, he gave a little to God, and a widow, gave all that she had. He said who gave more? It's not the quantity, it's the understanding. He had a lot gave some, Jesus said that's not the example. The widow even though she had little, she understood that God owns it all. That's what you should follow after, so it's not about ,10 percent it's about who owns you. Does He own everything you have? Is it God's? God owns everything. That's the understanding. And that's the understanding of stewardship. So, stewardship is an attitude, it's a posture, and it is a position.


That's why in Galatians 5:22, the Bible says and the fruit of the spirit is love, how do you steward the things that God has given to you? In love, in joy, in patience, in peace, in kindness, in goodness, in faithfulness and self-control. Just everything we see in that Galatians 5:22-23. That's how you steward. You steward the word, the instruction. Adam and Eve failed to steward the instruction and they missed out on the wealth and the glory of God. And they started to till the ground, the favor of God was lifted from them, the glory of God was lifted from them. So, you steward the word. Apostle Paul was talking about us be stewards of the words of grace, the mysteries of Christ. The word of grace, the word of faith, we steward it. The word that is in our heart, also in our mouth. We steward it. And that's why you can't afford to be talking anyhow.


The Bible says the word that we speak must be word seasoned with grace. The Bible talking about the priest in Malachi 2 that the law of righteousness must be found in their mouth, because you steward it. You don't talk anyhow as a child of God, as a steward of God, you are stewarding the words of grace. That's why the word that must come out of your mouth must be words seasoned with salt, it must edify, you must be speaking to equip and edify, because you know you are stewarding it for God. Always be courteous of what you say, Jesus said for every word you will give account to God. Stewards give account, you must give account to the Lord the owner. How did you use the words I gave you, where you quiet like the servant that went to bury it? Did you trade? That's why we must be active talkers, actively equipping and edifying. Active talkers; why because we steward the word.


The second thing we must steward, is that we must steward THE GIFT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT, God has given us the Holy Spirit, we must steward Him, we must not grieve the Holy Spirit, the Bible says don't you know that your body, your members are the temple of God, that the Holy Spirit dwells within you? God has given you the Holy Spirit as a guarantee, you have an anointing, you must steward that anointing, you must steward the presence of the Holy Spirit. The Bible says in Ephesians 4, the same one that ascended also descended and gave gifts unto men. He gave some to be Apostles, some to be prophets, some to be teachers, some to be evangelist, some to be pastors for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry. So, He gave gifts and you are a steward of that gift. How do you steward it? Are you using it for yourself? Did you bury it? Because this story in Matthew 25 is very important, it's a mirror of stewardship.


What is your attitude with the gift? What is your posture and position about the gift? Are you trading, are you using it? When you show up do you show up with the gift of the Holy Spirit inside of you or you quench Him? You will give account. You are going out and the Holy Spirit says to you I want you to minister to that person, and you begin to excuses. What are you doing? You are burying it like that servant. You are not trading, in the name of the Lord you trade, so we steward the gift of the Holy Spirit. The last thing that we steward is that we STEWARD THE RESOURCES OF GOD TO US. Revelations 5:12, speaks of Jesus it says He died to receive riches, honor, glory, wisdom, power, might. These are the resources.


Revelations 5:12; “saying with a loud voice: “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom, and strength and honor and glory and blessing!” He received it for us to steward. Christ received these heavenly resources for us to steward, so you are a steward of the power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory and the blessing of God. What do you do with it? Do you consume it to your own self or you trade with it? Because you will settle account when the time comes to settle account, will you be a good and faithful servant? Remember we must steward in love, in joy; God has instituted how to steward. How will you steward the word, the Holy Spirit, how will you steward the kingdom resources that you have received? It must be in love, with joy, peace, patience, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and with self-control.


I pray the Lord will help us in the name of Jesus.


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