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The Royalty of Christ Jesus: Understanding the Domain, Power and Authority of Christ

In this article, we'll be sharing together on the Royalty of Christ; which is the topic of concentration and I want to take us to a Scripture in Revelation chapter 11:15, It says; ‘Then the seventh angel sounded, and there were loud voices in heaven saying the kingdoms’; So, whether you are in Nigeria, or you are actually in the United Kingdom, you are in Morocco, wherever you find yourself or in Saudi Arabia, he said, they are all kingdoms of this world. He said, the kingdoms of this world have become, ‘this is where we are going’, this is the future. So, whosoever is presiding right now, is only presiding for a season. He said, the seventh angel sounded, and there were loud voices in heaven saying: I want to beseech us, this year if there's any place you want to pay attention to in the Bible, read Revelation because I perceive the Holy Spirit wants us to live from the end to the beginning.


Live with an understanding of how everything will eventually play out, and live with the knowledge of how everything is going to end. If you read Revelation, you will see that the devil is not much. The Bible says one angel, God did not even bother Himself, Jesus did not stress Himself; one angel disbound the devil. It is something I perceive we should give attention to; go to the book of Revelation and let the Holy Spirit open up the end of the matter to you so that you will understand that all that the devil is doing is that he is just trying to mark time and harvest as much as possible with him for the destruction that is looming. And the seventh angel sounded, and there were loud voices in heaven saying the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ, and He (talking about Christ) shall reign forever and ever.”


It says ‘the kingdoms of this world’; You don't talk about kingdoms without talking about King. If you talk about kingdom, then there is a king over the kingdom; because when you talk about kingdom, it is a combination of two words: king and dominion. So, there is a king that has a domain, and in that domain, he has dominion: he rules. That's why you will say, this is the realm of his dominion; this is a place where he is ruling. So, he said, that the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ, and He shall reign. It is kings that reign. So, the royalty of Christ is because He is the King. I want us to see Revelation Chapter 15:3, “They sing the song of Moses, the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying: Great and marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty! Just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints!”  This particular line, ‘O king of the saints’; will be like the crux of our conversation.


The first place we read in Revelation 11:15, says the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He shall reign forever and ever. Number one, we understood from there that the royalty of Christ is because He is King and the kind of kingdom and reign that He has is not for a term, it is not for two terms, it is not for three terms but it is forever; it is eternal.  Number two, from Revelations 15:3, he said, just and true are Your ways, O King of the saints; who are the saints? The saints are those that have been separated unto Him. As it is now, He is King of the saints also, He is King of Kings and Lord of lords. But now, He is also King of the saints and I want you to hold that particular phrase in your heart.


Revelation chapter 5:5-6, “But one of the elders said to me, do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals. Verse 6, And I looked, and behold, in the midst of the throne, (can you talk about a king without talking about the throne) and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent out into all the earth.”  Now, in the midst of the four living creatures, in the midst of the 24 elders, in the midst of the throne, that is where Christ is. When somebody is in the midst of the throne, does it not mean that He is on the throne? I want us to pay attention to Verse 5, that particular elder called Him, Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David; His royalty is not just heavenly royalty, but also, He has earthly royalty. And that's why when Jesus was to be born, God did not say, let Me just look for anybody from the household of Levi; you know Elizabeth could have given birth to Jesus, Hannah could have given birth to Jesus, if God was looking for a womb that had never born:


There were many people that could have given birth to Jesus; there were virgins apart from Mary in those days that could have given birth to Jesus but God was particular; because of the royalty of Jesus. When Jesus came and said, I have come to fulfill the Scriptures; He wasn't saying it because He was just going to die, and He was going to resurrect, and He was going to ascend, no!  That’s why the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation; all Scriptures, speak of Him. Everything God had been doing from Genesis, how Adam got into the picture, how Eve came, how the deceiver deceived them, how God came in and slaughtered an animal to cover them. All of those Scriptures and those actions were speaking of Christ: all of them. How Abraham was to sacrifice Isaac, and God said, don't lay your hand on the child, there is a ram that is tucked to the ticket, go and get it and sacrifice for Me in place of Isaac; all those things are speaking of the Christ: if only the Lord will open our eyes.

