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The Principles for Effective Living:

Life is described as the state of being, which involves everything from breathing, to growing, to reproducing and to dying. Living is then said to be the way or style of life. If we can move on from there, then we could begin by understanding that life is about the state of being; while living is about the manner, pattern or style of being.

Two people can be elected Governors of two states in the country; and while they are both Governors by their “state of being”, they differ in their approaches and consequently, their experiences in governance. If we could believe that each man or woman that walks  around in our streets and cities has life; then, we must appreciate the truth that although everyone has life; men and women still differ in their living – the experiences, pains, gains, joy, peace and achievements differs from people to people.

This apparent dichotomy in the ways and manners of life of men and women across the world is the crux of this article. Everyone claims to have life in him or her; but the experiences are different from place to place and people to people. The question then is, “why such disparity in living?” The answer is not far-fetched: For everyman is ultimately the product of his or her predominant principles. Some people would even say arrogantly, “that is my own philosophy!” They truly believe that they have such pattern of thoughts; but what they fail to realize is that their philosophies ultimately govern the course of their lives.

Principles are rules, and as such, they rule everything and everyone that follows them. You could say, “my principle is to save 30% of my income”; but you must know that your life will actually become what your principle produces. We cannot run away from that reality. Some people by their principles do not give anything to anyone in need; but the truth is, what their lives will be, will not be determined by their prayers or wishful thinking – rather, by their principles. Hence, there is a need to discover and adopt best principles for your living.


The Principles

  1. Preserved Living

Some people believe that living is living – nothing more; but in reality, living is personal and distinct; and the durability and the legacy of every life is hinged on how it is lived. The first principle that rules for durability and legacy is preserved living. It simply suggests that we do not just live, but live preserved lives. The opposite of this manner of life is wasting or decaying living. Take for instance, you have gone to the market to buy meat for cooking; and when you got home, you decided to divide the meat into two, you put half inside the freezer, while the other half is left on the freezer. Imagine further that you forgot about them for two or three days; you would then discover that the entire kitchen is stinking because of your choices.

Although, the two halves were gotten at the same time and are both existing at the same period; but because of the difference in their manners of existence, one half is “being” preserved, while the other is “being” wasted. The reality is that, while all men and women are supposedly alive; quite a lot of people preserved, while others are decaying even in ignorance. The question may then be: “how can I possibly live a preserved life?” The answer is not also far-fetched.

“…Pilate therefore said to Him, “Are You a king then?” Jesus answered, “You say rightly that I am a king. For this cause I was born, and for this cause I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth…”

John 18:37

Truly, no man alive or dead suffered attacks and persecutions like Jesus; the people who could not reason along with Him attempted to kill Him several times, but failed – “for His time has not yet come”. However, the secret of His preservation over the period is clearly written for us to learn from – He lived a purposeful life – “for this cause I was born.” The truth is, every man or woman whose life pattern and pursuits is far away from the purpose of his or her birth is living a wasting life. Note, not just a wasted life; but a wasting, decaying, perishing and dying life; only waiting to be preyed on by the evil ones of this world.

I do not pray that You should take them out of the world, but that You should keep them from the evil one.”

John 17:15

The prayer of Jesus for everyone that believes in Him isn’t to just die and go to heaven; but to be preserved the earth from the evil one(s). And the best way to position yourself for the answer to that prayer is to locate and stay committed to the purpose of your birth –  do not just waste around your time, resources and body; rather, fulfill the cause of your birth.



2 . Instructed Living

Another important principle for effective living is instructed living. If I may ask, “what you have been doing for years, where you have relocated to, who you are courting now and the group you just joined among others, were you instructed?”

“…The words that I speak to you I do not speak on My own authority; but the Father who dwells in Me does the works.”

John 14:10

I can of Myself do nothing. As I hear, I judge; and My judgment is righteous, because I do not seek My own will but the will of the Father who sent Me.”

John 5:30

Judgment has to do with choice and decision; and if I may ask again; “how much do you hear before you make your own decisions?” The manner of your life can completely be overhauled with right words from God to you – sometimes while studying the Bible or other inspired books; and sometimes while listening to inspired men and women. Do more of listening and studying and your living will become more effective.

In conclusion, effectiveness is not about the speed of progress in life, nor is it about achievements, riches or connections. Rather, effectiveness is about doing the right thing at the right time in a right manner. Doing the will of God in the way (style) defined by God is the greatest secret of effective living.

Till next opportunity to connect with you; I say, be instructed, be preserved in life!


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