So, Jesus actually came to fulfill the Scriptures. God has spoken aforetime, concerning David, and that's why one of the 24 elders in heaven referred to Jesus as the Root of David, of what relevance is it, to what he was about to say? Remember, words are very important, if it is that important on earth, then it is very important in heaven. The elder was not just talking, because he just wanted to gist with John, he was saying it because there was something particular about the mention of the Root of David, and when Isaiah was also going to prophesy about Jesus, it was the same reference, a Shoot from the house of David, because Jesus was coming to fulfill the Scripture. God said, as long as He has made a covenant with David, He said he will always have someone to sit upon his throne, ‘look at it’, do we have a physical king sitting on the throne of David today? No! Rather in Israel, they have a President and a Prime Minister: now there is no physical king again sitting on the throne of David. So, when God said forever, there will be a Seed of David sitting on the throne; was He referring to the descendants of David? No! He was referring to Christ. And why is that significant? It was significant because there was a covenant God made with Abraham, and that covenant trickled down and became another path in David.


Remember, God did not say, I'm the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Ephraim, and the rest, but He said, I am the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and this is the name I will be known for, for generations to come. Then it now looks as if God now summed all of that together, then He started to have dealings with David, He now summed all of that together and gave us a name. He gave us a King, a King that sits on the throne of David, that cannot be dethroned. A King that sits on the throne of David spiritually, not physically. God made the throne of David spiritual because it is only when it is spiritual, that it can be forever and ever. He now made that throne, a spiritual throne, where Christ is seated. Because you will ask if Jesus has a throne and God has a throne; what is the throne of God, and what is the throne of Jesus? He said, He is seated at the right hand, the Bible did not say, Jesus told God when He died and resurrected that God should stand up, I am the one that will sit down on the throne. No! there was an establishment of an order.


That is why the only person, the only royalty, that connects heaven to earth is Christ; because on the earth, spiritually He is sitting on a throne. And that's why when we understand the spirituality of life, there are some things that you command as a child of God, and as a believer; that if the devil comes into contention with you, you can rise up in the authority of Christ, Christ is not just relevant in heaven, He is relevant on the earth as well, and He reigns and He has authority that you can connect to and make a demand. So, this particular elder, out of the 24 elders was saying to John the Beloved, that you don't know how qualified this man is; and you will wonder why he said that to him. I want us to go back there and read it again with this understanding; Revelation chapter 5:5-6, “But one of the elders said to me, do not weep, behold;- in case you have not seen, look at it, to behold is to see properly; see the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root, not the stem; but the Root of David has prevailed to open the scroll, and to loose it seven seals.”


Christ Jesus has been given a throne that makes Him qualified. That's why when the devil is going around bragging about his authority on the earth; as a believer, don't be carried away because the Bible says, and when Jesus died, He went to hell, He stripped the devil of all power, of all authority, making an open show, and ridicule of him, triumphing over them in it. And Jesus said all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. What gives Him authority on the earth if He has no link to that earth? The link of Christ to the earth is that He is the Root of David; Jesus is not illegal on the earth: His royalty is legal. You know, in Ile-Ife for example, they have royal families, so, you cannot be the king if you are not from one of those royal families, and they have turns, so, if it is the turn of this family, they will produce a king, you can't go and bring another son from another family to be the king because it will be illegal; the other families will contest it. In fact, the whole community will contest it. And if there is anything about the devil that you should know, is that the devil is not all that foolish, and he's not ignorant: he knows if Christ does not have legal permission on the earth, he; the devil will contest it. How did I know this?


The Bible says the devil is the accuser. Have you seen a lawyer that wants to win a case and knows nothing about the case? The devil knows something about the case he is defending, and that's why many believers fall, victim because we are the ones that are ignorant. God said My people perish not because I am not powerful, not because I am not the all-seeing, all-knowing God; it is because they lack knowledge; they are ignorant. So, ignorance is the reason why the children of God don't understand that they have rights on earth. Do you know why the Kingship and the royalty of Christ on the earth are important to us? God said, the silver and gold are Mine, cattles upon a thousand hills are Mine. A king in a kingdom bestows on his people; riches, honor, power, wisdom, and everything that you have as a citizen or as a member of a kingdom: you call it the benevolence of your king. In some clients, if rain does not fall, they will say it is the king that caused it, if the sun does not shine, it is the king’s fault; there's something he's not doing, there's a way he's living his life that is contrary to how he supposed to live it: so, the people can protest; that is the same thing on the earth.


Don't think Christ is just Christ in heaven, He is King on the earth, and He is the King of the saints. So, if there is something we are not having as saints, it is because we don't understand who our King is, and we don't understand the legal standing of our King: He is the Root of David, He has a legal bearing on the earth, He has a legal jurisdiction on the earth; the earth is His domain. Why? You and I are here, and that's why the Bible says that when the saints are raptured, that is when we truly see that Christ Jesus has been preserving the earth because of us; we look at the world today and say what wickedness, what evil, what darkness; when the saints are ruptured, that's when the earth will know that it is actually woe to the inhabitants of the earth. It is woe to the inhabitants of the earth because their lights are gone. Then the darkness will be real, there is the darkness that will cast shadows; this kind of darkness, is when there's a moon, you can still see, it is just that you cannot see sharply: that's what the earth is going through.


People can still see because there is still a ray of light from somewhere; when there is no more light, the earth will know that it has entered thick darkness. The royalty of Christ is the understanding we must have to connect with what God has for us because the Bible says He has made us kings and priests unto God. That's why He is King of Kings; the saints are kings because He has made us. So, the royalty status of Christ is backed up by the Scriptures. If you think the devil is powerful, and he's using people, Christ is more powerful, and He is using people; He is using the citizens in His kingdom to do wonders. Are you one of them? If you think Christ is King, and He is rich; then He is also given riches to His people. Are you one of them? If you think Christ is wise, He is a wise King, and He has also made you a king in His kingdom as a citizen of the kingdom of heaven. Are you demonstrating the wisdom of that King?


Number one question, are you a saint? Being saved: have you accepted the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ? Have you believed it whole heartedly? That is one phase. Number two, do you understand the things that God has made available for you as a believer and are you walking in them? The Lordship of Christ is for our advantage; when Christ is controlling your life, you will see that there is a difference, when Christ is King over your life, there must be a difference. This year, let Christ be King, and if Christ is king, what are the things that we will start seeing in your life? If Christ is the King of your life, if the royalty of Christ is rubbing off on you, what are the things that we will start seeing?



So, we want to look at the importance of Christ’s royalty and His reign to believers. I want us to start with First Corinthians chapter 15:24-28, “Then comes to the end, when He delivers the kingdom to God the Father, when He puts an end to all rule and authority and power, for He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet, verse 26, the last enemy that will be destroyed is death, for “He has put all things under His feet”. But when He says, “all things are put under Him”, it is evident that He who put all things under Him is excepted.” that is God the Father.


Now when all things are made subject to Him, then the Son Himself will also be subject to Him, who put all things under Him, that God may be all in all. So, the royalty of Christ Jesus is backed up by God, God puts all things under His feet. That's why the Bible says, we are seated with Christ in heavenly places, far above principalities and powers. When we are far above principalities and powers, what does it mean? It means that principalities and powers are under our feet. And He said, He must reign not He might reign, and how must He reign? He must reign in my life and in your life; He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet: and that's what Christ is doing. Every day Christ is reigning putting enemies under our feet, and He said, the last enemy that will be destroyed is death. So, what is the importance of Christ’s royalty and His reign to us? All enemies are under His feet and all enemies will be under our feet; all enemies must be under our feet.


That is why the Bible says that He has been given a name that is above every other name, that in the name of Jesus, every knee bows, every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of the Father. Every knee bow because He is King, every tongue confesses because He reigns; and if you are reigning with Him, all enemies must be under your feet. This year 2023, as we co-reign with Christ as believers; He is the King of the saints: so, we co-reign with Him; all knees must bow and all tongues must confess, so all enemies must be put under our feet. So, you must walk with that understanding. Carrying Jesus is carrying more than a territorial force, it is carrying more than a territorial spirit, you are carrying the kingdom of God. And He said concerning the nature of that kingdom, He said, if that kingdom should fall on anybody, it is going to grind the person into powder; He said, if the person even comes and wants to attack that kingdom, it will break into pieces. And that's why He said, I will build My church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. That's why when we reign with Him, all things are under our feet.


Jesus is not a defeated King; He reigns and He conquers. He said, be of good cheer, I have overcome. When they want to defeat a kingdom or a people; what do they do? They captured the king; when they have captured the king, the battle is over. But as long as our King cannot be captured, the battle is not over. I don't know what is going on in your life, I don't know the things you are praying about; as long as the devil cannot lay hold on Jesus, it is not over until it is over. He is not a King that can be captured, death could not capture Him, hell could not capture Him, grave could not capture Him. O’ death where is your sting and grave where is your victory? They could not have a hold of Him; the people wanted Him to die; Crucify Him! Crucify Him! He died and death could not handle Him, after three days, He snapped out. That's the King we're talking about; He can't be captured.


Our King cannot be captured, He can't be detained. He's not powerless, and that's why nothing is going on in our lives that is not solvable and that we cannot overcome: because He said be of good cheer I have overcome. So, the reign of Christ is to show us that all things have been put under His feet. Psalm chapter 47:1-4, “O clap your hands all you people, shout to God with a voice of triumph. For the Lord Most High is awesome. He is a great King over all the earth, He will subdue the people under us and the nations under our feet. He will choose our inheritance for us; the excellence of Jacob whom He loves.” When God said to Joshua, cross the Jordan, I'm giving you Jericho; no matter how high the walls are: did God give them or not? They crossed over Jordan, God parted Jordan for them. They got to Jericho, they were mocked, they scorn them and God gave them a winning strategy: they circled for seven days and the walls came down and they possessed it. Why? He reigns!! Everything obeys Him.


I love this Psalm 47, It said; ‘O, clap your hands’, and this must be our attitude this year: all you people; shout to God with the voice of triumph, not the voice of defeat, but the voice of triumph because when Jesus is involved, it is victory all the way. For the Lord Most High is awesome, He is a great King over all the earth, He will subdue people under us and nations. That's why He says, ask of Me and I will give you nations as your inheritance and the ends of the earth for your possessions: He reigns!


He is so big and so great; all things are under His control. If you go to John chapter one, he said, in the beginning, was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God, all things were made through Him and without Him was nothing made that was made; both visible and invisible: all things were made for Him and in Him. So, as He reigns, He puts all things under our feet and we reign with Him. Revelations 5:10, It said; “He has made us kings and priests and we reign with Him.” That's why the Bible says, we are seated with Him in heavenly places, far above principalities and powers.


Number two, Philippians chapter 3:20-21, For our citizenship, is in heaven, do we see that? This is the Bible; “For our citizenship is in heaven from which we also eagerly wait for the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself.” We qualify for eternal reign because of the royalty of Christ. In First Peter chapter 2, he said for you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. He said you have been called out, translated out of darkness to His marvelous light, into the kingdom of God. You and I are a chosen generation; chosen to reign with Christ, everyone that comes to Christ comes to reign with Him. If Christ cannot be defeated, you cannot be defeated. We qualify for eternal reign and transformation as we reign with Him.


He said I am going to prepare a place for you so that where I am, you can be also: that is Jesus. But you know that promise of Jesus was the same thing that the devil is stylishly telling his people, but they don't understand: that continue, as I am empowering you to do evil, continue, where I will be, that is where all of you will also be; but that is destruction, darkness, fire, hell, eternal damnation: that is the destiny of those that follow the devil, the destiny of those that reign with Christ is that they will reign with Him eternally and we start from here, he said, your citizenship is in heaven. Don’t let’s get confused. So, what are we supposed to be doing on earth? We are to live in heaven on earth; we are supposed to be living in heaven on earth. Heaven on Earth! Why? He is the King of the saints, the location of the throne of our King is not on the earth; it is in heaven. So, what is possible and permissible where He is, is what is possible and permissible for us.


When there is a physical king on the earth, and there is an issue, the king will say, you mean they disrespected you like that? They did that to you? Take my staff, and one of my guards will follow you: that's what kings do. So, what happens to you when something happens to you? You don't have an irresponsible King, you don't have a weak king, and you don't have a useless King. That's why the Bible says that the angels are ministering spirits; they minister to the saints. That’s why when the angels come, they say we are fellow servants like you; we serve the will of the king. If He says we should follow you, we follow you. That's why those that pray to angels, their case is a sorry case. Why are you praying to angels? You are praying to servants like you, what can they do for you? Angels move at the command of the King.

So, when you pray to them, what happens? They can't do anything, because, what makes them move or who makes them move; you have abandoned Him. So, you that are seated with One that commands them, if there is an issue, He would deploy His troops; that's why the elder called Him the Lion of the tribe of Judah. You know, some earthly kings now want to copy Jesus, they put pictures of a lion on their throne; the real lion is Christ and that's why He said, the various hair on your head is numbered. He said, can one strand of hair fall from your hair and I am not aware? Christ is not an irresponsible King. If you are a citizen in the kingdom of heaven, that means the kingdom of heaven is responsible for you. What is it that you desire this year? You must understand the royalty of Christ. You are not to be pitied, you are to be envied. You're supposed to be living the life of the King.


We qualify for eternal reign. So, what does that mean? We have shared authority with Him. That's why He said, all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me, and He said, go with the authority of the King, not for us to go empty-handed, but to go with the authority of the King and to go in the name of the King: and that is why when you appear in the name of Jesus, you have come with the full authority, you are not coming shaking. You say the name of Jesus boldly because you understand the name, you understand the royalty of the name, you understand the power the name carries: in the name of Jesus! That name carries weight. The name of Jesus carries weight and opens doors. See what happened to Peter and John, the door of healing was opened in the name of Jesus.


Matthew chapter 6:13, “And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one, for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever, Amen.” Now, this is the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples to pray. He said, when you are praying, understand that the kingdom is the Lord's. Psalm 24:1 says the earth is the Lord's and its fullness thereof, the world and all that dwell therein, He said, the heart of kings are in the hands of the Lord, like the course of the river, He directs wherever He wills: that is your King. Do you know if today you want a connection in Aso rock, there is somebody Jesus has there, that He just needs to direct? If He knows it is in His will, you will get there; it won't take forever, it is a matter of days, hours, and minutes: it depends on how fast He wants it to happen; that is the King that we serve. So, this year as we pursue the purpose and the will of God, understand that there is nothing impossible, nothing difficult, and nothing hard for God to do. Why? He has all things in His control; all authority.


 When somebody has authority in heaven and on earth, that means He is the King in heaven and He is the King on the earth. When Jesus was saying to His disciples, He said I give you the keys of the kingdom, whatever you allow on earth is allowed in heaven, whatever you disallow on earth is disallowed in heaven. Why? You are a saint. What is the key to connecting this realm to that realm, making possibilities happen for you? The key is Christ Jesus, He is your access. You know keys give access; so, Christ Jesus is our access. Whatever you want God to make possible for you this year, Christ Jesus is your access. What did the Bible say He is doing? The Bible says He is making intercessions for us; the Saints not for the whole world.


So, the importance of Christ's reign and royalty is that, what God has willed concerning you and I, is made possible as we reign with Him. That consciousness of reigning with Christ, let it be there. You are not just one man or just one woman walking on the face of the earth; you are walking with Christ; you are reigning with Christ. 1 Chronicles chapter 29:11-13, “Yours, O Lord, is the greatness, the power and the glory, the victory and the majesty; ‘you can't talk about these things and not talk about a kingdom’. The victory and the majesty, for all that is in heaven and in earth is Yours; Yours is the kingdom, O Lord, and You are exalted as head over all, including the devil. Both riches and honor come from You, and You reign over all; You reign over riches, wisdom, power, and might. In Your hand is power and might; in Your hand it is to make great and to give strength to all. Now, therefore, our God, we thank You, and praise Your glorious name.”


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